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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Updated with new map packs. One is for all the maps currently in use frequently enough to warrant downloading. The other is for all the maps we currently have on our Test Server
  2. The next time he does this just do a mod request and I can trace it back to the time in IRC and if he is doing it without merit, I will take action against him.
  3. My concern wasn't based on Weekend amounts, since Weekends we often have about 75-80 people online. However the concern is with the Weekday totals since if the resticted player count server fills first and people wanting to play a game without waiting for a server to build, I feel we would fragment the community more by doing this. There is a scope for this style of gameplay, but realistically I feel there isn't much of a community base at this time (on Weekdays) at least. Weekends are ideal for the smaller games, since it allows a bit more of the continuation of the PUG style of game-play, and gives people a window into how they work, without the strict necessity of having Teamspeak, but in the Weekday, I feel this is more detrimental, now I may end up being incorrect, but this is how I see the situation at the moment.
  4. At this time @Madkill40, I feel this will be more detrimental, since it fragments the community much quicker, and if people see that server filled, many would keep trying to join that one rather than a new server, therefore reducing the number of active players. This may change if the community picks up some, and we have enough to regularly fill 2 servers on weekdays, then this would be more relevant, but definately at this time I would say this is pre-mature.
  5. Currently there is no way to prevent PMs from players, and no way to ignore public chat. Players are capable of being muted so they cannot use Public chat channels, but PMs still work at that point I believe, and muting can only be done by a server moderator or higher.
  6. The link has been added to the first post, Thanks for that @Xtractor
  7. Server Admins do have the ability within IRC to ban an individual user from starting votes. It won't prevent participation within votes, just the ability to start them. Although it's an extreme action, and realistically I feel that giving the ability to normal users to prevent surrender and change map voting from an individual is going overboard. Increasing the cool down would be a definite better option, and if someone is spamming it constantly on cool down you have the option to call a moderator depending on who is being an issue.
  8. I should be around on Saturday, possible for Sunday.
  9. Yeah thats true! But if we raise the turrets damage/splashdamage and lower the GT damage we might find a balace between those two. In the SDK there is also a Nod Guard Tower, you can always use that instead of a turret
  10. Delete the swarm agent config settings, you have @Ruud033 to blame for it
  11. Fffreak9999


    You can use the overview map (in game and take a screenshot or in the SDK)
  12. I can create a non-flying version of walls and lakeside and we can test it out in a PUG if you want.
  13. As I recall Fort vehicles are different compared to TS vehicle crate ones. They at least have a different name via IRC nBab_Vech_Titan or something like that.
  14. Fffreak9999


    Which maps are you finding unfair? Many are at least balanced when you factor in the advantages of each team, although almost impossible to negate one team's slight lead. For example: CNC-Walls_Flying While Nod have the advantage in terms of stealth (which is a powerful factor in this map), GDI have vehicle superiority and if GDI play remotely well, Nod struggle to break the seige even if they take down a building or two. That doesn't mean it is impossible to win as Nod, even when there is a good GDI team, it just makes it harder. German via Google Translate: Welche Karten finden Sie unfair? Viele sind zumindest ausgeglichen, wenn Sie in den Vorteilen der einzelnen Teams Faktor, obwohl fast unmöglich, eine Mannschaft leichte Führung zu negieren. Zum Beispiel: CNC-Walls_Flying Während Nod haben den Vorteil in Bezug auf Stealth (was ein mächtiger Faktor in dieser Karte ist), GDI haben Fahrzeug Überlegenheit und wenn GDI Remote-Fernbedienung, Nod kämpfen, um die Seige zu brechen, auch wenn sie nehmen ein Gebäude oder zwei. Das bedeutet nicht, dass es unmöglich ist, als Nod zu gewinnen, auch wenn es ein gutes GDI-Team gibt, es macht es härter.
  15. The ability to purchase flying vehicles is a toggle within the map in the SDK. Unfortunately to create a non-flying version also means others have to download the map again, but with this toggle set to off. Since people seem to struggle with downloading maps at the moment, I would hold back on it. As to stairs etc, they are perfectly able to be in a non-flying map, as the stairs are an optional addition to the building (seperate to the building in the SDK)
  16. I don't believe the rate of fire can be altered, at least I don't believe I have seen a value associated with it in the SDK
  17. The launcher in question is the one you use when patching the game, if you select the server and click "Join Server" it should pop up a small window which starts the map download.
  18. The AGT/Obelisk have a range that is fixed per map, I don't believe the value can change mid-game, although the best person to ask is @yosh56.
  19. Try unblocking EDCsharp (I think that's the file name) from the binaries folder
  20. @DarkSn4ke This should be in it's own thread, rather than this thread.
  21. This feature is one that has been requested tons of times, you should use the search feature of the forum to see if there is any topic similar to what you are posting about.
  22. This is a known bug, honestly you are better off using the patching launcher to connect to servers anyway, since any maps that the server hosts that are not from the patches, should be downloaded automatically when you use that patching launcher.
  23. It only goes part of the way? I haven't seen that behaviour before, you probably will need someone else to help with that. iTweeks files are full builds pre-zipped up and can be downloaded and dropped into your directory bypassing the launcher updates. This may be an option for you, but I would be concerned that your install is automatically failing.
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