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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ No question is a dumb question in my opinion. That's just my train of thought, I could be completely wrong
  2. I'm not extremely familiar with that side of the code, but I would imagine if it was that simple it would have been done already. It may also be that they have more important things to do, I am not very sure.
  3. I can change the vanilla server into a test server if you guys need. Just let me know which files you want on there and I'd be happy to load it up for you. We also have the fast downloads ingame, so that makes it pretty easy for me to update it for you.
  4. That's not necessarily the case. We have setup the download system that downloads at a more normal speed. However, there is light compiling, which people may think is a bug or whatever and exit the game. Also, we don't have a 100% working way to force downloads of maps. IE: Map ends, people choose Outposts. Everyone who doesn't have it then is disconnected from the server. The only way I can think of making this work is adding the map files in some packages and attaching it on a mutator. However, this would increase loading time for players and I am not sure how it would affect the ability of some people to join.
  5. AGN will be staying at 50 players for now. We won't be upping the count to 60 or lowering it for now
  6. Also, this is like at the furthest part of the Nod base. It's so far back, if they manage to defend and plant the ion, then I guess it is well deserved.
  7. He even made a tutorial on how to do it! I suggest attempting to make a map at least once; doing what the devs do really puts things in perspective and allows you to appreciate what they do more.
  8. Whenever I get spy crates on RenX, I always lose them really fast. I try to like pretend heal them or shoot my own teammates but it never works. I also walk backwards. I guess no one is fooled by me
  9. That's fair. I should be able to rig it pretty easily as long as the truck is 1 'group' and the wheels are seperate.
  10. The team balance options are decided per server, it just depends on what the server owner decides
  11. If I can't get it working, I will PM you a DL link after the render is done.
  12. I'm not trying to boast. If a system like this gets added, it will get REALLY easy for the few good groups of players to stack and ruin pub games for the majority.
  13. When we had 5 people on Discord playing together ingame, we never lost. We won 5 games in a row extremely fast. Maybe it was just our individual skill, but when mics and groups are involved I think it gives a pretty big advantage. I don't know if not having mics affects this or not.
  14. Sounds gooood, are you going to be rigging it as well? o:
  15. My thoughts on this.... If clan's are wanting to battle each other, they can have it hosted on a passworded server, where teams can be setup accordingly. As for parties in-game, it's not a great idea. Depending on the setting of the server, the teams are mixed in a few different ways. Complete random mixing or purposeful "team balancing" done by the system is the best way to have the game played. If there's 4 people stacking, they are most likely going to be highly coordinated and will have a huge advantage over the other team. I don't think stacking in itself is fair or good for gameplay. However, there are other ways of getting on the other team, such as requesting team change. I don't think 'squads' or parties should be added to the game.
  16. The only problem I have now is that the Nod one gets stuck... not sure why. It worked a while back and broke before I messed with the paths
  17. Sure, if you can find someone to do it... I would be happy to create the code for AGN crates for it.
  18. Bot paths finally (mostly done) done
  19. Adding those old ass models would look terrible, in my opinion. If someone redid them, I would be happy to rig them.
  20. Can the arties still hit the Ref from the hill? On Lakeside
  21. When people get on the server, they are automatically downloaded. Technically, they could be added to other servers, but at the moment I think we want to keep them private. I could be wrong, maybe @AlienXAXS can tell you
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