Totem Arts Staff Nexus51325 Posted January 13, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 13, 2020 Hello people ! Here is my "sad" message of leaving community mapping on Ren X for the moment. After atleast 1 year of mapping experience I learned a lot of things, I made 2 real maps (Desolation and Steppe) for Renegade X, I had good and bad experiences.. I met really cool people too ! but the more time advances the more I feel useless, as you maybe know.. I realeased Steppe on public servers, but a lot of people complaing about downloading (sometimes I can understand) and complaign about others stupid things that I can't understand. I mean you have someone motivated for creating maps for a EXTRA small community... we talking about 64 players during 4 hours per day for recall... and you still complaigning. and that last topic on the forum. That call to stop custom maps on public servers, I just didn't understand, how can I test my maps whitout playing them with big players count ? I asked for the pug, but it was impossible. But of course a lot of people gave me motivation and encouraged me aswell, I can't close my eyes on that. thank you ! I still remember this. Now I just feel useless, I was working on a third map, but I said... why ? it will be the same, i'll just loose months of works again, I want to feel usefull not useless. So.. I'll take a long break, I don't know yet if I'll return on Ren X. atleast not with that low population. if TotemArts release a new game in C&C Univers I'll take my chance as well on mapping side, but for now, I'm just out. thank you for reading ! Nexus 22
Guest Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 ignore the kids screetching on the internet, those people dont matter to anyone. Creativity is rare and you definently have it, and im glad you got tools that helped you share it, whoever understands and appreciates it are ok with waiting 10minutes for a download, whoever doesnt have that time to spend - fuck them. thats all imma say. Take a break dude, get some ideas, get inspiration, and if youll ever do something like this again, do it for the people that appreciate it, not for the ones who cry over petty things.
Totem Arts Staff kira Posted January 13, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 13, 2020 You know how much I respect you nexus, as talented, consist person, quick self learner (and quick too) , awesome player, nice guy to talk to, i can throw many praises. but eventually you need to be happy , as I told you , you could look the positive people that admire your work t but i completely understand the feeling of wanting being useful and not mistreated for all that effort. (morning >coffee>UDK>>sleep>repeat) I seen your progress everyday (the conversations with kenz on daily basis), and it was inspiring truly. Don't forget, you are an artist now, there is nothing you can't do. and as an artist, feed your imagination everyday. I hope at least you hangout with us just for fun on discord. (tiberium heart emojee) 7
shado Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 I never knew you, but you sound like an awesome person. Thank you! For ALL of the work you've done! Lots of people are grateful for you, no doubt about that. Come back when you are ready! If not, I hope you find what you are looking for in your life! You DESERVE IT! 4
HIHIHI Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 !rec Nexus Renegade X is the better for your contribution - thank you for your many hours of hard work for us, the community! I am truly amazed by what you have done for the game. Take care of yourself! !recs, HIHIHI 6
Guest once upon the time Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 Now this is the second mapper (new) who had a lot of fun doing something for you. Stanislav and Nexus love this game and as a thank you they try to neuter test options. Unfortunately, I can understand both very well on this point. Players who are too lazy to do a manual download (if things go badly, 10 -15 minutes, depending on the server, internet connection itself and the size of the map). Some devs that have now a blocked setting. The mappers invest or rather invested a lot of time for you to play with new maps. Try-Out has a "standard test server", how often do they go on there, rarely. The people who always complain that something new has to come and never ready to test what should be really quiet now. If they have a need to complain further, try doing something yourself. I didn't want to write anything more about Ren x, but it burned my soul. The attitude really sucks by some.
Agent Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 I'm very sad to hear that you've been disheartened. I hope you know that the team, and community, as a whole greatly appreciate the work you've done on these levels and hope to see you return some day. I hope your break helps. Demotivation is something I think every contributor has struggled with at some point or another, and it's always difficult to work through. Sometimes the right answer is to stay, and sometimes it isn't. I hope you find the answer that helps you best. Also, I'm not sure if this will be of much consolation or not, but we are working on trying to make the custom content downloads work a little better so that levels like yours will hopefully be a bit easier to play and keep on servers. 7
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted January 13, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 13, 2020 1 minute ago, Agent said: Demotivation is something I think every contributor has struggled with at some point or another, and it's always difficult to work through. Sometimes the right answer is to stay, and sometimes it isn't. I hope you find the answer that helps you best. This ^^^^^^^
TheParachuteOpening Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 This is exactly why many other map developers stopped making maps and quit the game. Too many moron 'players' in public servers complaining about a new map, with no idea about the amount of time and effort it takes to create one. I saw this recently with someone called "Saintpewpew.jpg" complaining about how Steppe "killed the server" and insulting Nexus while he was in-game, just because it was a new map and most people were trying to get it with the IGDL. Why bother investing your time and energy into making a new map for the game, when some tools on a public server will never appreciate it and insult your work. 4 1 1
