Totem Arts Staff Popular Post Totem Arts Posted April 1, 2019 Totem Arts Staff Popular Post Posted April 1, 2019 Patch 5.401 Patch 5.401 will be Renegade X's largest feature patch ever! However, we are pleased to announce the following changes which should be making its way live soon! Here is the TL:DR New Game Mode introduced: B a t t l e R o y a l e Newly Supported Modes: Team Deathmatch FFA Deathmatch Capture the Flag Gameplay Changes Significant Game balance changes, including Obelisk, AGT changes and character and vehicle tiers and prices. New Additions: Zoom Functionality on both Minimap and Overview map 3 new crate types, as well as additional changes to existing crates. New vehicles and infantry, as well as significant changes to existing ones. Significant changes to the veterancy system Several new maps, with additional maps to follow soon. Several new game modes supported Other Notable Mentions We now have a new launcher produced by Sonny & SMayhew! This will replace the existing launcher and will now allow you to specify which binary you wish to use (32 bit or 64 bit) Now, for the long version: New Game Modes: B a t t l e R o y a l e You asked for it, and now we have provided! You will now be able to join up to 3 others in a group to fight in a 100 (yes 100) player Battle Royale! We have designed a brand new map based on City and one based upon one of the most popular custom maps Paradise specifically for Battle Royale! Since this different game mode will be difficult to host for individual servers, we will be hosting all of the Battle Royale servers (At launch there will be 3 servers available but you will be assigned a server by matchmaking, and we will introduce more as needed) Crates will drop from the sky every 90 seconds and will provide weapons, ammo and healing items. Capture the Flag: Many people have been asking for this for quite some time, and we have finally managed to fix a few of the bugs that managed to stop us from releasing this earlier. Several existing maps have been converted to run this game mode, including Walls, Field, Complex and an old map makes its return to be our first CTF only map: Valley! While in CTF mode, many changes have been made to various physics and other gameplay elements, which draws from Yosh's Deck mutator, including weapon drops, faster-moving characters, multi-jumping and low gravity. While carrying the flag, you will not be able to utilise the multi-jump feature and increased movement speed but will be returned to the normal behaviour for that unit. Deathmatch / Team Deathmatch While we already had these game modes in the past, we have fixed several issues that occurred within the mode, such as being mostly restricted to basic units and SBHs spawning without weapons. Well, we have fixed these bugs, and we are ready for All Deck, All Day! Players will now always spawn as a random unit from either team. Also by default in TDM/DM modes, they now include the Deck mutator changes, for weapon drops, fast movement, multi-jumping and low gravity! New Maps While several of these maps have existed in the past, they are being reintroduced with significant changes to layouts or how they play. C i t y & C i t y F l y i n g G l a c i e r & G l a c i e r F l y i n g V a l l e y ( C T F ) F i e l d - X F l y i n g A r i d Arid will feature Nod v Black Hand (reskinned Nod to blue). The assets for this will also be released to the public for all to use Many of these maps need no introduction, as many have already been released at some time or another or came from the original Renegade, however, we have spent many hours to bring you updated versions! New Features We have added many new vehicle abilities to improve gameplay while within these vehicles. Buggy and Humvee: As a staple of the GDI and Nod forces, these vehicles were very underused and lacking the ability to fight back at more powerful units, becoming completely ineffective in the late game, As a result of this, we have given these 2 vehicles a massive overhaul. Upon purchasing either of these vehicles, you will now be given multiple options to choose from, which will upgrade the weapon systems on each of them. These options are: AA Missile Pod (Has a lock on AA Missile system which can attack aircraft once a lock-on has been established) RPG Pod (Similar to the AA system, but cannot be aimed up, but can be used to target tanks and infantry on the ground) Armour Piercing Rounds (This replaces the default Machine gun on the Buggy/Humvee, but gives the weapon more damage versus armoured tanks) These options remain attached to the vehicle and can only be changed by driving onto a Repair Pad and spending 150 credits to switch the weapon. APC: Both the GDI and Nod APCs have been given a deploy option, which once activated, allows nearby infantry to recover ammo over time without having to refill. This ability only affects allied infantry within a short range of the APC and does limit the APC to being in one place for a while, but grants roughly 1 clip every 6 seconds. Medium Tank & Flame Tank: Both the Medium Tank and Flame Tank have been given Ablative Armour, which is used to reduce damage taken by the tank from any explosive shot. This armour reduces