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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. Wait really? I've practiced it myself in matches. After the mine vote ban, you simply put up another mine ban vote (it says the person is mine banned again, but they are actually unbanned) EDIT: just doulbed checked. Voting the same person to be mine banned again gives the text "Your mine ban was lifted".
  2. Mine banning and unbanning right after works well too.
  3. It's quite wonderful most days. If you like massive thunderstorms most days.
  4. I live on the boarder of a red / yellow zone D'=
  5. Yes We've tried to hide it from the public... but not much is left sadly.
  6. No so secretly, i want all the points, all the Kills, all the stats. I wanna be MVP for both teams.
  7. Exactly. I care very little about K/D. I think my KD is something like +1.5. But my ranking on CT/globally is high, because I play the game as intended. I'll be organizing a rush and leading it (being first to die many times lol), or out healing tanks or even charging a vehicle into an enemy rush, knowing I will die, but at least disrupting the incoming attack. =D But I do understand the value of a high KD player. I think basically all roles on the team necessary, just some more obvious than others (a sniper getting 100+ kills is more obvious then some dude healing a building the entire game)
  8. Total team kill/deaths is an interesting idea!
  9. Can someone make a video of this bug with Final Countdown please.
  10. Algol just go hide in a tank. ...That's what I do.
  11. Yeah Ryz, I was there. JPJ wasn't happy about the auto switch either LOL! I'm pretty sure it was someone just messing with you and a few others. That restart was a bit ridiculous too... I was amazed, it needed like 24 votes to pass and it got it.
  12. This is where I think a Lobby of some sort (either in game or launcher) would be extremely helpful.
  13. Exactly. I see new players barely knowing what to do. Sometimes not even knowing that the MCT will heal the building faster. Mining is another issue of course. But anyways that's getting off topic. I think voice has the potential to increase team play, but unless it's basically forced, usage probably wouldn't be much higher than it is currently.
  14. Yeah Henk is right. I don't know the details of Facebook algorithms either, but I do know photos increase literally and figuratively how many people see the post. I don't get why that is, but that's how it is.
  15. Yes it is, it was played yesterday.
  16. So squads basically. I think those are a great idea. I'll be honest I haven't played a lot of shooters, but back when I played Battlefield 2, I did like the idea of being a part of a squad. Helped make each player feel they could be useful.
  17. Didn't read every single reply here, but I'm liking the map so far! Personally, I feel there are already too many maps that allow for a quick rush through an Inf path directly into a building (Islands being an original example, then Mesa II, Reservoir (new) Field). I'm all for a more direct path that leads to a base, but maybe have it lead to somewhere that isn't near a building? Also, I like the idea with the giant lake that seems to serve no purpose. Adds atmosphere. What about adding Hover MRLS on the far side of the lake as a reward for traveling over there?
  18. && Don't forget Bios, if he's not viciously defending the base, he's most likely blowing up the other team's buildings.
  19. What if you make it more dynamic? For example. by default. Rocket soldiers don't have EMP, but if Barracks / HON is lost, then rocket soldiers are given EMP.
  20. I mean of course, if we had more coordination from the US playerbase, we could actually make sure to populate the servers at other times. sometimes I join and leave right away because there is only 1 other person on D=
  21. Yeah if you're in the US (like me), servers are usually dead by nighttime. Matches are full enough during mid day/ evening though. Moreso on the weekends too.
  22. How did that sneaky bot get in there ... ???
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