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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. It pops up pretty clearly in the middle of your screen. I apologize for any confusion.
  2. How would you phrase it then? And whose money would it be taking? lol Offline: Use repair gun to purchase, needs <font color='#ff0000' size='20'>" $ CreditsNeededToActivate $ "</font> more credits Current code.
  3. This is as far as we got in a few days with ideas for videos... https://docs.google.com/document/d/144px5FBM1hjMWpc48c6dVoWiWhP1qAZ0FCaO3jWsC4E/edit?usp=sharing The basics of C&C mode GDI & Nod A little lore Faction specific weaknesses and strengths Buildings & respective functions Including harvester How to win Marathon AOW Crates What are they for What do they contain? Vehicles For each vehicle Main purpose Cost Strengths and weaknesses Driving styles (arty reverse driving for example) Team Play Where to position yourself, and why E.g. Good places to position yourself depending on how the battle is going Keyboard Shortcuts Explain the multiple usages of the Spotting Key (Q) Explain that you can change class at your death screen for your next respawn Explain that PT’s can be used with your keyboard alone for faster purchases Acronyms + Short Terms - What do they mean? Buildings HON, Bar, Ref, etc Units LCG, SBH, Stank, Arty etc Other PT
  4. I see you have a dual-core system, which may be the root of your problem. When you enter the server, you have to build the material shaders, which is highly CPU intensive. Like I said, it may just be that it takes a long time to do the shader building. (That wasn't my PC, was just an image I found online) If you can get on our Discord, I can help you faster as well.
  5. NodSaibot


    Thank you, however, a lot of credit goes to CT as well We do take new clan members, however it is invite-only. If you'd like to be considered, feel free to join our Discord (click link in my signature or at bottom of post) and play with us. We play a variety of games... (RenX, Overwatch, PUBG, among others). I've seen you in-game, I am also a former TmX member myself. Welcome back! https://discord.gg/TQyHYVB
  6. At one point, AlienX and I had started creating scripts for videos to create. I doubt we'd actually end up doing that anymore. Perhaps I could just brainstorm a text-based version instead?
  7. Hey there! Do you get past the dow nload screen? If you wouldn't mind, delete everything that's in the Cache folder. Simply delete everything inside the folder, but not the folder itself. One other thing that would be useful to know is the specs of your CPU. My guess is that you haven't compiled the shaders for the material that we use for the repair pad. Every new material that is added to the game must be compiled before you are able to enter the level. This usually requires a few minutes and high CPU usage. If you are attempting to enter the server, open your Task manager and look for the process "UE3ShaderCompileWorker". I hope this helps -Sarah
  8. Version 0.9.9 uploaded. Fixed arty wf spot, fixed a ton of rock collision issues, added a few more trees, remove some tiny foliage, some other random stuff I can't remember.
  9. Already made new changes since then, I will be rendering one a bit later. Will upload it then
  10. Not exactly how it works, but close. Basically, the server that is played for the day is determined by whichever server the first person joins. Or, whoever seeds.
  11. When people spam I need repairs when they are 2 inches from the repair pad...
  12. *looks at my pug videos* Basically 99% of me in pugs is repping
  13. When people vote Canyon then complain about lag.
  14. This can be hard, as not every setting works for every map. It also depends on the players as well... or just the luck of a sneak or something.
  15. Added to public map testing server
  16. It does, actually... a little bit. Engineer: 20, 22, 24, 26 Hottie/Tech: 40, 42, 44, 46
  17. Yeah we do have a test server already setup. I will look at mutator see if I can get it to work
  18. First link is in private forum by the way
  19. The problem is, it's up to the choice of basically 4 people. Boxes/Freak for CT and AlienX/Me for AGN. The 60 player limit itself kind of breaks the game mode, but it is necessary to accommodate the amount of players there are. It's very hard to split them up to 30 player matches, as that would usually result in people just leaving. It's a very weird situation. Would you rather let more people play, with an arguably lower quality of gameplay, or let less people play with an arguably higher gameplay quality?
  20. The error usually occurs when something else is in fullscreen, if I remember correctly. F11 while you're ingame will swap you between fullscreen and windowed mode. Does if you change that setting?
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