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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. This has been on going for me for awhile, but just haven't really mentioned it. When loading any map, it doesn't show the loading splash screen displaying the map name (honestly it's been so long I forgot what they look like). All it shows is a frozen image as if the camera is under the map for a few moments until I'm loaded in match. I've tried completely uninstalling the game and reinstalling but still same problem. Best I can remember it started when I tried downloading a version of training yard and had to overwrite an .ini or something because it showed the loading screen for a different map. Like I said, it's been awhile. A minor issue but puzzling.
  2. I've been having this same problem occasionally since 5.3
  3. at 2160p, commander mode options overlap into the radio commands above it. Only tested on Outposts, but occasionally while in radio commands, hitboxes disappeared completely. (maybe different than known bug?) I have a different key other than "E" mapped for enter/interact, but radio commands still show "E". Easter egg on Outposts is really loud. *technically not a bug*
  4. But now the map vote will simply be flooded with OLD field
  5. 'i think that used to be far less of a topic of concern when the player population was higher
  6. Although I mostly prefer marathon. Yes back in the day, there were some clutch matches where we had no idea who won until the end game screen came up because the points were so close and it was down to whoever got the last shot on a building or something.
  7. @kbls I think your statements are a great example as to why the the tutorial level should be made a priority. I've been seeing more new people on the servers lately and they unfortunately just have no concept how to play and in the match it's hard to take the time to teach people what an MCT is, that one can over take both vechicles, that most weapons have alternate fire etc. Hell even if it was something text based that came up as a prompt when you loaded the game "is this your first time playing?", Then it goes over the basics. To be fair I think even the original renegade did a poor job of explaining itself. I'd be happy to write up a draft if any devs think a text based tutorial with photos could be a good quick fix vs a tutorial level.
  8. Rain down free golf carts for all!!
  9. I've always liked this idea. it comes closer to the idea of "base building". I would say there would have to be some sort of limitation on it. like others have said. Once per match, or less HP or perhaps whatever building is brought back, it has limited capabilities. e.g. War Fac/Barr / Air Strip/HON have 1 or two extra vehicles/characters available (more than buggy/ APC), Power plant goes offline intermittently. No Harvester with Refinery. AGT/OB can just stay dead ;p
  10. One would hope, it would create an anti-gravity effect and the tank would go flying 9,000 feet up into the sky. Not unlike in Coastal_Small, when you put a mammoth tank in the place where the hovercraft respawns. =D
  11. What if once you are elite, no team VP gain from harvy kill?? (but still get main or assist kill VP)
  12. well i guess that answers that question...
  13. Somewhat real question: Can harvester gain VP when it runs people over? ala turrets gain VP when they kill someone. I just want a heroic harvester.
  14. Servers should go back to forced map rotation, so we actually get to experience more than 3-5 maps in a session. I know people have put alot of work into the maps and its a shame when the majority of people don't experience it because a few regulars only like 2 maps.
  15. Awesome work @ShrewdTactician 🤗
  16. Fantastic !! My question is, are the plans to fix the *tiny* UI elements when running at 2160p ?? It's not a game breaker of course, but it's a good thing I already have all the keyboard commands memorized cuz I sure as heck can't read them 😂
  17. NA midwest here. =D But yes most are in the EU.
  18. I have always hated that "I'm in position!" is tied to ctrl + 9. THAT'S NOT EASY TO PRESS WHEN YOU NEED TO LET THE TEAM KNOW "I got this guys, stop freaking out". Cuz in the course of trying to say "I'm in position", and ward off the enemy & disarm some c4... you might no longer be "in position" ...
  19. Some good additions: "I need a ride!" or "I need a pickup!" (with location tag) "Need evac!" (with location tag) "Spread out!" or "Scatter!" "Behind you!" The only ones I use seriously are "I need repairs" "Move out", "Fall Back" "Take Cover" "Return to Base" all others are covered by Q Spotting.
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