Totem Arts Staff Luhrian Posted January 13, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 13, 2020 It is sad that we loose you Nexus. The developers provided the community with the possiblity to create their own maps and that is great. But these maps that were created are not getting played, because either the server owners don't want to get the server killed because of one or the players don't want to spend time downloading them. This lack of support for custom maps makes the release of a SDK for the community pointless, because projects that were with it are not being used. The developers are in my opinion really the only people that can really help the creators here, but they never did and I can understand their reasons. But on the other hand it will change nothing if the developers keep doing nothing about it and we loose maps with great potential like CNC-Steppe, which I really liked playing on, even with the low player count. The only theoretical and practical possible soloution would be adding those custom maps to an official patch, because then everyone has to download it. I know it is controversial, because the devs are responsible for everything in the game but only a week or two of testing it under normal circumstances would be unbelivable helpful. If the map is complete bs? Well then kick it out with the next patch, but if it is good integrate it into the game and you get a great new map. At least for CNC-Steppe, because I think it has huge potential. I hope you think about my suggestion Luhrian 3
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted January 13, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 13, 2020 All I'm going to say is.. Sad times... Well I might say a bit more.. I know exactly how you feel I've worked on many projects that haven't taken off some that have and then nose dived... People bitch, people will always bitch... But ya know what it dont matter there will always be people that don't understand how things work our job as community members is to enlighten them in the ways of our world... And if there is a true problem with something find away to fix it... Taking a break is always good... We all do it I've been out this community on and off for 3 years now... But always helped people out... You don't have to step down to take a break... Just do things in ya own time. If there's a problem with downloading maps there are always ways around it. At the end of the day its your time... You can spend it doing things you love and have fun doing it or turn it in to a grind were its just an obligation like work... Unfailing and mundane... or not do it at all... Always have fun with what ever you do next in what ever it be On a personal note... Ya was getting pritty good at mapping only getting stuck on some strange stuff that I struggled with when I came across them at first.... Shhh but I struggled and still struggle alot and not just with mapping... The community can be very toxic and nasty at times. 2 1
noxidevad Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 It's pretty shit that it has came to this Nexus. Your time, commitment, dedication hasn't and will not go unnoticed. I for one am pretty sad to see the bullshit has made you want to quit. Sadly too many idiotic people in game who have absolutely no idea how much time and effort it takes to create a map. If people can't wait a small period of time for a map to download then bollocks to them. The users who would happily wait are the ones who appreciate the constant efforts you've put it. I hope to see you return in the not so bear future, as I have thoroughly enjoy every minute of chatting with you on voice, gaming with you, teabagging you. Take care man and recharge your batteries! 5 1
Mystic~ Posted January 13, 2020 Posted January 13, 2020 I think I was one of the first people to suggest to please get Steppe into public rotation so we can test it, as far as I can tell there have been lots of other maps tested this way, some do get re-worked and tweaked based on feedback from play through and some get approved and make it through into an official patch update; I'd rather the developer, server owner or Ren-X team take responsibility for the decision to include it, not the map designer, but you do surely want map feedback. I'm sad to see someone stop making maps or leaving the game, but I think you just need tougher skin... you quit too easily. I had to download the map also and I think it took about a minute or two extra. It looks really good and I can see you've put lots of time into it, I've only been able to play it once so I can't really give much feedback. It could of course go onto a testing server, but you would not likely get a game and I don't see much enthusiasm for testing custom maps in Sunday PUGs anymore. 1
Xtractor Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 3 hours ago, kenz3001 said: All I'm going to say is.. Sad times... Well I might say a bit more.. I know exactly how you feel I've worked on many projects that haven't taken off some that have and then nose dived... People bitch, people will always bitch... But ya know what it dont matter there will always be people that don't understand how things work our job as community members is to enlighten them in the ways of our world... And if there is a true problem with something find away to fix it... Taking a break is always good... We all do it I've been out this community on and off for 3 years now... But always helped people out... You don't have to step down to take a break... Just do things in ya own time. If there's a problem with downloading maps there are always ways around it. At the end of the day its your time... You can spend it doing things you love and have fun doing it or turn it in to a grind were its just an obligation like work... Unfailing and mundane... or not do it at all... Always have fun with what ever you do next in what ever it be On a personal note... Ya was getting pritty good at mapping only getting stuck on some strange stuff that I struggled with when I came across them at first.... Shhh but I struggled and still struggle alot and not just with mapping... The community can be very toxic and nasty at times. 