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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Have you tried getting closer and firing at the Guard Tower? It could just be the spray on the chaingun is too wide to actually hit the GT from that distance?
  2. So I've had this idea for a flying map for quite some time now and thought I'd use everything I've learned in the UDK so far to start a map from scratch and to go through the process of its creation properly, so here is near-final landscape layout of the map. CNC-Valkyrie A flying map with a deep chasm running from one base to the other, silos are located at the furthest reaches of each chasm which can be accessed via land or by air. There are ideal drop-off points for transport helicopters to ferry infantry to, as well as a few routes through the middle of the map but keep an eye on the chasms, for the majority of these chasms can only be traveled by air. Each base will have main base defenses as well as a few GTs and a few AT/SAMs. Map reduction for chasm might be required. This is a dusk/day map.
  3. I reduced all of the trees lightmass down from 64 to 32 and the background foliage which surround the map down to either 16 or 24. I just can't comprehend how this is the only map I've come across which causes a memory issue, even Ukill ran this map through a lighting build and the last message I received from him the lighting build for this map was using 24GB out of 32GB RAM... I wonder if those TS vehicles and the miniature scrin ship are causing some of these insane lighting build issues. @Ukill, what was the end result of your lighting build?
  4. I had to be gone by 6:30 cos gym but I left the CMG server open with just the latest Frostbite. I'm thinking of just having the CMG running in a Sunday only with the one selected map in future, I'll add Paradise on it for next week and Forest. (If Forest gets sorted.)
  5. -Added Lightmass Importance Volume -Fixed terrain around structures -Paths have been built -Moved blocking volume which was covering the Barracks and blocking the Barracks' spawn points -Lights have been built -Removed weird untextured geometry cubes. -Reduced total number of lights ¬-Rotated the direction of the DominantDirectionalLight a downwards so the terrain is visible (Still at an angle to coincide with the moon) Download Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AkQOo2N5i06RnLZnwQhtuPXLUZIK4w Still running into a Virtual memory issue (a guess based on the log) Okay @Ruud033, need you now. Is it just too many lights? (still over 250 pointlights) UnrealLightmass_BATTALION_49C956B54F56730FDDE91AA13550F22F.log
  6. ...Okay so I think I know the problem, you have more lights than any map I have ever seen (over 250 individual lights), I can see why I'm getting a "Low memory, cancel operation" message is appearing and why your lights won't build. Geezus. (12GB RAM is not enough) Edit: 309 point lights.
  7. #BoycottRenX #BoycottRenXDevelopers #BitchslapKenz'sAss
  8. "Lighting Results: Critical Error; No importance volume found - lighting build will take a long time." I think this may just be my SDK/SwarmAgent with issues, although I'm sure I was able to build lights on Frostbite using the latest SDK. UnrealLightmass_BATTALION_D09176E04C7DA634F43885B19274D796.log
  9. I may have been the death from above stank slaying the mammy on Lakeside, could be wrong. Awesome vid nonetheles. Kudos Lava.
  10. If you want someone to build the lights I don't mind?
  11. I wanted Kane to shoot my wife, the fact that he didn't was the biggest cop-out in gaming history. WHAT WAS BEYOND THE WHITENESS?!!?! I WANTED TO GO WITH KANE. FUCJKIGNAS WIFEEE
  12. And any other team mate setting off the Obelisk delays you even more or gets you killed.
  13. Add recoil Add bullet ricochet Make Mammy Hover Give Gunner Jetpack Sell Sakura Nudes ... Edit: Add a scripted "STAY IN BASE" restriction to Jeff and BiBi, whenever they leave their base before a player reaches Elite their sight gradually gets darker and darker and darker and darker and darker... AndThenYosh'sBestTrollFaceAppears Game saved.
  14. If I made an EVA I'd have to get an actor friend or deliver a male EVA as well, just sayin'. Voice acted recordings which also come under copyright laws. Sound effects are one thing (not sure if the original RenX dev's remastered the original sound effects and modified them or made new but similar ones) but to use pre-recorded sounds made by 'Eeel Aroma' and voice actors could stir a whole new hive of potential legal issues, especially if this tutorial level was incorporated into the RenX game as a "Tutorial" option in the menu. (i.e. endorsed) I wouldn't put it past Electromagnetic Anuses to pull this kind of issue out their ass. I should get cracking with writing up lines for each weapon...
  15. Pretty hard to reach that Hand of Nod on foot without a smoke grenade, just as hard to reach the GDI Barracks. Maps like Field I can see put the mapper at a disadvantage because if the base is too open (i.e. GDI Ref more accessible) then players complain, however if a base is too closed (i.e. GDI Ref less accessible) then players complain. There's often a way round a siege, especially if you're on Nod because you have SBH and Stanks, it's pretty easy to ambush GDI's hotties and engis whereas GDI can just bulldoze their way through a Nod siege. Players need to think outside the box more, I'm not saying Field is perfect and maybe it's a consequence of the 60/60 player limit, but there's always an out.
  16. I was thinking the voice for this tutorial would be a characterised voice-over (As if coming through a military radio) and there could just be scripted AI patrolling and guarding, as this would probably be much easier than animating mouths and creating new models specifically for the tutorial?
  17. We've got a decent wiki page I can get information from of which I can use for scripting purposes, I'll try out a few things and post some recordings.
  18. This should be the PUG themesong:
  19. The original issue before was the obvious and easy WF siege from Nod, I have seen Nod gain the upper-hand quite a few times and putting the GDI PP under constant siege, it would be nice to have the PPs covered more by rocks but 4 or more technicians can keep that powerplant up and running quite easily in a public game. A map can be changed loads but it will always come down to the teams themselves overcoming the enemy at their front door, I think players just underestimate the awesome tactic the secondary vehicle path enables. Nod have a much easier time getting inside the GDI WF/PP than GDI have at getting inside the Nod PP/HoN. Pros and cons, team dependency is a bitch sometimes.
  20. Remaking the map for a single-player tutorial shouldn't be too difficult as you wouldn't have to worry about balancing issues. the real challenge is the kismet. I'd love to do the voice work to make the tutorial more interesting than just having text-blips displayed on the screen. (Can deliver good quality sound for voices and it would be nice to practice the GDI General's voice for Renegade, or just do a few of my own military'type voices for this tutorial) Goodluck!
  21. Whatever you do don't say "Complex Flying" without the quotation marks, otherwise fffreak will get ideas.
  22. 10 of us could play a custom Vs game on Fractured Space, that'd be pretty shweeet. Fractured Space is a free game. One of the few multiplayer games I've played which doesn't suffer from latency issues. (At least for the past year)
  23. So really: http://store.steampowered.com/app/383790/ £14.99
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