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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. start UDK.exe server CNC-Field?AdminPassword=<REMOVED>?maxplayers=40?mutator=Rx_Mutator_MaxPlayers.Rx_Mutator_MaxPlayers (Bare in mind that the "Max Players" number does not make any difference in the event of using the mutator, it does not drop the limit down to the specified number, since the mutator has a coded amount to set it to.)
  2. Max Player Mutator This will increase the maximum player limit of your server. You can also use this one This will give you more players than the other mutator
  3. Yeah, we use a mutator to alter the player limit on the server. We are not the only server to use this and nor are we withholding it either, If you want a copy of it, let me know.
  4. That behaviour is allowed by the Harvester Pathing.
  5. This appears to be saying, that the game is crashing on launch, and showing the "Built with UDK" is no longer responding, and he wants assistance with trying to help him play. What is your prefered language @Petrovisch?
  6. @DarkSn4ke I can add the map to the server, but I would wait till next week before release, to allow time for people to know to download it.
  7. Sounds fun, ill play once I have time
  8. @DarkMindRick Please make a new post regarding this, rather than using a 2 year old+ thread. Especially since it doesn't match the original purpose of the thread.
  9. @Kaiser739 Design choice, the refinery top isn't a weak point considering the rest of the buildings. It only really allows for Nukes/Ions to be placced there, and actually provides some tactical view when used by defenders
  10. @IllumZar / @DarkSn4ke It is true that LakesideNF is unofficial, it isn't just that easy to get people to download the map, although most people now do have this map, since the launcher has improved. LakesideNF Download link Link provided for direct download of LakesideNF as a reference point. As for the Heli-pad, while yes it would be possible, it would defeat the objective of a non-flying version. Many feel that flying on Lakeside is just annoying, and even if I did add the heli-pad, people would need to go through the process of re-downloading.
  11. That may be true, however it is not up to the Devs to interfere in Local Server policies.
  12. Sounds fun, I don't know if we can restrict it to Commander only, plus would be pretty broken... But definitely fun
  13. Could do something similar
  14. Go to Scene in the Content Brower / Actor Classes menu area, and select the Exponential Height Fog and double click on it, it will highlight the fog and allow movement, you can even delete it if you need to hide it.
  15. I have some new things in addition to the Christmas stuff, so look forward to it
  16. Unfortunately, if you have been banned at a local server level, you will need to raise this with the server owner, as the RenX Devs are unable to do anything about this. I checked the list of users in the forum and can't see a person known as Athanato. You will need to find the server owner/moderator who banned you, although it is the first time I have heard of the server, in the mean while, join another server and don't worry too much about it.
  17. ... could be done.... BUUUUUUT far too much hassle
  18. Statistics for Renegade X (on IndieDB) Rank 129 of 39,142 Visits 628,762 (40 today) Last Update 4 months ago Watchers 2,369 members Mods 2 Files 10 Articles 37 Reviews 110
  19. Sounds like a good idea but gonna be hard to do.
  20. Some of these will be impossible to impliment, however some of them we are capable of doing
  21. I will see if there are any old files lying around, but I think most of our old files are gone, although I may have some luck with the old Field (in some form or another) depending on the state of our folders.
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