damage taken from the first explosive round (like a rocket or tank shell) by 50% and is put on a 12-second internal cooldown, any further attacks will deal full damage as per normal until the 12-second cooldown is reset. Mammoth Tank: Similar to the Medium Tank and Flame Tank, the Mammoth Tank has also been given Ablative Armour but also has an additional defence system called 'RAMIS'. This stands for Rocket and Missile Interception System, and is used to defend the Mammoth Tank from any Rocket/Explosive Round or even all the way up a Commander Missile strike! This system is automatically triggered and shoots down, or destroys any rocket that comes in the range of the tank once every 40 seconds. While this is good at dealing with explosive rounds, it will not stop EMP strikes, thrown grenades or any mine, also while this system can defend against one attack from a C130 airstrike, it will not the stop multiple attacks, just the first one in range of the Mammoth. Chinooks, Orcas and Apaches: These 3 aircraft have all received the ability Chaff, this releases a cloud of chaff which disrupts lock-on targetting weapons for a short period, and any projectile which is heading towards a locked on target loses the target and no longer tracks them. This also prevents lock-ons from being established within the range of the chaff for the duration. This is on a 30-second cooldown and lasts for 4 seconds. Drivable Harvesters You can now buy additional harvesters to assist in Tiberium collection, these vehicles share all the same properties as their AI driven counterparts, except you can control them to collect Tiberium as well. Only one harvester can be in the bay at any one time, so if the AI harvester is docked, you will need to wait until it leaves to deposit the Tiberium you have collected. There is also a limit (set on a per map basis: Default is 1 extra), to how many harvesters a team can have active at any one time. So if the enemy manages to steal the Harvester they can both lock you out of buying extras and gain extra credits by farming resources, so be careful! Tiberian Sun Vehicle Remodelling We have begun remodelling the Tib Sun vehicles! Here is a sneak peek at the new Wolverine, with its new feature: New Purchasable Items As part of the overhaul to the item purchase system, we are adding several new purchasable items and changing the functionality of others to allow for a more diverse gameplay experience. Repair Tool The repair tool has been a powerful ally for all users within a field environment which has helped make infantry far more sustainable than what we felt was balanced, so we have made the following change to the repair tool. The repair tool will no longer restore infantry health, but will only restore armour. All other functionality for vehicle and building repair remains the same. First Aid Kit With the removal of the healing health component of the repair tool, we have added the First aid kit, which is a passive heal over time, similar to the Elite self-healing. It grants 1 Health per 2 seconds when you stop taking damage for 5 seconds. This can be purchased from the Item menu in the purchase terminal for a cost of 300 credits. This item basically replaces the primary function for using the Repair Tool in the field, to restore player health, but the main disadvantage is that it only works for the player who purchases the kit. This effect stacks with veterancy healing and costs 250 credits. Grenades We have added several new grenades to the item menu for purchase. Shrapnel Grenade (New: Frag Grenade but with a slight damage buff to lightly armoured vehicles. Cost 75 credits) EMP Grenade (Cost 250 credits) Chemical Grenade (Cost 150 credits) Napalm Grenade (New: Applies a burning effect to the area where it explodes, lasting up to 6 seconds, any infantry who walks into the area will take fire damage for the duration they remain in the field, and for 3 seconds after. Cost 150 credits) Two of these grenades were already available to classes already through abilities, but these will be one-shot items that are removed upon use or death from your inventory. (Characters who already have the grenade through an ability such as Gunner with an EMP grenade) will be unable to purchase the respective grenade. Assault Proximity Mine As Proxy C4 is primarily used for defence, we have added the Assault Proximity Mine to allow for players to deploy these within the field, without risk of taking up the precious Mine Limit slots for the base. These mines are identical to normal Proxy C4 except as follows: Cannot be placed within a friendly base volume (GDI cannot place within the GDI base) Individual Player Limit: 3 When inside an enemy base volume, the mines will take a small amount of damage over time (2% every 5 seconds). If the mine reaches 0 HP, they automatically explode. When placed in a neutral area (Middle of the field as an example) they will remain until detonated by the enemy or the deploying player places more than their limit, which cause them to explode. These mines should help players identify which mines are available for personal use and which ones are meant to be used for defence. As part of this change, Hotwire and Technician Proximity C4 