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Everything posted by Fffreak9999

  1. I am sure there used to be a visual counter displayed in a prominent position when you had proxy mines equipped. I don't know why it vanished
  2. You will be forced to play whatever team the balancing requires, if you intentionally stack a team, you are subject to that server's moderation policy about Team stacking. If you are on a team by default there is no reason for him to single you out as a player and force you to play a particular faction. Yosh is capable of doing that as a Server Administrator of Constructive Tyranny and a Developer of Renegade X. All he did was enforce the policy. I see no reason why Yosh would take action otherwise. If you need me to review the actions he took, let me know the match (time and date) and I will review our logs.
  3. You can definately achieve the same effect on the GDI side, although not quite as easily. And as for beacons being blended into textures, in the case of HON, how are you to know who to disarm since if a mine is untargetable, you don't know who planted it, and also do you want to risk disarming ALL a potential player's C4 when a player could quite easily end up invading in that short time. The only way to prevent this is to update the HON's collision for these locations. However for other locations, so long as they are disarmable, there is no problem, even if they are annoying, if they prove game breaking, pass the info onto the Devs or the Map creator, since they are the only ones who are allowed to change it. The key fact is as follows: Server moderation will only happen when things are completely unable to be dealt with by normal players. You may argue that the HON issue falls under that, however the mines can be dealt with, albeit awkwardly, using an EMP grenade.
  4. As I posted on the other thread as well, all the ZIP files that are used should be following the correct hierarchy and as such this bat file should not be needed, as the folders should literally be drag and drop.
  5. The server also has to go through the process the first time it loads a custom map. Meaning if it is the first time that particular server has ran the custom map, then it needs to build shaders and other related things to play the map, which can also lead to a longer loading time. But this is still a one time event, and not the server "Crashing".
  6. Hi, the Zip files we produce for the RenX communities already have the folder hierarchy in place, this means it's just a drag and drop to your renx install. This should not be necessary for anyone to use.
  7. Hi All In terms of what I would say require moderation (at least on CT). - Flaming humvee/buggy (Not an issue - It requires active participation by 1+ people, and consumes a vehicle in the process, so doesn't outbalance the gain or maybe destroying a Guard Tower/Turret) - Flame tanks firing through the back of barracks (And to a lesser extent C4 hitting through walls) - While this is annoying, there is not much that can be done about this at a Server level, even moderating this is infeasible since the buildings allow this to occur (not just the barracks), this would need to be changed at Overall Game level to really have an effect. - invisible remotes on a stank - This can't be moderated, as the game is what causes this, not the players. - Hiding beacons inside the lights at the end of airstrip - No need to moderate since it can be detected and countered, it is annoying but perfectly disarmable. - Driving some vehicles (like Nod APC) backwards down the hill for highly increased speed - It would need to changed at game level to not be used, and as such will not be moderated - Invisible (thus not disarmable) mines at HoN MCT on some maps - Not going to be moderated, since the mines are placed in a legitimate area, the fact - Partly invisible (disarmable) mines at HoN MCT on some maps - Again not going to be moderated - Climbing building stairs on the outter side of the railing - Not going to be moderated, there are preventative mining precautions that will stop this if players feel like this tactic will be used (using no more mines than is normally permitted) - Placing beacons that partly blend into the walls of GDI PP (still disarmable) - Where the beacon is truely disarmable, it will not be actioned, but if it lands at a undisarmable location, and moderators should disarm it. - Same as above when you blend beacons inside no-collision rocks where you can only see bits of them - there's a spot like this on Snow next to WF front door - No collision rocks should be reported to the Map Creator, and then collision can be added. Until that time, the beacon if undisarmable will be disarmed by moderators. - Disarming beacons through the wall of a building (can be easily done in WF) - Again, very little can be done to stop this outside of building changes made to the main game. - Walls: entering Nod base with tanks by jumping the wall on the airstrip side - GDI also faces the same issue with NOD units doing the same. - Whiteout: infiltrating Nod base by walking out of the map (https://youtu.be/7AtBrmhozjw?t=826). I think there's a similar path to GDI ref as well. - Nod can do this to GDI but much easier, SBH can make the journey undetected completely. The map would need to be made to restrict this action, otherwise players are able to use it until then without punishment, as the map designer hasn't intentionally restricted it (and it doesn't break the gameplay greatly) - Gobi: b2b sniping (B2B should not be accepted and should be reported to moderators, I will put an announcement in the bot to remind people of this, but the map creator needs to change the map slightly to prevent this action as much as possible) - Under: jumping on top of Nod PP - This can be prevented by blocking volume over the PP on non-flying maps. Anyone found abusing this will be dealt with my moderators. - Complex: hitting HoN from just in front of the GDI base (central part) with gunners/rocket soldiers/MRLS - Depends on exact position, but if you have any examples, we can look at if it counts as b2b (and could do with map changes) or if legal.
