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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. First link is in private forum by the way
  2. The problem is, it's up to the choice of basically 4 people. Boxes/Freak for CT and AlienX/Me for AGN. The 60 player limit itself kind of breaks the game mode, but it is necessary to accommodate the amount of players there are. It's very hard to split them up to 30 player matches, as that would usually result in people just leaving. It's a very weird situation. Would you rather let more people play, with an arguably lower quality of gameplay, or let less people play with an arguably higher gameplay quality?
  3. The error usually occurs when something else is in fullscreen, if I remember correctly. F11 while you're ingame will swap you between fullscreen and windowed mode. Does if you change that setting?
  4. 2 weapons on 1 vehicle was really buggy back then, and it didn't really work that well. Up to the devs to decide whether or not to bring it back. I have no intention of adding it to AGN though.
  5. Also, at most, I think it's HP should be at 50% if not lower.
  6. Anyways, on a more related note, I don't think this type of gamemode would work for how RenegadeX is now. Most people don't want to commit the amount of time it may take to actually 'build up' in this game mode.
  7. Fun fact: This is already a thing in the SDK
  8. If it would be a mutator and not a game feature, yes.
  9. You could also just spawn in a mesh with the basic GuardTower and have it using the damage MIC, unless that's not possible? Not really sure the limits of spawning stuff. Seems pretty weird to do it that way.
  10. I think that buying back buildings would be interesting and beneficial to game play, but I don't know for sure if credits would be the best way to buy them back. Would like to hear other experienced players opinions on this as well.
  11. Yeah, I heard about that kind of weird issues from Havoc89. I also learned a lot of interesting things about vehicles and building defenses from the SDK and working on the AGN mutators. I don't think it's necessary for this change to even be in place, as, like I said, I think it would cause issues with performance and weird collision issues.
  12. It doesn't produce a husk, it simply changes the MIC, turns off the lights, sounds and activates particle systems. Original Renegade had this at some point, and they died pretty fast. However, you could repair them and respawn the vehicle. I just feel like this would decrease game performance and make some weird bugs with collision. I know that pieces flying off of vehicles/explosions caused crashes frequently as well
  13. The turret does have 3 separate models created that are "destroyed". Simply a case of editing the turret vehicle class and making 1 of these spawn at death. At least, I anticipate that's how hard it would be.
  14. I think there are a few bugs left in it, but I can't say for sure. I'm hoping the 5.3 SDK will have this
  15. I'm not exactly sure what your question here is. After you use all the ammo, the weapon would just sit at 0/0 ammo in your backpack until you are dead or change characters.
  16. Crates always have been and always will be a feature of RenX, it's just how the game is.
  17. This version of Eyes is now on the Public Map Testing Server.
  18. What about vehicle crates/spy crates that are already built in to the game? They don't disappear automatically. Having 1 gun that is removed on death/character purchase doesn't break the game.
  19. Crates are supposed to be little 'bonuses' for fun. It doesn't make that big of a difference. Will look into it. Definitely not doing 10 second beacon, and full base repair crate would be interesting to code.
  20. Would boot people from the game when they don't have the file pre-downloaded. If there was a better system in-place I would
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