has been adjusted to the following: Can only be placed within a friendly base volume (GDI can only place within the GDI base). Renamed to Defensive Proximity Mines Airstrikes Ever since Airstrikes were added to the game, they have become a staple of gameplay when trying to break a siege in front of a base or attempting to push into the enemy base. We quite like the direction that they have been going in, and wanted to add a few new "flavours" of Airstrikes to give a bit more situational benefits. We have added the following alternative Airstrikes EMP Airstrike (Cost 800) Napalm Airstrike (Cost 600) [GDI Only] Tiberium Seeding Airstrike (Cost 600) [Nod Only] We are aware that this may make the commander power and purchased option very strong when used to lock down an area, so there will be a modified effect if a vehicle which is already under the effect of a long duration EMP strike. Any enemy vehicle within range currently under the effect of a high powered EMP (Just the EMP airstrike and Commander EMP Strike) will take 50% of their maximum health (or 300 damage), whichever is lower when struck by this EMP strike instead of the normal EMP effects. The Napalm Airstrike is similar to the Napalm grenade, where it creates a fire damage zone which will constantly burn enemy units within the zone until they leave the zone, however, this has a much larger effect. However the Tiberium Seeding airstrike is a brand new airstrike specific to Nod and does several effects, and some of them have been high on our list for quite some time! Creates a large area of effect Tiberium poison cloud, which behaves like a normal Tiberium field (Poisons units who walk into the radius) Any unit who dies within the effect of the Tiberium Seeding Airstrike will become a Viceroid (even friendly units)! Viceroid units will heal while in a Tiberium field. Viceroids has a chemical breath attack, similar to Chemical Troopers Primary Weapon and will attack both GDI and Nod players who get too close (They will not attack Harvesters). Since we have finally added Viceroids we have added a permanent 5% chance for a visceroid to spawn whenever a unit dies within a Tiberium field, All visceroids are AI controlled. New Vehicles and Tanks Prism Tank We are glad to finally introduce the Prism Tank into the game, this will be available via the Classic Vehicle crate. Tesla Tank We are proud to announce the new Tesla Tank which will also be available via the Classic Vehicle crate. Mammoth Tank MKII Now it has been no secret that we have had the Mammoth MKII for quite some time in our game files, however finding a way to introduce it has been somewhat awkward, without a massive redesign of various maps. However, we have found a solution that we think will help in the short term. We have introduced a brand new crate into the game which will only spawn on large maps such as Daybreak. This has a very rare chance of spawn and moves slowly, but this titanic vehicle will shred enemy defences and wreck vehicles in its path with dual Railguns and Rocket Pods. New Infantry After some debates, we have come to the conclusion, that we should not separate the father from daughter - so we are proud to present our newest EPIC character (available through Mystery Crates) Dr. Ignatio Mobius! Veterancy System Changes We have added in 2 new ranks for Veterancy Exceptional ReneGod This brings the total number of Veterancy ranks to 6, the new order is as follows and the amount of VP needed to unlock the rank, and the icons for each have changed to reflect these new ranks. Recruit (0-199) Veteran (200-399) Exceptional (400-599) Elite (600-1199) Heroic (1200-1999) ReneGod (2000+) With the introduction of these new ranks, the various perks you get from each level has changed slightly. 1 Health per Second is gained at Elite (Same as current) 2 Health per Second is gained at Heroic (Down from 3 Health per Second) 3 Health per Second is gained at ReneGod (Same as the old Heroic perk) All building damage bonuses that are normally gained at Elite are now granted at Exceptional, All Building Damage Bonuses that are normally gained at Heroic will remain at Heroic. All Visual Weapon Firing effects that are normally granted at heroic are now granted at ReneGod instead. General Changes GDI Infantry Rifle Solider: Headshot multiplier of the Automatic Rifle reduced from 4x to 3.2x Base Damage of Automatic Rifle increased from 8 to 10 Shotgunner: Headshot multiplier of the Shotgun increased to 2.5x from 2x Reduced Shotgun spread by about 5% Increased Shotgun pellet damage to 11 from 10 (still fires 12 pellets) Base Movement Speed is now 105 up from 100 Marksman: Marksman Rifle now does 75% damage against Kevlar, up from 70% damage. Grenadier: Grenade Launcher Alt Fire now persists for an additional 0.25 seconds before exploding Engineer: Primary Fire for the Repair Gun now locks onto vehicles enabling you to look away from the target and still heal them, Alt-Fire will still fire a straight beam as per usual. Primary Fire for the Repair Gun will now heal any of your mines, rather than disarming. Alt-Fire will now disarm mines instead. McFarland: Primary Fire for the Flak Cannon has had the range increased to 850 up from 800 Cost reduced