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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. https://github.com/TotemArts/Rx_Launcher/issues/3
  2. Version 1.0.0


    This mutator will block players from purchasing beacons if the current player count is not above the configurable amount. To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory, and put UDKSuperWeaponBlock.ini in your UDKGame\Config\ folder. Edit the config to your liking. Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock to your server startup line. Example: udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock Warning: This mutator may not be compatible with others.
  3. [Mutator] Superweapon Blocker View File This mutator will block players from purchasing beacons if the current player count is not above the configurable amount. To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory, and put UDKSuperWeaponBlock.ini in your UDKGame\Config\ folder. Edit the config to your liking. Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock to your server startup line. Example: udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock.Rx_Mutator_SuperWeaponBlock Warning: This mutator may not be compatible with others. Submitter Sarah! Submitted 05/08/2018 Category Modifications
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This mutator will add send a message to all members of a team who don't have a commander. The message will look like the one in the picture, however it will not show the [FPI] part on it. To use, drop the Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder.u into the UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder of your Renegade-X installation directory, and put UDKCommanderReminder.ini in your UDKGame\Config\ folder. Edit the config to your liking. Then, simply add ?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder.Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder to your server startup line. Example: udk.exe server CNC-Field?Mutator=Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder.Rx_Mutator_CommanderReminder
  5. Or don't put CT logo on stuff I edited ;o Feel free to put it on your own edited version though
  6. Feel free to use this version if you so desire. While simply changing the color of the PIC and the effects of it isn't that hard, I was never notified that it was going to be made for public use. T_Stock_D.TGA
  7. You'd be surprised. I got some good teamwork yesterday on under. Very good rushes. nice flame tanks and doza rushes. Held them with LCGs and tanks for a while
  8. It's not a static decal, that's map related stuff. It's just part of the diffuse texture. You probably couldn't read it if you had the texture filters down.
  9. It actualls says AGN lol And the 'rapid promotion' instantly makes you heroic.
  10. If anyone would like to contribute to our server mutators, feel free to check my GitHub page with all of our mutator code on it. I will post issues for currently in development features and bugs. Feel free to fork, then PR the mutator with an improvement or new requested feature. https://github.com/sevans045/FPI Almost forgot the link.
  11. It's been a prevalent bug since 5.31
  12. OnOvermine: PRI/Controller (optional) Team OnTeamChat: PRI/Controller Team Chat OnAllChat: PRI/Controller Team Chat I've seen where all 3 of these are 'executed' at, but it would be so much simpler to use the hooks for my purposes.
  13. It's managed by EKT members, Goku & I. All staff members are EKT clan members. However, the person paying and overseeing it is not EKT.
  14. If you want, I can show you our download repo and you can get the files off there and summon it in a single player match.
  15. irc.elitekamikazeteam.com #RenX Our Discord is also located at https://discord.gg/X9rsRzr
  16. I'm pretty sure the beams hitting MCTs was an AGN issue, but I'll guess we find out.
  17. Yeah, I never touched the crate settings. They're pretty terrible default. Reduced drop rate of bradley from .5 to .1
  18. ^ It shouldn't be game winning, but it should have a small effect on the game at least.
  19. Can you guys take this convo somewhere else out of our post?
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