  8. I am having the same issue.
  9. I'll check the archive at the next chance I get, but there is a lot of new stuff added since the last one
  10. The current problem with team mode 3 is that it tends to stack teams to 21v19 or for example 6v4 at no fault of the joining player. this over balancing is an issue and leads to calls of team stacking.
  11. "A player acquires 50+ [Player] kills from mines alone in one game" That would be VERY few people if anyone , since once mining has actually begun, people are far more weary of trying to disarm them in advance, and the fact 50 would be too high, I rarely get 10 kills in a marathon match from all sources as a base defender. This would likely cause scenarios of boosting mine kills which is not ideal either. And having a Whitelist populated by an admin/moderator as well would not work since you would A. Need an active Admin/Mod and B. Still doesn't prevent overmining which is the majority problem in the first place. Agent's solution is much better, but still not perfect. This would be good, but it would require someone to actually work on implementing a working true addition to the base game Commander mod, since currently only CT runs the Commander Mod. As to a solution to prevent flooding of mines in the late game, possibly implement an increasing cost purchasable, which increases in cost as the game goes on, starting at say 50 credits for 1 in the first 2-4 mins, and maybe 300 at 20 mins or later (This is only an example, and would definitely need balancing if this was to become a thing)
  12. There is to be a newer version released soon.
  13. Currently teams are based on their entry into the level, so it is "random" based on the quality of their connection to the server, and as for your "slow loaders" part CT already has a 10 second increase in the delay of Game start, which helped quite a bit for a fair few players start at the actual match start not 10 seconds late. At this moment, spectators take a slot on the server which would mean losing a player for a spectator. Also having everyone join a server as a spectator when full would probably increase the demands on a server once full, you could in theory have 100 potential players queued up to play on a server, That's a lot of data that needs to be sent to people. p.s this is just hastily written, don't have much time ATM will update later
  14. It is used with the binoculars, but many don't know how to use, try using the "Take" part of the binoculars with an objective point like a silo.
  15. They only need the map pack, not Woods and V2, they are on google drive because they are cloud based backups for my work I will go through the zip and make sure they are removed. Edit: The INIs are not in the Zip so they should not be an issue.
  16. I agree, 2 officers hanging back outside the tunnels can slaughter 5-6 Chem troopers before they can become an issue. By that point, the rest of the team will normally have killed the rest.
  17. It is because CT crashed earlier, and required restarting, and they moved over to MPF.
  18. Like I said, you will not know, as will no-one else.
  19. Like I said, the maps and the rotation will be kept unknown until you all play it. City will definately not be played due to the issue with the Nod Harvester getting stuck more frequently than not, The other 3 are possibilities but you will not know until Saturday.
  20. Try deleting the INI's for CNC-Woods and CNC-WoodsV2, I will remove them from the Map Pack as well so they shouldn't stop loading.
  21. Yeah, I will do shortly. Edit: Updated version going up now, should be ready in 5 mins.
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