4 hours ago, Agent said: I'm very sad to hear that you've been disheartened. I hope you know that the team, and community, as a whole greatly appreciate the work you've done on these levels and hope to see you return some day. I hope your break helps. Demotivation is something I think every contributor has struggled with at some point or another, and it's always difficult to work through. Sometimes the right answer is to stay, and sometimes it isn't. I hope you find the answer that helps you best. Also, I'm not sure if this will be of much consolation or not, but we are working on trying to make the custom content downloads work a little better so that levels like yours will hopefully be a bit easier to play and keep on servers. 4 hours ago, HIHIHI said: !rec Nexus Renegade X is the better for your contribution - thank you for your many hours of hard work for us, the community! I am truly amazed by what you have done for the game. Take care of yourself! !recs, HIHIHI 5 hours ago, Kaunas said: ignore the kids screetching on the internet, those people dont matter to anyone. Creativity is rare and you definently have it, and im glad you got tools that helped you share it, whoever understands and appreciates it are ok with waiting 10minutes for a download, whoever doesnt have that time to spend - fuck them. thats all imma say. Take a break dude, get some ideas, get inspiration, and if youll ever do something like this again, do it for the people that appreciate it, not for the ones who cry over petty things. 5 hours ago, Nexus51325 said: Hello people !................................. So.. I'll take a long break, I don't know yet if I'll return on Ren X. atleast not with that low population. if TotemArts release a new game in C&C Univers I'll take my chance as well on mapping side, but for now, I'm just out. thank you for reading ! Nexus They said it all Nexus ^^ Why always negatif complaints always win on us, When the positive are much superior in count ,Ya know we want everybody Happy.. but its impossible I understand all Devs ,,That the hard part ..the negatif ..I think even at Ubisoft they have to deal with it and come with solutions to keep their staff motivated . Something us alone cant deal with it.. we need help from others members (Devs) and they reaching you . You Know might be too fast for Renx STaff :))...Slow down ..Like Kenz said ,,Do it if you like it Dont do it like a job .. and for the lower count of Renx ,,We need you to helping it raise ..its on a good tedency . Au Final.. reste Donc Tabarouette ! 1
Totem Arts Staff roweboat Posted January 14, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 14, 2020 At the end of the day, the only person we can control is ourselves. so here is my tough love: if you decide to leave and don't pick up the mapping again, the only person you can truly blame is yourself. Like others have said, there will always be people who will trash talk the work, the effort, and roadblock *change*. Because that's what you are to them, @Nexus51325 - something different. And sometimes people find that annoying. That said, your artistic and creative efforts are phenomenal, honestly some of the best and honestly, importantly, the quickest I've seen in maybe ever around here. Desolation and Steppie are some really awesome original and strategic maps. Really I wish I had the time, skill and motivation to create such fun things that others could enjoy. I think this all highlights the real problem that the base game needs a better way to implement custom content. Either through some sort flag check before joining a server (either launcher or in-game based) or some sort of indicator at end of round vote screen (if anything like that is possible). If more maps could be truly play tested faster and better (aka with lots of more players), the community will attract more awesome talent like @Nexus51325 =D 3 1
ex_member Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 It is sad to see good people leave and some questionable stay and become moderators or server owners. Pickles ! I‘m gonna miss you. 1
SMayhew Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 A break will do you some good, hope to see you back soon! 1
Totem Arts Staff Madkill40 Posted January 14, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 14, 2020 Desolation is ace and Steppe looks beautiful, but with any creative project you put out anywhere is always going to be on the firing end of criticism - if the map meets developer approval then take what the playerbase says with a pinch of salt. Typically the loudmouths of the playerbase who are more than happy to (usually in a non-constructive manner) criticise the living heck out of a map whilst offering no real element of praise for the effort already put in aren't too sharp themselves and are stuck up their own arse anyway. Those who lack their own determination to shut the fuck up and get the fuck up at trying to make a map themselves can actually suck their own fist until it falls off. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Critical put-downs are not welcome and aren't constructive in any way, ignore them. The same people who lack the ability to dish out constructive criticism are likely the same players who always vote for original Field [They're retarded dull-fests hellbent on sucking the enjoyment out of the game for everybody else] U @Nexus51325 1
TomUjain Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 This highlights a major flaw in our design here. What insentive do map makers have, if all their hard work and effort (typically) results in a map that gets shelved in the downloads section to gather rust? Map makers are forced to beg servers to host their maps for them, and typically that is met with the fustration of being stuck in the awful download screen. We need to change something, because as it stands our setup is extremely hostile to map makers. Would increasing the download speed in game work? I doubt it, not everyone has blazing fast internet rendering the faster speed useless. Honestly I believe the best way forward is to allow 'new maps' a testing phase - and put them into a monthly patch for everyone to play. 6
Guest Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 Reading up on this just makes me more angry. Does someone with talent like @Nexus51325has to go through all this bullsheieyt just to make something internal happen that wasnt ever taken seriously? People like him and others who volunteer their time enhancing the game shouldnt have to beg for anything here, they should be treated as top priority and held on to, since you people have nothing else to offer. Think and act more than you talk, lads(es).
