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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Well then I guess I was that 1 MRLS
  2. I remember old Mesa well. from Old Ren & the orignal RenX Mesa. it always felt it was a mixed bag. It was nothing more than a mad rush to get arties and MRLS into the cave quickly and hope the splash damage would clear a path to then get a clear shot at the WF / Nod PP? (i don't remember layout). but yeah I do remember it being extra crazy for GDI because half the time MRLS were getting destroyed as they were being built because the arties had domination. And then of course everyone screamed watch out for the harvester cuz it would always get in the way... Like I said, mixed bag cuz it was stupid and chaotic but also fun some of the times =D
  3. @poi & @jpjtyld vs 10 super bots and the bots would be unstoppable after learning a few matches
  5. oh so the crew is officially inofficial now =D
  6. Amazing. How did you know it was him?
  7. well I didn't see anything on the forum saying anything about it ^^
  8. so credit to @limsup for finding this and pointing it out. I'm not sure how long this has been in the map, but its a great homage to Old Ren. its an audio clip near the Communication center. Maybe most already know about it? I had to listen to it like 10 times to understand it, but thats because it refers to some dude mocking @Aircraftkiller back in 2003 lol http://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65542
  9. @poi being the "123" character now makes total sense. who else get like a 53/9 K/D run on Volcano XD. So @Arch__nemesis , I'd say its simply a case of regulars using different names.
  10. I know alot of people were actually looking forward to this being completed. Some really creative things could come about because of a new structure like this !! 😁
  11. I think Poi hit the nail on the head actually. there needs to be less "oh this is a problem" and more of "let's come together and find a solution in real time". I see too many players get quickly de-motivated just because they aren't willing to come together to think of a new plan. For example. Many times in game, ill get picked off by someone like 5-6 times in quick succession. Do i get frustrated? I mean yeah, sometimes. But it also forces me to think of new strategies on the fly. This game would get incredibly dull if everyone was at BOT level player skill.
  12. Was just going to post about this haha. I was hoping they'd actually mention Ren X, but at least they showed it briefly!
  13. Good don't fix that last one =p
  14. just had to see what happens after 999 kills... 1000.
  15. far islands are great sniper spots =D
  16. When you get up really high on IslandsNF... you can have epic sniper battles @ThePirate
  17. So normally I run the game on Ultra... this was shocking... @ThePirate
  18. With tanks you can do anything... Go anywhere.. be anywhere... @Henk
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