from 250 credits to 225 Officer: Movement speed is now 105 from 100 Rocket Soldier: Lock on with Missile Launcher is now faster, it now takes 0.1 seconds less to lock on. Deadeye: Now classified as a Tier 1 unit, and can be purchased even when the Barracks is destroyed. Gunner: Splash damage radius increased on Rocket Launcher by 5% Patch: Base Movement speed reduced to 110 from 112.5 Hotwire: Primary Fire for the Advanced Repair Gun now locks onto vehicles enabling you to look away from the target and still heal them, Alt-Fire will still fire a straight beam as per usual Primary Fire for the Advanced Repair Gun will now heal any of your mines, rather than disarming. Alt-Fire will now disarm mines instead Havoc: Cost increased to 1200 Sydney: Cost increased to 1200 Mobius: Cost increased to 1200 Movement speed increased to 105 from 100 Mobius [Epic] Introduced into the Epic Character Crate Wears a Prototype Armour Suit similar to Sydney [Epic] New Weapon - Tesla Rifle New Sidearm - Tiberium Flechette Nod Infantry Rifle Soldier: Headshot multiplier of the Automatic Rifle reduced from 4x to 3.2x Base Damage of Automatic Rifle increased from 8 to 10 Shotgunner: Headshot multiplier of the Shotgun increased to 2.5x from 2x Reduced Shotgun spread by 5% Increased Shotgun pellet damage to 11 from 10 (Still fires 12 pellets) Base Movement Speed is now 105 up from 100 Marksman: Marksman Rifle now does 75% damage against Kevlar up from 70% damage. Flame Trooper: Fire based immunity removed, to ensure that Napalm attacks will still be effective. Engineer: Primary Fire for the Repair Gun now locks onto vehicles enabling you to look away from the target and still heal them, Alt-Fire will still fire a straight beam as per usual. Primary Fire will now heal any of your mines, rather than disarming. Alt-Fire will now disarm mines instead. Chemical Trooper: Chemical Thrower damage reduced by 5%, but range increased by 25 units Laser Chaingunner: Base Movement speed increased to 85 up from 80 Armour now reduced to 225 from 250 Laser Chaingun no longer has infinite ammo, instead has 150 ammo per clip and 750 ammo in reserve. Stealth Black Hand: No longer available for purchase, replaced with the Hand of Kane unit Hand of Kane: The Hand of Kane has the following equipment: Laser Rifle 36 ammo per clip, 216 ammo in reserve. (Deals 2 damage extra per shot compared to the SBH Laser Rifle) Carbine Same as Sakura's Carbine Timed C4 Napalm Grenade Recharging Ability Kevlar armour (Not Invisible) Black Hand Sniper Now classified as a Tier 1 unit, and can be purchased even when the Hand of Nod is Destroyed. Technician Primary Fire for the Advanced Repair Gun now locks onto vehicles enabling you to look away from the target and still heal them, Alt-Fire will still fire a straight beam as per usual. Primary Fire for the Advanced Repair Gun will now heal any of your mines, rather than disarming. Alt-Fire will now disarm mines instead. Sakura Cost increased to 1200 Raveshaw Cost increased to 1200 Mendoza Cost increased to 1200 Base movement speed reduced to 105 from 110 Mendoza [Epic] Introduced into the Epic Character crate New Weapon - Volt Auto Rifle with Flame Jet attachment Character design based on his Original Renegade Skin, with the fuel tanks on his back. GDI Vehicles Humvee Weapon Selection on purchase is now available: AA Rocket Pod RPG Pod Armour Piercing Ammo Upgrade GDI APC Deploy ability added: Resupply Grants 1 clip of ammo to all nearby allied infantry every 6 seconds Medium Tank Added Ablative Armour Mammoth Tank Added Ablative Armour Added RAMIS Defense System Chinook Base health increased to 600 from 500 Chaff Flare Ability added Orca Chaff Flare Ability added Rocket Lock-on now takes 0.1 seconds less Drivable Harvester added for purchase for 1400 credits Nod Vehicles Buggy Weapon Selection on purchase is now available: AA Rocket Pod RPG Pod Armour Piercing Ammo Upgrade Nod APC Deploy ability added: Resupply Grants 1 clip of ammo to all nearby allied infantry every 6 seconds Flame Tank Added Ablative Armour Chinook Base health increased to 600 from 500 Chaff Flare Ability added Apache Chaff Flare Ability added Drivable Harvester added for purchase for 1400 credits. Building Changes Advanced Guard Tower Rocket reload timer is now 5% shorter, allowing for more rockets to be fired. Machine Gun Turret damage against Medium+ armoured vehicles by 4%. Obelisk Damage decreased to 275 per shot from 300 Obelisk recharge time reduced by 15%, allowing for more rapid firing. Crates New Crate Options: Super Vehicle Crate (MKII) introduced Weapon Pick-up Crate introduced Team Credit Crate - Grants all team members a small number of credits each (100-250 credits) Adrenaline Crate - Grants the player a very high movement speed (200% increased infantry speed, 150% vehicle speed) for 3 minutes. Altered Crates: Classic Vehicle crate now offers the Prism Tank and Tesla Tank as well as the Bradley Spy Crates will only give the SBH character, and is not dependant on the team, meaning GDI and Nod can get the SBH Spy. Epic character crates now offer the new characters Mobius [Epic] and Mendoza [Epic]. New Building Available Construction Yard is now available in the SDK for mappers to introduce to their maps! (When we release the next SDK build) The construction yard provides automatic repairs to all damaged buildings (except itself) equal to 1% armour every 6 seconds up to 100% and will restore 2% building health every minute up to 50% maximum health. The Construction Yard is very durable and has 3000 Health and 3000 Armour (1000 more of each compared to other buildings). This means that the Construction Yard can SURVIVE 1 hit of a super weapon beacon. 5 3 5 2 1
