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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. One time I had a dream I was inside of RenX, on Walls, but it was a zombie survival mode. It was really scary
  2. Make sure the permissions for the file is normal, UDKInput.ini Other than that, not sure. Last resort: Try and delete all UDKWhatever.ini, but do not delete any files with Default in the name.
  3. At the bottom of the "[RenX_Game.Rx_PlayerInput]" section in UDKInput.ini Bindings=(Name="RightAlt",Command="GBA_Radio1",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False) Bindings=(Name="RightControl",Command="GBA_Radio0",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)
  4. I couldn't tell you why developers before me didn't add configurable inputs to the settings menu. Depending on what exactly you're talking about, key binds in child classes should override those of parent classes, but I don't know exactly which binds you are talking about.
  5. It can be done easily through the input config. Didn't know anyone wanted those keys to do that.
  6. I think both sides have had their say in the matter. Nothing more left to be said in the thread.
  7. I don't think NOD needs another vehicle. I think it's fine in the crate.
  8. 16 maybe if you're lucky. The game is single threaded, so as long as you have good per-core performance, it will run well.
  9. We are doing some things in the background, but rest assured it will be fixed as soon as possible.
  10. Enjoy some fights as recruit versus elite/heroic and you'll see why this is a thing. It just makes sense to give people an average VP for the team, so they aren't completely useless upon joining.
  11. Essentially turns down the HS damage modifier and increases base dmg on weapons. Effectively reducing the time to kill for most units.
  12. Not exactly true. Air vehicle and normal vehicle blocking volumes are separated. It's quite simple to disable collision with specific volumes. Example from air vehicle code. event Touch ( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal ) { if(Rx_VehicleBlockingVolume(Other) != none) return; else super.Touch(Other,OtherComp,HitLocation,HitNormal); } event UnTouch ( Actor Other) { if(Rx_VehicleBlockingVolume(Other) != none) return; else super.UnTouch(Other); } Using code similar in that fashion we could add a vehicle list property, you could check the properties of said volume to see if you could pass through it with whatever vehicle you are using.
  13. Stay on topic please. I still haven't seen an actual video of this bug nor have I ever heard of it before.
  14. Can't tell if this is a troll or not, but this already exists. We have been discussing ways to refactor radio commands and add more contextual commands. We haven't come to any clear decision yet.
  15. It's definitely possible. This was done previously with the TS:Reborn team, which is where the TiberianSun crate vehicles come from.
  16. Not being able to shoot in/out of water is not a map specific thing, that's how it is on every other map in RenX. I will look into moving stuff around so defense is easier
  17. Complicated? No. It's just time that no programmer want's to put into it
  18. Can you send a screenshot or double check these settings?
  19. Funny enough it seems that image was created by none other than Kalle Bowo, who is/was a RenX player. http://printed-armies.com/
  20. Swimming in water is intentional. Nothing can shoot through water. They can be moved to guard the back of the buildings, but then whats the point of having them in the first place if they guard the doors exactly? May as well just put walls up so you can't access the buildings from that area. They aren't supposed to be an "end-all" defense, just something to help. If I make any changes at all, I will probably be changing a lot more than just that 1 bit, and probably refactoring the entire tank part of the map, since it seems kinda lame anyway.
  21. I think the game would benefit a lot from using smart map selection, instead of randomly picking maps from the map pool. The maps brought up to vote at the post-game screen should be accommodating and play well for the current amount of people in the server.
  22. This is a server specific issue as of now. If they can't take care of it and the harassment continues, it can be made a global moderator issue. Please get in contact with one of the FPI admins, Goku, TomUjain or SaintPepe.
  23. We aren't planning on changing any unit or adding/removing characters for the time being. This doesn't mean it won't happen in the future, but at the moment we are comfortable and happy with the way balance is setup.
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