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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. I think you are looking for UDKGame in the config folder, I think that has the key bindings in there somewhere.
  2. This is a known issue, unfortunately there is no fix to it, except turn off AA at the moment.
  3. Horologe v2 is now updated on the Test Server, along with it being added to the Auto-downloader
  4. Hmm, try verifying the install for Renegade X, if it doesn't work, check see if you haven't blocked it somehow in your Windows Firewall, or Antivirus program
  5. Which server and map are you trying to join?
  6. The latest version is 5.271 not 5.27-dev (Yesterday's patch)
  7. Try changing compatibility settings to xp.
  8. (IP: · · That is not what is being said. Timed C4 on the external part of the building, and walking to the door to open it and fire at the MCT is what they are stating. It does not require entry into the building.
  9. So I am assuming this fix went in today? I hope it did, it is a pain to keep having to restart the servers when they crash.
  10. The lights are removable at individual map level, but the Devs would need to consider removing the lights from the airstrip prefab in the SDK for anyone to really consider changing the maps in the future.
  11. The in-game launcher will not be able to download a file of that size. Try ensuring that the External game launcher has permission to go through your Firewall, including Windows Firewall. And then double check. otherwise download the map individually through the download page (click downloads at the top of this screen)
  12. The Nod APC isn't the only vehicle capable of doing this action, it just happens to be the sturdiest of the vehicles which can do it. In this case, the logical action would be to say no, however if they were to gain collision, vehicles would end up clipping the lamps on the strip and may be prevented from leaving it, due to the layout of the lamps, and as for landscape based ones, that is up to the map creator to fix, rather than the game being fixed. This is used on certain vehicles already such as the Medium Tank and Mammoth Tank(?), I remember Agent mentioning something about this before.
  13. You are assuming that those people will be available, in my case, I only take part once per 2 weeks, Bong is not playing RenX atm, and is not turning up for PUGs, Yosh is unable to attend every PUG and Agent rarely turns up as well. So in that list, There is only 1 regular attendee (who isn't there all the while), For your Team Captain list. Quinc3y - Regular player, capable commander Ryz - Regular player, not a calm commander, Jeff - Regular Player, Capable Commander, can administrate the server fully Yosh - Irregular Player, Capable commander, Unable to administrate the server (at server box level) Bong - Extremely Irregular Player - Don't count on him playing Yagi - Regular Player, Untested Commander (Never seen you be one) Myself - Semi-Regular, Can command (prefer not to), can administrate the server fully. So from that list, on weeks when I am around, you would have aprox 3-4 reasonable commanders, however if none of the admins are available, then that makes operating the server awkward, you would not be able to get the password to the server. I try to make myself available to give the password in advance, but sometimes that may not be possible.
  14. It only allows the Flame Tank to do so at extreme close range (Directly next to it).
  15. @YagiHige the game allows players to shoot through the wall, and there is not much a moderator can do at that state, since what are you going to do. Kill that player? Your actions at that point could make or break a rush's chance of success, since the player is attacking, and the fact is you (if you are on the GDI) you would be accused of abuse of moderation powers
  16. Unfortunately such actions are much more complicated than that, since an influx of players to a server will cause massive disruption to the server they are joining, and then require people to be manually moved to the correct team, this can result in more trouble than it is worth. While we have the necessary tools to create another server, you also have to take into account that you would rarely get more than 40 players total for a PUG so having an admin organise the gameplay on another server is going to be awkward. Choosing a team captain is also an issue in the fact very few people are "suited" to the role, not in terms of the ability to organise, but in terms of being able to lead. We struggle to fill a true "Leader" position even on one server as people are looking for people who are charismatic, loud and able to command the team to victory. Without this person in place, you are effectively hosting a public game (with a tiny bit more teamwork) and the fact there are very few people with microphones who fill this position in the first place.
  17. @Gliven that command will not work on CT servers due to the Admin version of that command running on every match, recording full demo files of every match. But in return we only need to know the match and time, and what server to look at.
  18. I highly doubt that anyone was aimbotting they would attract a much higher attention of moderators, and depending on the player who it was there is probably a much likelier possibility of them just playing that class a lot and they are good players. But if you have suspicions of someone why not Modrequest?
  19. At the time in question, there was in-deed no need to be forced to GDI. If you encounter actions you believe unfair, then a ModRequest at the time of the issue will normally solve the issue, or at least set a point of reference for me to check. The act of rage quitting is a concern since if you mention anything which can be seen negatively will also shine a negative attitude on the server, since players will assume that a Moderator took the action to remove you, normally wait a minute or so and then leave, or state that you are taking the action to leave of your own will. Even though we the moderators know what happens, the regular players do not, and while the players may still return, their opinion of the server could be damaged because of hastily chosen actions. Also a friendly message to all saying "I'm out" or anything like that will also help players have a more positive attitude towards you.
  20. After viewing the demo file and the IRC logs of the time in question, Teams were actively balanced at the time of the change, and that no Team swapping was warranted. However you also need to be aware that just because you may not always get to be on Nod, and you should not just leave a match or complain/team stack when you cannot get your way, since other players are affected by your actions (in the past this has been an issue), you will be subject to Team swapping where stacking occurs. However in the case presented before me, both you and Yosh had both been in since the pre-game and both of you swapped team, You moved from GDI to Nod and Yosh moved from Nod to GDI straight after each other, more people joined after you, which in turn balanced the team automatically.
  21. I am sure there used to be a visual counter displayed in a prominent position when you had proxy mines equipped. I don't know why it vanished
  22. You will be forced to play whatever team the balancing requires, if you intentionally stack a team, you are subject to that server's moderation policy about Team stacking. If you are on a team by default there is no reason for him to single you out as a player and force you to play a particular faction. Yosh is capable of doing that as a Server Administrator of Constructive Tyranny and a Developer of Renegade X. All he did was enforce the policy. I see no reason why Yosh would take action otherwise. If you need me to review the actions he took, let me know the match (time and date) and I will review our logs.
  23. You can definately achieve the same effect on the GDI side, although not quite as easily. And as for beacons being blended into textures, in the case of HON, how are you to know who to disarm since if a mine is untargetable, you don't know who planted it, and also do you want to risk disarming ALL a potential player's C4 when a player could quite easily end up invading in that short time. The only way to prevent this is to update the HON's collision for these locations. However for other locations, so long as they are disarmable, there is no problem, even if they are annoying, if they prove game breaking, pass the info onto the Devs or the Map creator, since they are the only ones who are allowed to change it. The key fact is as follows: Server moderation will only happen when things are completely unable to be dealt with by normal players. You may argue that the HON issue falls under that, however the mines can be dealt with, albeit awkwardly, using an EMP grenade.
  24. As I posted on the other thread as well, all the ZIP files that are used should be following the correct hierarchy and as such this bat file should not be needed, as the folders should literally be drag and drop.
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