Tommy Posted April 1, 2019 Posted April 1, 2019 17 minutes ago, Totem Arts said: Stealth Black Hand: No longer available for purchase, replaced with the Hand of Kane unit MRLS PLAYING INTENSIFIES jokes aside, I'm so hyped right now
Ryz Posted April 1, 2019 Posted April 1, 2019 Lol wonder whats real about this... Found some other Glacier 2.0 screenshot.... Spoiler Who said global warning due Tiberium is not true..... 2
StalinsThighs Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 I can't tell what's real and what's not, some of this stuff honestly seems plausible. I've heard about City, and City Flying makes sense as a logical extension of that. The Epic Mobius seems like a likely addition. The ConYard sounds realistic. God this is confusing.
CoreDefender Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 (edited) The only question is, are you sure that's City? It looks a lot like CNC-Metro to me Edited April 2, 2019 by CoreDefender 2
vandal33 Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 6 hours ago, Totem Arts said: Drivable Harvesters This made me very happy. Finally!
HIHIHI Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 I'm not drawing any final conclusions until I see the update message in the launcher, but I am looking forward to pretty much all of this! Thank you devs for your hard work, even if this is fake (and I really, really hope it isn't, and I kind of think it isn't too : ) ).
Axesor Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 HOLY SHIIT HOLY SHIIIIT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT. I dont know if I can say that I am proud, cuz I wasnt an active member for last months, but I am so happy of this community. Much respect for u devs 1
drunkill Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 JUST YOU CREATE GLACIER FLAYING FUCK YOU BIG JAKAS YOUR MAPS IS BAD Nice work. 6 1
CoreDefender Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 1 hour ago, drunkill said: JUST YOU CREATE GLACIER FLAYING FUCK YOU BIG JAKAS YOUR MAPS IS BAD Nice work. Well I think that at the very least, @Aircraftkiller will be proud to see his map Glacier_Flying remade, and what looks like Metro also being re-created for RenX
Moat Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 After not playing for many months it is time to come back 3
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted April 2, 2019 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 2, 2019 3 hours ago, CoreDefender said: Well I think that at the very least, @Aircraftkiller will be proud to see his map Glacier_Flying remade, and what looks like Metro also being re-created for RenX would of helped if he had indeed made it, but he didnt lol, he just made it playable ... its a hidden map in renegade that was never used like 70% of all the assets in ren lol 2
CoreDefender Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 59 minutes ago, kenz3001 said: would of helped if he had indeed made it, but he didnt lol, he just made it playable ... its a hidden map in renegade that was never used like 70% of all the assets in ren lol I was referring to this, where he states that he did: On 6/13/2011 at 11:32 PM, Aircraftkiller said: Here's a short list courtesy of someone who was apparently trying to compile everything I had done for inclusion into some "ultra mega map pack": C&C_Bunkers.mix | Version 2.0 C&C_Basin.mix | Version 1.2 C&C_BasinTS.mix | Version 2.0 C&C_Beach.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_City_Flying_Exp.mix | Version 1.2 C&C_Country_Meadow.mix | Version 2.0 C&C_CYTeamDM | Version 1.0 C&C_DMCenter.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_DMCenterTS.mix | Version 2.0 C&C_DMConYard | Version 1.1 C&C_Eglin_AFB.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_Flight_Deck.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_Forest_Trail.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_Glacier_Flying C&C_Glacier.mix | Version 1.1 C&C_GlacierTS.mix | Version 2.0 C&C_Golf_Course.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_Land.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_Mars.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_MedicalLevel | Version 1.1 C&C Metro | Version 1.0 C&C MetroTS | Version 2.1 C&C_Metropolis.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_Mines.mix | Version 1.3 C&C_MinesTS.mix | Version 2.1 C&C_River_Canyon.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_River_Raid.mix | Version 1.0 C&C_River_RaidTS.mix | Version 2.0 C&C_The_Woods_Today | Version 1.0 Of course, this list doesn't include the levels I made for RA:APB... Of which there was a substantial amount. And I don't recall it being a hidden map, it was played regularly on most servers in Renegade.