WildRover84 Posted January 14, 2020 Posted January 14, 2020 @Nexus51325 I can totally understand how you feel. In my professional live I am a designer and know the "spirit" of destructive critisicm all too well. But at least from my experience I can tell you: If people start to hate on creative things you do it only shows you are most probably on the right track. Keep that in mind. Don't let others make you lose the faith in yourself. I like Desolation and the glimpse I had on Steppe geve me the impression that it's a good map as well. And what I loved was when I asked you if there is a story to Steppe and you told me "Yes" and said you imagine it to be one of the last remaining Temples of Nod located in Egypt after the first Tiberium-War. That shows true love. And I would bet most of the haters would fail to invest themselves in a 3D-SDK for an engine like UE3. Don't let the visceroids ruin your day. 4
euan-missile Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 On 1/14/2020 at 2:07 PM, Kaunas said: Reading up on this just makes me more angry. Does someone with talent like @Nexus51325has to go through all this bullsheieyt just to make something internal happen that wasnt ever taken seriously? People like him and others who volunteer their time enhancing the game shouldnt have to beg for anything here, they should be treated as top priority and held on to, since you people have nothing else to offer. Think and act more than you talk, lads(es). 100% agree. People who dedicate their free time to keeping this game running don't deserve bullshit from the playerbase. 3 2
Suspiria Posted January 15, 2020 Posted January 15, 2020 @Nexus51325 People will judge you and your work whatever you do, son. You don't have to respect that. And it's not really for you either. "If someone offers you a gift and you decline to accept it, to whom then does it belong?" - Buddha "Gifts" here being their unreasonable and/or insensitive criticism and/or flat-out negative judgements. They can just stick it right up their ass. If you don't accept, then it's not yours. Byebye. I've had a very similar experience last year, but then with an "authority" figure. Got a big pile of horse shit projected onto me, despite my dearest efforts. I felt horrible. Deflated. Like my energy was getting sucked out of me. Had to move away from that too. So, sorry to see you step down. Praying that you will step back in again at some point, like I did. Work your way around these people, so that the rest of the community can still benefit from your talents. As you can see, the people in this thread are pretty much here to support and embrace you. Perhaps you have more fans than you realize(d). I personally liked Steppe. Haven't played it much yet, but the first impression was that I liked it. So there's that. Hope this message helps a bit. Thank you for your contributions. And take care. 2
Jenzuj Posted January 16, 2020 Posted January 16, 2020 (edited) On 1/13/2020 at 8:38 PM, TheParachuteOpening said: I saw this recently with someone called "Saintpewpew.jpg" complaining about how Steppe "killed the server" and insulting Nexus while he was in-game, just because it was a new map and most people were trying to get it with the IGDL. What server did this happen in? Because the logs dont show that behavior on FPI. Saintpewpew.jpg is UNSTOPED/marcio trying to be an edgelord. Edited January 16, 2020 by Jenzuj
Guest once upon the time Posted January 16, 2020 Posted January 16, 2020 It doesn't matter which server it was because certain players would probably do the same on other servers. Do you want to "kick" the players because they say it? Wouldn't solve the problem at all. The main thing is that most are too lazy to download or wait for it to finish. What is much more frightening is that now a new server operator (is Dev and also made maps) made this fatal suggestion to take custom maps from pub servers because they would ruin the server (number of players). Devs insist before a map really rotates permanently that it has to be tested in gameplay with many people. How should that work if: A: the players are too lazy to wait for map downloads, B: The Ren X player is a herd animal and always goes where most players are (of course on almost full pub servers). Niche servers are left behind and used by really interested players for testing (and this number is damn low). If the devs were able to download custom maps in a different form, that would be the best option.
Agent Posted January 16, 2020 Posted January 16, 2020 3 hours ago, once upon the time said: Devs insist before a map really rotates permanently that it has to be tested in gameplay with many people. I would like to emphasize that that the dev team as a whole does support and encourage custom map development and distribution (myself included). We absolutely love seeing people taking interest in it, and essentially learning the same ways many of us did through time and practice. We love the modding community. 2
Guest once upon the time Posted January 16, 2020 Posted January 16, 2020 @Agent All right, but why are you quoting this part of my post? See it completely out of context. Testing is necessary, it is about that some players and a server operator want to neuter. Another thought was whether the devs might have an alternative (download technically). Besides I have to use google translate, if something should be misleading I will have to write German soon. PS: If I misinterpreted your post, it is also due to my knowledge of English. Google is Google. and now I'm enjoying my apple strudel
Tytonium Posted January 16, 2020 Posted January 16, 2020 Dude, there's only 4 maps that I actually like in this game anymore. Daybreak- funnest vehicle combat Lakeside- for D̵̳͉͇̘̱̜̯̪͓̭̹̑̌̀͊̈́̏̔̀͆̿͌͜ͅr̵̨͍̦̈̉̓͂̈́̒͝ë̵̡̧̡̗̦̬̘̠̦̳̠̝͖͙́̐̆̈́̄̓̋̾͝ả̶̡̧̡͚̦̲͚̟̥͎̼̟̆̈́̔̍͑̚͘ḏ̴̡̲̫͂̃̀́͗͌̈́͑́̅̒͆̀e̶̬̜͝d̷͇̲̳̗͆̿͌͐͑̈́͑̅̋̾͑͑͐͝ ̶͇̮̠̦͓͖͙̙̦̓͗̐͆̽̚͘͝C̷͎̑̔̎̈̄͝a̵̯̙̙̠̹̱̎̓̈́̎̓̊͝͝ṿ̷̢̛̻̜̟̄̏͌̉̔͐͒̋̓̂̐̾̅͒ẹ̷̦͚̟̭̼̓̑̓̿̔̽̀͐̈́͜ ̵̡̡̨̘̺͚̪̼̺͖̪̹̟͛̽͒̽A̸̯̤̬͉̬͍̦̗̖̬̲̥͐͝p̴̟̓̎̿͊̑͒͌̍̈́͑͗͘á̸͈͈͇͖͍̦̣̋̂c̷̠͔͖͗̈́̅́̅̓̇͋̔̄̀͋h̵̡̤̜̾͑̋̈́̔̏̌́̈́͠ȩ̴̨̮̲̳͉͚̮̫͓͒̋͐͛̀̏s̵̮͉̈́̋̔͒͑̎̽͗́̌ Desolation- Because it is one of the rare examples of a map with a fun vehicle path and infantry path. Plus no one side has a major advantage. Some of the funnest matches in latest memory have been on Desolation. PLUS LASER FENCES THAT DRAIN THE POWER BILL! Steppe- The one match I did play of it was incredible and I want to see more of it immensely. I am absolutely sick of the usual RenX map rotation being Field-Walls-Islands-Field-Under-Under-Field-Islands-Field. You breathe new life into this game and it needs it. The developers and you should really be coordinating to introduce your map in one of their major updates that way everyone will have the map. But if you wanna take a break, I can't blame you, but just know that the majority of players will probably agree with me in the fact that we want new great maps, but are unable to play them in matches due to server admins, and the worlds slowest download times. As with other players goodbyes, here is your complimentary Renegade X vacation meme package. Unlike other players packages, I hope to see you soon. 2 2
