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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. It's one, but there is no overarching mechanism that calculates all different factors to try and balance teams, especially based on roles. There was an "MMR" system that is based on the points of previous matches to try and give a "team score" type thing. There's not really much we can do outside of that. It's quite hard to develop a system that can be based on any sort of skill measure while not having any "right" method of winning, and also not having an account system. The fact of a small community has side effects of imbalanced games. It would be nice if we could have a matchmaking system, or if people would balance themselves. Even with "balanced" players, it's not a surefire way of creating a good match. Some players might not play their best role, they might not even try to win or they might hate the current map and just afk rep until it ends. Creating a system that balances on a tiny sample size will not provide good results, and will most likely make games worse or just the same. I think the best solution would just making more intuitive gameplay, such as the mine radius and more text in-game that can explain mechanics that aren't apparent to new players. A tutorial would also be nice, and has always been on our to-do list.
  2. If you're looking for it in the map rotation at end of game, you won't find it there unless you put the BH maps into the map rotation. To open up to one of the maps, change your server bat file to look something like this. Also make sure everything is installed on each client as well.
  3. If you can, please send some logs to me in private chat. You can find logs in your RenX installation in UDKGame\Logs
  4. Could say this about a lot of spots for non-infantry as well. Many tanks can sit in spots where the enemy can't hit back (for example Islands, arties can hit GDI base without being touched, or the mammy spot near the water pool in the middle of that map), or even people who use the MRLS curve in new and weird ways to hit spots we didn't think they could. Arguably it's more of a map design issue than anything. Something I've also brought up recently is the ability for snipers to hide a lot of their body while sniping, allowing only their head to appear while scoped. This is a big problem that is limited to scoped weapons I believe. Base defenses would be a lot more useful if snipers had to reveal at least to their waist. Depends on a lot of different factors. If other high skill infantry players see poi on enemy team they may just play tanks or any other role to try and save their own KD or prevent their stats from being ruined on the leaderboard. Other times it can be related to the state of the match. HoN/Bar dead, PP/Ref dead (can't afford buying snipers or whatever infantry to fight) or just don't want to exert that much effort to try and fight. RenX community is not always the most friendly. I personally can attest to this as I have played under many names, including my main name and gotten hate for playing as infantry and not having a KD close to poi's. Even recently seen someone harassing another sniper for being a sniper, even while not playing as sniper in that match. Maybe it's too hopeful to assume people could be at least half civil in-game. While I can't say I particularly blame anyone for being annoyed, I don't think it needs to be taken to the extreme that it is. Unreal Engine automatically verifies all packages that are used in-game.
  5. NodSaibot

    cannot add bots

    Votes with 1 person are automatically passed
  6. i wish, need more mammy on mammy action in my life
  7. NodSaibot

    cannot add bots

    Default settings for the game allow bots by default. Make sure your player limit is high so the bots can join and reset the config if you need to. Config can be reset through the launcher in the settings at the top right.
  8. Will notify. You may get better assistance by asking on Discord
  9. Do you use Discord? If you do or don't please join our community and we can assist you better. https://discord.gg/renegadex
  10. dont inf rush in the first 30 minutes (most of the time). so many commanders just focus on stupid inf rushes while their base is being pounded by tanks and end up loosing because the enemy gets uncontested VP from whoring buildings. easiest way to lose.
  11. I think people such as defenders should not be punished for defending. It is probably the role with the least VP awarded, yet it could be considered one of the more important roles. I am willing to experiment some changes on my server, I can't speak for anyone else.
  12. Nothing you wrote here is really difficult to program unless it contains algorithms or something like that. I agree with most of what was said, I think players should gain VP for doing nothing, if they are at the bottom. Teams should move together more with VP. I also think whoring buildings for VP is far too fast and ruins a lot of game balance in PUBLIC games. Many teams do not understand the fact that letting the enemy pound your base for 20 minutes while organizing an infantry rush is a terrible idea, and will end with quick elite/heroic tankers hungry to kill their buildings. Snowballing is definitely intended, to some degree, but I think it is out of hand.
  13. continued patience and understanding while we figure out a solution thats what we need
  14. Most likely some issue on your end. I would assume the network traffic is higher up in your area which may be causing the issues. Maybe the infrastructure in your area is lacking support for this much traffic.
  15. I'm all for making mining easier, the only issue I have with adding additional mines is the ability to mine the tunnels a lot easier and mining an enemy building after infiltrating. If there's some way to balance this, I am up for adding it
  16. Cuz im not programming a diff colour for stacked holomines
  17. Are these numbers from the launcher or from ingame?
  18. Black Dawn is far older and does not contain the same settings as Renegade-X multiplayer
  19. I've tested it, the trigger radius isn't exact, you can't sneak through it. There's also a second timer that has a larger radius that checks less frequently and will cause the mine to detonate if you're sitting next to it or too long Do you mean mines that are already placed or mines that need to be placed?
  20. If you've played on AllNoobs within the past few days and held a proxy c4, you've seen the trigger radius addition to mines. This is one of a couple of changes to mining I am planning to implement on the server. Hopefully that change alone will help reduce the amount of common errors people make when mining (putting mines close to the edge of the door ways, mining air buildings incorrectly and etc) Some additional things I will implement in the following days includes showing holographic mines at specific locations in buildings to serve as a guideline/suggestion of where to place mines at. As of a recent patch, mine limit is displayed near your crosshair when you have the proxies out, info about the trigger radius and holomines will also be displayed there so people aren't confused. This spot for example, which I don't see used very often, provides full coverage for infiltration from every window on the HoN. Example of the holomines on the left and demonstration of the trigger radius. However this demonstration does not include the text underneath the mine limit that I described before. There has been lots of discussion about mining, especially in the past, and I just wanted to go ahead and try somethings to improve gameplay. If I remember correctly, the holomine idea was posted on the forums here before, not sure about the trigger radius though. Let me know what you think and how things can be improved. Technical Details
  21. Stealth is one of the few things Nod has, they already lack some firepower compared to GDI units. No need to completely nerf it lol
  22. Suggestion has been noted.
  23. Currently running a server with this setup, I don't think a dedicated GPU is required, what exactly is the error you are getting/details about the specific setup
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