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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Bug: Shooting a friendly cruise missile gives ownership of the kills to the person who shoots the missile. Ex. Player 1 is commander, fires the missile. Player 2 hits the missile in the air, when the missile hits the kills are granted to player 2.
  2. It is set to 10 minutes currently on AGN. It was set lower pre-5.3, and we never got around to changing it back to the lower setting.
  3. Games will basically always be marathon unless the people that start playing first don't join marathon.
  4. I'd try using the 64-bit client and see if you get any better performance. However, the 64-bit client does have it's own weird bugs, so use at your own risk.
  5. I would recommend using this link here. http://static.renegade-x.com/site/launcher-1c503f3.zip This is taken directly from the Official Renegade-X Discord announcements channel. You can just drag and drop the files into the Launcher directory of your RenX installation.
  6. NodSaibot


    I doubt it, just pointing out some flaws.
  7. NodSaibot


    Spectators are pretty broken, unfortunately. They don't show player names and they are subject to AFK kicks even when you aren't afk. It's quite hard to maneuver as them as well
  8. If you don't want to spend a lot of time on it, you can probably just refurbish it.
  9. Eyes also has issues with the GDI harvester. When it's about to dock, it gets really confused and just moves forwards and backwards
  10. Is that DefaultEngineUDK.ini or UDKEngine.ini?
  11. The post processing in Field tunnels is pretty bright
  12. I told you in-game it's an AGN issue. Not sure about the bottom one.
  13. Need logs before we can provide any useful information.
  14. Bug: Holding V displays everyone elses credits as 0
  15. Not a bug, but a simple fix for the Steam connection bug Line varies... around 1180 - 1200 UDKEngine.ini Change bEnableSteam=false to bEnableSteam=true
  16. The only conceivable way that would work, I think, would be by using commands... you'd have to click f5 then type something like turret_donate or something. Just seems pretty complex and unnecessary. I think it makes perfect sense to revive the turrets by repairing them.
  17. Not trying to be rude, but how much do you actually play? Unless you smurf, I don't recall seeing you
  18. Just seems pretty redundant in my opinion, but that's to the devs to decide I suppose. It creates a lot of unnecessary issues
  19. Doing it this way would make people have to download maps all over again if we just want to change 1 thing in the mutator. The mutator would have to be downloaded, but it's very small, and can be downloaded using the fast ingame downloader. Maps on the other hand.... they won't download unless you join the server when it's being played. If the map is voted in at the end, you will be kicked out of the server by the game.
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