STANISLAV Posted January 16, 2020 Posted January 16, 2020 (edited) Oh, I seem not the only one. I, like no one else, understand you Nexus, it was exactly the same story with me. I loved RX, tried a lot of things to help the game, but all my efforts were in vain. I want to say thanks separately to Team Paradise, you constantly supported me and helped me. Thank you for that. I will give all my maps to your possession, perhaps when someone appears who wants to finish them. PS. I have repeatedly heard how RX players accused the players of the old renegade that they did not want to change something, to try a new one “everything was better before”. Only here the RX community turned out to be exactly the same, you do not want to change something, try a new one. After each update, you can hear people who say that everything was better before and there was no need to change anything. Edited January 16, 2020 by STANISLAV 1 4
Totem Arts Staff roweboat Posted January 17, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 17, 2020 6 hours ago, STANISLAV said: Oh, I seem not the only one. I, like no one else, understand you Nexus, it was exactly the same story with me. I loved RX, tried a lot of things to help the game, but all my efforts were in vain. I want to say thanks separately to Team Paradise, you constantly supported me and helped me. Thank you for that. I will give all my maps to your possession, perhaps when someone appears who wants to finish them. PS. I have repeatedly heard how RX players accused the players of the old renegade that they did not want to change something, to try a new one “everything was better before”. Only here the RX community turned out to be exactly the same, you do not want to change something, try a new one. After each update, you can hear people who say that everything was better before and there was no need to change anything. We won't forget Mount Harbour either!!! 1
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted January 17, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 17, 2020 If ok only we still had our beacon of hope, @limsup
Guest once upon the time Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 @STANISLAV Es war ein Vergnügen und auch eine Ehre dich im Team zu haben. Viel Glück bei allem was du jetzt machst. It was a pleasure and an honor to have you on the team. Good luck with everything you do now.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted January 17, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 17, 2020 More important than you people's walls of text and fighting: Nexus just left mapping. He's still here. 1 2
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted January 17, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 17, 2020 Quote After each update, you can hear people who say that everything was better before and there was no need to change anything. Like the new HUD Among many other things To an extent, while I myself am sad that putting custom maps in official servers get shunned upon, I do understand the complaints about the download speed. I'm pretty sure there's that launcher feature being developed there somewhere down the line but has never been realized at all. When we first have the whole RenX SDK, it was even worse, there wasn't any repository at all that anybody who can't instantly download 100 - 200 MB worth of map within the span of what, 12 seconds? Anyway, they were forced to restart the download at the unbelievable speed of 10 KBps. There was literally no way to test Eyes or Hourglass in prime number, and that prime number was 40 when it came out Even to this day, I myself am still stuck with slow download that ranges between 200 KBps or if I'm lucky enough, only a little more than 1 MBps. In any case, yeah. Custom maps put in public has serious issues because not all people bothered to browse through the forum/different discord servers for custom maps, and download speed during game time is iffy for people with low netspeed. Then there are people who just couldn't be bothered to go all technical sending the maps/packages on correct locations and mess things up Really, the only plausible way to test custom map in quite a dependable way is by sending it to official patch, and while I myself am more than welcome to add more maps in as some sort of trial (and to add more flavor than the constant match of Under/Field/Walls), I can see others who might be even more critical/skeptical within the dev team. tl;dr : Custom contents are encouraged, but the environment is just too tedious. The nature of UDK also doesn't help that much 2 1
Guest once upon the time Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 Was ich jetzt sehr schade finde ist das hier nun Naming und shaming betrieben wird. Ich kritisiere auch Dinge oder Gegebenheiten, aber nie mit Namen. Jeder der lang genug dabei ist weiß wer gemeint ist auch ohne einen Namen zu nennen (vorausgesetzt es wird gelesen und verstanden) Das ist für mich jetzt das unterste Niveau was hier erreicht wurde. Es wäre nett wenn einige trotz Disharmonien an eine etwas gehobenere Kultur sich orientieren würden. Dreckige Wäsche wäscht man zuhause. Ja , Yosh er ist noch hier aber er legt eine Pause ein (Wie lange, wer weiß). Wäre schön wenn es eine technische Möglichkeit geben würde fast fertige Maps einfacher zu herunter zu laden. Google Translate (No guarantee). What I find a shame is that naming and shaming are now carried out here. I also criticize things or circumstances, but never by name. Anyone who is there long enough knows who is meant even without naming a name (provided it is read and understood) For me that is the lowest level that has been achieved here. It would be nice if, despite disharmonies, some would orientate themselves towards a more sophisticated culture. You wash dirty laundry at home. @yosh56 Yeah yosh he's still here but he's taking a break (how long, who knows). Would be nice if there was a technical possibility to download almost finished maps easier.
