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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Download this zip and overwrite the files in your Renegade X\Launcher\ directory. http://static.renegade-x.com/site/launcher-1c503f3.zip
  2. I mean, it would be downloaded by only those who want it anyway
  3. Bindings=(Name="L",Command="GBA_ToggleVehicleLocking") .... Bindings=(Name="GBA_ToggleVehicleLocking",Command="VehicleLockPressed | OnRelease VehicleLockReleased",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) Make sure these lines are intact in your UDKInput.ini or just do what Sn4ke said.
  4. Hello! Welcome to the forums. Could you let me know what version of the launcher you have? The version number will be displayed in the top left-hand corner. If you have a 0.8+ (maybe even .78?) version, I believe there should be log files in your %appdata%/Renegade-X Launcher/ that could provide some useful information. Regardless of any launcher version, I would advise to always run the Launcher as Administrator when you're installing an update. More pertinent to your issue, I would make sure that the game and any of it's files are not open in any other program, as the launcher will crash during the applying stage if they are.
  5. NodSaibot

    C&C3 units

    Send me some messages on discord
  6. IRC CONNECTION INFO Among video recordings and streams, we will also be allowing people to join the IRC channels to spectate through IRC chat if they so desire. irc.cncirc.net:6667 (+6697) #RX-SquadWars #RX-SquadWars2
  7. NodSaibot

    C&C3 units

    Well that was specifically about Red Alert. You could ask them about TW and see if they care.
  8. I have looked, and I will probably just copy the "scenes" over to the new map file, if you're ok with that.
  9. I can probably just "moderate/admin" the tournament if needed. Is easier for setting maps and co-ordinating things, I am not on the McFarland team
  10. https://www.manualslib.com/manual/568878/Dell-Precision-Workstation-450.html?page=42
  11. Could you provide your launcher version or the error that is given?
  12. @iTweek. One server-side suggestion I have is to just increase the price of the nuke beacon to something like 50000 so it isn't bought on accident.
  13. I am not sure if the dev team is planning on anything like that, that's up to them to say... but I do believe there is 1 person in the community who has RenX working on a Mac right now (Using Wine or something?), so I am pretty sure it is possible to run the game without an officially supported client.
  14. Well, you can add more dynamic checking than that. It doesn't have to be on map loading/changing exclusively. You can see the current players at the time the PT is opened by a player and determine if you want the beacon to be purchasable or not from there.
  15. In any case, if this is officially added, you can just disable purchasing of beacons all together if the player count is low enough. While this would lead to a few beacons being planted below the threshold, it would alleviate the problem of wasting credits. You could also just check player count on planting and deny/refund the credits right then and there.
  16. I can sub in or join a team if people need.
  17. From what I've seen so far, not sure if it's a map issue, but it causes the game to crash when you try to load these levels instead of the defaults. I will look into it and see if I can find out why
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