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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. Bare in mind Flying units are going to be more hard pressed in the new (upcoming) patch with a buff to AA defences, so please wait till after this hits before you start suggesting new map additions (for AA)
  2. Thread Closed by request of Dr.Schrott
  3. It will be forced on active rotation for Marathon from next friday onwards
  4. Latest Version has been put onto the Test Server PS: Looks brilliant
  5. FYI - Can't put this onto servers just yet (since the auto-downloader will affect live players)
  6. Some people do seem to struggle with downloading and applying updates and downloading maps. However the Installer MSI does appear to have issues at the moment. So this may be the issue.
  7. Merging thread, as this appears to be related.
  8. Update: @IllumZar, @ThommyK0104 + @Henk CNC-Dust added to Testing Server Rotation CNC-Walls_Snowing Updated CNC-Tunnels Updated CNC-CityRedux INI is Bugged, causes servers not to load. (No Time to fix this ATM, but will deal with it later) CNC-TrainingYard is updated to latest version.
  9. Hmm, I haven't had any issues running it at 30Hz in 4K, although I prefer 1080p for maxing out settings, I can't say I have tried 1440, but I don't know what could be causing it.
  10. I haven't updated the version on CT's servers so I don't know
  11. Just as a further update to Snake's post. Here are the minimum and recommended specs for Renegade X.
  12. 1) What are these things: LCS, ECS, OW, 4-pool stand : They are acronyms of the tournaments that are hosted for a particular game. LCS = Legends Championship Series (League of Legends) Wikipedia Info ECS = E-Sports Championship Series (Counter-strike) Mainly they are for high skill players (commonly streamers and other professional teams) who dedicate to a particular game and compete for cash prizes. 2)Is there something about eSports that connects these games? League of Legends, Counter Strike GO, DOTA 2, Starcraft 2, Call of Duty, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone and World of Tanks. They all have large communities who play these games, and the developers of the games often either endorse Competitive play, or even host the tournaments with the players often being invited from around the world to play. They often involve 2 teams squaring off in PVP combat (notable exception is Hearthstone which is a PVP card game). Many of Blizzard's games are PVP based in nature or allow for a competitive scene. League of Legends, Smite, Counter-strike, DOTA 2 are all popular games, and have pretty high skill requirements to become "pro" and as such the best players are often very well known within the respective gaming communities, and people love to watch them play. Hope this gives a very brief overview to the subject, and is by no means exhaustive but should give you an idea now.
  13. @Chrisjh0223 Yes, that is the patching launcher, when you attempt to join a server which hosts a map you currently have not downloaded, or does not match the existing file (on your storage), it will attempt to locate the file in the Map Hosting Server, if you use this launcher. As for Walls_Snowing it was intended to be a Christmas-y theme'd map for everyone to play on for a bit of fun during the month of December. These map packs replace the need to download the maps through the patching launcher, as they contained (Accurate at the time of posting) the latest version of the maps that were available, on the Map Hosting Server. The frequently used maps option does include the CNC-Walls_Snowing.
  14. The F5 donate works on partial names, negating 99% of the issue when it comes to special characters
  15. I have already produced a non-flying version of the map, it is not available to others yet. I want to wait until we have a full working downloader for the custom maps sorted before introducing it, although I may see about trying it out on a PUG one day.
  16. I will check this in a minute on my other PC to confirm if anything is bugged. @Xtractor I just checked, it unzipped fully and without error using Winzip on both my laptop and desktop
  17. Both maps will still exist, but Glasses will be the main map (in terms of being in Rotation) and Eyes will be available if necessary.
  18. Updated with new map packs. One is for all the maps currently in use frequently enough to warrant downloading. The other is for all the maps we currently have on our Test Server
  19. The next time he does this just do a mod request and I can trace it back to the time in IRC and if he is doing it without merit, I will take action against him.
  20. My concern wasn't based on Weekend amounts, since Weekends we often have about 75-80 people online. However the concern is with the Weekday totals since if the resticted player count server fills first and people wanting to play a game without waiting for a server to build, I feel we would fragment the community more by doing this. There is a scope for this style of gameplay, but realistically I feel there isn't much of a community base at this time (on Weekdays) at least. Weekends are ideal for the smaller games, since it allows a bit more of the continuation of the PUG style of game-play, and gives people a window into how they work, without the strict necessity of having Teamspeak, but in the Weekday, I feel this is more detrimental, now I may end up being incorrect, but this is how I see the situation at the moment.
  21. At this time @Madkill40, I feel this will be more detrimental, since it fragments the community much quicker, and if people see that server filled, many would keep trying to join that one rather than a new server, therefore reducing the number of active players. This may change if the community picks up some, and we have enough to regularly fill 2 servers on weekdays, then this would be more relevant, but definately at this time I would say this is pre-mature.
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