rocky44r Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 (edited) 4 hours ago, Handepsilon said: Like the new HUD Among many other things tl;dr : Custom contents are encouraged, but the environment is just too tedious. The nature of UDK also doesn't help that much y'all shouldn't be that negative ^^ the new HUD was a long necessary change from a technical point of view and it's good that you are working on it... of course there is gonna be criticism, but as long as it's constructive criticism all is good. just take it as a source of inspiration and ideas... in the end it's not like the HUD is bad or anything... there are just some ideas und suggestions for improvement ^^ and there will always be toxic people who aren't capable of constructive criticism... just ignore those... and to nexus: thank you for your hard work on the maps and take the time off you need. this is a passion project so work on it when you feel like it. and regarding the custom map issue: how about we play the new maps on PUGs once in a while... like only 1 new map per evening? people could download the maps in advance... and the people who do not want to download a map just wait for the next round... i think people who play PUGs are better organized and more helpful than random crowds on public servers... Edited January 17, 2020 by rocky44r 2
DenWellingston Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 (edited) Leaving you, @ Nexus51325 is a serious blow to our community, especially me. Desolation and Steppe cards (which I could play only once and was not disappointed, I think I should leave a review about the map later) If it weren't for @iridesence and you, I would have stopped working on Project ReSound. Oddly enough, of all Renegade, Rebegade X will remain a more cost-effective and attractive game for me thanks to improved mechanics and a more active community. Now the only thing we can do for you is to provide support, so I will forgive the organizers of the PUG this week to add @ Nexus51325 and Desolation maps to the rotation. We must show him that his work was not in vain .... Strength is the way to peace! Edited January 17, 2020 by DenWellingston 1
Agent Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 2 hours ago, rocky44r said: and regarding the custom map issue: how about we play the new maps on PUGs once in a while... like only 1 new map per evening? people could download the maps in advance... and the people who do not want to download a map just wait for the next round... We've actually had a custom map Sunday PUG planned for about 2 weeks from now, but haven't announced it yet. Planning to announce on Discord after the Developers vs Players PUG this Sunday. 1
RypeL Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 I´d also like to say goodbye for having to deal with too many frustrations lately and some dev posts and decisions i dont agree with. Maybe im too picky (possible), but i´m out. As my last gift to the community i modified the mapvote to filter the available maps by current playernumber (customizabel per server) as part of the next patch. It was quite a journey and i´m not sure if i will never return, but unfortunatly i think it would need a few culture changes for me to be able to feel at home again even though the devteam mostly still consists of great people. I´ve never been ingame arround the community much, so you might be wondering who this guy even is. For my own reference and if you wanna find out more about the journey that goes into specifically coding and finetuning something like RenX i attached a list of those of my contributions that i could still g et a hold off. RypeL_Commits_2008_to_2020.txt 11 2
Guest once upon the time Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 @RypeL Schade das zu lesen Rypel, aber für mich, auch wenn ich nicht im Dev Team bin absolut nachvollziehbar. Du warst für mich einer der meist aufgeschlossenen Devs und hast auch immer das gehalten was du versprochen hattest. Ich bedanke mich bei dir das du dieses Spiel mit entwickelt hast, bis Anfang Beta 5 war es für mich traumhaft. Vielen Dank Rypel und ich wünsche dir alles Gute. Google translate(no guarantee) It's a shame to read Rypel, but for me, even when I'm not on the Dev Team, it's completely understandable. You were one of the most open-minded devs for me and always kept what you promised. I thank you for helping to develop this game, until the beginning of Beta 5 it was a dream for me. Thank you very much Rypel and I wish you all the best.
