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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. fair enough!! simple limits on team swapping might be the best option
  2. I don't remember which game did /does active shuffling (an EA title I'm sure), based on player count, team score, personal score etc. during an active match of whatever game it was, I remember players being auto-swapped to even out teams actively throughout the match. It did get a bit disorienting at times, but to the health of the game and the match, it always kept things as even as possible. point is, dynamic auto swapping isn't an untested idea and could work. although I'm sure many here would be against something like this.
  3. For the record, I don't think you'd feel very chill after breathing Tiberium.
  4. One suggestion I liked, was to give buildings a defense buff. What if the defense buff was changed completely? To no longer affect units, but only work on a chosen building for the same duration as it does now? To me personally, I like the commander mod options, but I feel the defensive buff is one of the more useless options. Maybe I haven't seen it utilized well enough, but it doesn't feel nearly as useful as the offensive buff, apart from it being cheaper.
  5. yeah now that I thought about it more, it probably wouldn't make a difference if everyone always saw all ranks all the time. since they are already shown next to a players name when you see them.
  6. Maybe it should only show your team's rank? Either way, this looks awesome!! =D
  7. I guess the question is, what's easier. Building a new map built around a very small play count? Or to impliment a smaller play space on existing maps
  8. ala Battlefield maps? they increase /decrease the map boundaries depending on player count. Yes that's been discussed. I think it was just a matter of logistically it maybe wasn't that easy to implement?
  9. My coding knowledge is nill, and to be honest I'm pretty busy with other things in life these days, but since we're in the same time zone @Sarah!, if you ever need help testing something in game I have greater availability between 9pm - midnight.
  10. Yes I agree with @Ryz . I think a different key should be used to navigate through the commander menu. There have been times where I'm scrambling to get a certain commander option set, then I hit the key too many times and next thing you know I'm standing outside my vehicle. Also, a MAP view (top-down) approach for deploying EMP, smoke, cruise missile etc. would be amazing. many times I've tried to get an EMP right on an enemy and then all of a sudden I'm moving and a rock is in my field of view and the EMP is like 50 m off.
  11. Was doing fabulous on this match until my artillery wanted to become a bat. (i wasn't falling here, I was hanging)
  12. That air titan would be a scary sight to see if I was the enemy ...
  13. Nice! At first I read "Terminate Base Power" As "Terminate base, power". as in a super ultra power that allows you to one hit kill buildings from the outside ... whoa.
  14. I remember you mentioning this in game earlier lol! I'm glad you caught it. 1. because that's amazing. 2. I was being killed in that moment of the 2nd screen cap haha
  15. AGN was wacky! But alot of fun!! All the extras were great, like all the TS tanks and the pink ion gun lol =D
  16. I appreciate it. It's no problem. I can wait until the next version is released!
  17. @Fffreak9999 can you lock this topic? it's gotten a bit out of hand and I think the issue has been made aware.
  18. was trying to get the tank on the test server last night around 930pm -6 CST, but i kept getting "Eva: Denied". I downloaded the file from the post, put it in the right directory, enabled sandboxspawn, used teslatank.ra2_vh_teslatank finally wanted to drive a Tesla, but no ;p
  19. With the castle assets... someone could create a castle siege type map =D
  20. Ver 2.9, now with less birds.
  21. I think it should be reskinned and a giant label should be added stating it can hold 3 people... just kidding =p
  22. Any video showing this off... I think it requires "Hell March" as the audio =D
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