Reivax Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 I feel something is going wrong in this community.. RypeL, you're here since 2008, i think it's not one bad word who can annoy you at this point.. afaik i've never seen you ingame and probably never on discord, i've never talked to you before, but if you are in RenX community since so many years, i listen you like i can listen Master yoda i remember when poi left, when i was on servers i've often said ppl say "hey, poi is gone? yea toxicity is gone!" but.. i feel.. the toxicity is growing oh and.. about all the issues you can have with people, remember you that by "players" i mean all people of course i was sure about one thing: high-skilled players here or not, toxicity will stay. and it annoys me to see i was right. i just want to give you my opinion: don't be so disgusted by players' opinion. yea, sometimes some ppl will have an opinion who will be against your acts or your words. yes. but they will rarely been against you. and in a community, we are a group of different people. we have different opinions, and sometimes we will do not agree. as hard as it can be, we are in a community, and the "contract" is to tolerate ppl who can't moderate their own words/acts. yea, i'm a kind of naive guy. yes, i wish ppl could take words and acts without imply their feeling at this point. but of course, RypeL.. i don't understand how things can be so bad to force you to leave. you're here for 12 years, you probably don't want to make any kind of dramas. we are not in one of these stupid reality-shows. i'm surprised you can be annoyed at this point, and i want not to know what makes you so disgusted - because it will pain me. I'm highly worried about how the community is becoming. actually, we are going in one of our most important times, since years. Website makes adverts for Renegade X, streamers play with us and stream Renegade X to their community i've always - like most of us - wanted to have more players in our community. Renegade X, its developers, deserve to have a gratitude for their work all these years. and what i see.. is not at all something who could attract new players. i've joined a little community the last year, but the community was absolutely toxic so i've left a few weeks later. if we continue to debate like that, instead of playing together, working together, nicely and respectfully, Renegade X will never have the community it deserves to have. do not break the chances to improve Renegade X community. do not break our chances. now, the last walltext. i promise, it will not be so much horrible to read - and my bad english doesn't help you to find the courage to read that if you're not in the mood to read criticizes, don't read the next walltext. it is my opinion. i do not target someone, if i would target someone i've my ramjet rifle for that hehe Spoiler just, i've said my opinion. i've not attacked anyone. (yea i've wrote this sentence after the "hidden" textwall, to prevent you. i'm nice and polite, but there are facts, who must be wrote. I just want to improve Renegade X community not by trying to solve problems, but to accept the problem for now and work together to solve them later. At this moment, with this atmosphere, if i can be sure about something.. nothing will be solved. i've read all the messages in this topic. it looks more toxic than poi's "goodbye" topic - and it was already a pain to read. there are many errors who have been done, by many people. it's a fact. it's useless to attack like "heeey dude you're wrong", it will not change what have been done. I'm not a dev, i'm not a mod - and if i'm forced to write that i wish i will never have to be dev or mod here - i'm just a player who plays since around 2 years. yes, i'm new for most of you - and my age will not help that haha. i know that and it's a pleasure to be a kind of child and say "meeoooow" in voicechat on discord. caugh a fact is that many of us have written words or taken decisions who have hurted other people. for that, i can only speak for myself, but i've never acted to attack someone. if i want have conflicts, i just need to create a twitter account haha. if i never used twitter, it's exactly to avoid this stupid mentality. i think - i'm sure - most of us have acted or said words who hurted ppl without have this goal. they said their opinion, but the ppl who was "targeted" doesn't liked that and they felt hurted. erg. it's not my objective, and i'm sure no one wanted that. but it's a fact, it hurted someone. now, we must talk together to explain why have we said that, why we have been hurted, etc.. if this topic is here, - maybe it wasn't its first objective but if this topic, i think it can be serve for that - it's to allows everyone to say what they think, what they have done, what have been misunderstood by others and what hurted them. i could write more but i'm already scared by the huge walltext i've done - probably the biggest walltext i've never wrote here, but i feel the subject is too important to let it without consideration. if there are problems, or some kind of disagreement in moderator teams, developpment team, or idk, just, guys.. talk together, idk, but try to search something where you can agree i'm sure if you are developer or moderator, it's to improve the player's experience on Renegade X. Not to destroy that. Talk together, try to find how to solve all the problems. Maybe many problems can't be solved - i want to remember to everyone we talk about a game, it will probably not be possible to create some magic feature. But keep in mind, our goal must to be to increase the community's atmosphere, and all our words and acts must go in this direction and try to reach this objective. i wish, to each and all of you, to have good times, on Renegade X, on other games, in this community or in others, IRL and IG, to enjoy what you do and to do not fall. Remember what you are. Maybe Renegade X community is going through darkness. but we must act to find the light. ... It sounds like a speech of the Greater Bald 2
DenWellingston Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 I would like to add once again that the departure of Nexus caused serious damage to the community of mod creators for Renegade X. I can count the fingers of people who make maps, models of equipment, etc. Iridesence for example me too (But I do more specific content as opposed to it). I regularly read the Renegade X Modding Comunity, not just for technical issues, but for new content from Nexus. I may require too much, but I still think we should hold it and add Steppe and Desolation cards to this week’s PUG. That’s how the fans of “Classics” and “If only the base was closer to each other” treated him. Sorry for the emotions, but for our community this is really a great loss! 2
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted January 17, 2020 Totem Arts Staff Posted January 17, 2020 5 hours ago, RypeL said: I´d also like to say goodbye for having to deal with too many frustrations lately and some dev posts and decisions i dont agree with. Maybe im too picky (possible), but i´m out. As my last gift to the community i modified the mapvote to filter the available maps by current playernumber (customizabel per server) as part of the next patch. It was quite a journey and i´m not sure if i will never return, but unfortunatly i think it would need a few culture changes for me to be able to feel at home again even though the devteam mostly still consists of great people. I´ve never been ingame arround the community much, so you might be wondering who this guy even is. For my own reference and if you wanna find out more about the journey that goes into specifically coding and finetuning something like RenX i attached a list of those of my contributions that i could still g et a hold off. RypeL_Commits_2008_to_2020.txt 199.98 kB · 24 downloads Breh... don't hijack somebody else's 'bye' thread. That's low. Make your own. Also... y'all are acting like Nexus straight up left everything. He just stopped mapping for awhile. Literally everyone takes breaks (permanent or not). Just not everyone makes a post about it. We're taking a part of natural progression and blowing it up into a catastrophe. P.S. Arts still do invisible damage 3 1
Guest once upon the time Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 Sieht so aus als wenn jemand sich auf dem Schlips getreten fühlt. Mag sein das Nexus vielleicht nur eine Pause macht, kann sein. Ich denke, bin mir aber nicht sicher , das wenn Maps wieder Gameplay technisch getestet werden (Sontags Pug), das er zurück kommt. Die andere Reaktion ist typisch, ein downvote und dann auch noch jemanden schreiben das er einen eigenen "Abschiedspost" machen ("Thats low") soll. Ich weiss nicht was "mehr low" ist, zeigt aber recht gut eine Charakter Eigenschaft. Manche sind halt nicht kritikfähig, so erscheint es mir. Ich habe überhaupt kein Problem damt das Rypel hier in diesem Topic gepostet hat. Betrachte es doch mittlerweile als Sammelpost: Stanislav, Nexus (vielleicht nur Pause) Rypel.Keine Ahnung wen ich eventuell vergessen haben sollte. Rosa Brille auf und die Welt ist schön. Google translate (no guarantee) Looks like someone feels stepped on the tie. It may be that Nexus is only taking a break. I think, but I'm not sure that when maps are tested gameplay again (Sunday Pug), he will come back. The other reaction is typical, a downvote and then write someone to make your own "farewell post" ("Thats low"). I don't know what "more low" is, but it shows a character trait quite well. Some are not capable of criticism, it seems to me. I have no problem at all that Rypel posted here in this topic. Now consider it a group post: Stanislav, Nexus (maybe just a break) Rypel. I have no idea who I should have forgotten. Pink glasses on and the world is beautiful.
limsup Posted January 17, 2020 Posted January 17, 2020 16 hours ago, yosh56 said: If ok only we still had our beacon of hope, @limsup 2 3
Mystic~ Posted January 18, 2020 Posted January 18, 2020 Feel compelled to share this song given the tone of the thread. 1
Reivax Posted January 18, 2020 Posted January 18, 2020 your song limsup your song thanks guys you must listen that at least once in your life, trust me caugh sorry but you know.. i love so much Jarre's masterpieces btw, "songs about toxicity".. i've listened a song called "Fuck them all" by a french singer now, back to the topic. 4 hours ago, yosh56 said: P.S. Arts still do invisible damage YES! YEEEEEEEES! (Sindri's voice) it's actually the main problem i have about RenX glitches idk how it can be fixed - it if can be fixed but, is it possible to make that a "exploit" and make it kickable like b2b or teamhampering? i know it will never be accepted but i hope so much 4 hours ago, yosh56 said: Breh... don't hijack somebody else's 'bye' thread. That's low. Make your own. I agree and I disagree in same time. Damn, my brain is totally fucked at 2am. I agree with one part: Nexus said he will left mapper activities for a time. it's not forever, and he doesn't said "all RenX activity" - he will still play on RenX, still talk on discord, etc.. i've said someone on a ingame server says "rest in peace Nexus", but.. he is not dead! don't kill my Nexus! in another hand, i can't agree. poi already made a topic a few months ago, and when i've seen Nexus' topic title for the first time, i'd a kind of flashback - u know, vietnam war flashback - about poi's topic. RypeL could make his own topic, but.. it must not become an habit to see "cya" posts haha and, in a way.. if it's an issue who only concerned only you, developers.. it probably must stay between you, we players aren't supposed to know what is going on internally. i've been member of a c&c community, we known about C&C Remaster before all others - cuz we made a fun April fool and EA thinked we had learned about the remaster, lmao - but all of us kept this secret for him and no one in our community learned that before the official announcement. we are little communities, Totem Arts is maybe a "little" development group, but it requires maybe a bit of..professionalism? (damn it sounds like a fkin mathematic' teacher who annoys you cuz you don't understand what he's talking about) anyway, RypeL was here since 12 years. he is important to the development team. but, if something happened.. i think it could stay "secret", and internal to the development team
Xtractor Posted January 18, 2020 Posted January 18, 2020 Is this thread contafious like the flue .. I think I will skip it 2
noxidevad Posted January 18, 2020 Posted January 18, 2020 This thread is getting way of topic. Locked for the time being. If any mod/dev feels it should be unlocked feel free to unlock it. 1
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