limsup Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 At any rate, I am not aware of ACK contributing anything to RenX... Tho I'd sure be interested if he ever made a map for this game. 1
Suspiria Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 (edited) Wow! I am absolutely blown away by this! This is hard, hard work! I very much respect the effort that you've put into this. I've been looking through all the code and it absolutely amazes me just how many lines of code are in there and how complex some of those systems are. Crazy! Absolutely nuts; in the way that I like it. I'm looking forward to see most of these features in action.(And then I looked at the date..)..Although I'm not sure which of them are april's fools jokes.The visceroid literally being on my list of suggestions. Some of the other updates may, however, kill this game's soul. For example the removal of SBH and the blue reskin of Nod. Who feels at home with that.. And Buggies and Humvees are no more, if they get these upgrades. That's more C&C Generals than it is Renegade. We're not playing World of Warcraft 2 guys. Simplicity is king. I wonder. Edited April 2, 2019 by DugeHick 1
limsup Posted April 2, 2019 Posted April 2, 2019 2 hours ago, DugeHick said: the blue reskin of Nod. Who feels at home with that
Tytonium Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 Nice! Glad to see the game is finally living up to its potential with these much needed changes! BuT WhEn ArE We geTTiNG a MoBiLE CoNStRuCtiON YArD PurCHasAble VeHicLE?
OWA Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 (edited) Very cool update guys. Nice job! Just trying to understand, what was the reason behind the SBH removal? Edited April 3, 2019 by One Winged Angel
Maigon Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 First i thought 1. April, You so funny. But now i am hyped and have to invest more gametime.
Space Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 Люди, и как установить патч? Или он установит себя? Или он еще не вышел? Если вы скажете мне, когда, пожалуйста
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted April 3, 2019 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Space said: Люди, и как установить патч? Или он установит себя? Или он еще не вышел? Если вы скажете мне, когда, пожалуйста Патч был шуткой, установить его нельзя The patch was a joke, you can not install it 1
Gex_str Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 @Space Этот патч - первоапрельская шутка. Его никогда не будет.
Space Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 1 hour ago, Sarah. said: Патч был шуткой, установить его нельзя Патч был шуткой, установить его нельзя You sure? If true, then some cruel joke 1 hour ago, Gex_str said: @Space Этот патч - первоапрельская шутка. Его никогда не будет. You sure? If true, then some cruel joke
Gex_str Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 Да, это можно увидеть даже по номеру обновления - 5.401= 4.01= первое апреля. Да и большинство изменений просто абсурдны. 1
Axesor Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 Is this rly a joke? I am dead inside. Literally. I cant take it This was so cruel. Fuck you. 1
limsup Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 6 hours ago, OWA said: Just trying to understand, what was the reason behind the SBH removal? April 1st.
Fffreak9999 Posted April 3, 2019 Posted April 3, 2019 I can make it a thing if people want it via mutator, I did it once before. Just change spy crates and then replace SBH in the PurchaseTerminal with another class
HIHIHI Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 Fortnite and PUBG are examples of Battle Royale games. Basically a bunch of people are put on a map and the last man (or last squad) standing wins. 1
OWA Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 15 hours ago, limsup said: April 1st. I mean I'd like to hear the farcical reason for it too! :v
limsup Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 Just now, OWA said: I mean I'd like to hear the farcical reason for it too! :v @Fffreak9999
Fffreak9999 Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 Well, if you are referring to the patch notes in general, then I just went through the forums and found a few (lot) of thing people wanted and stuck them in a list. As for any individual “change” like the SBH removal that you mentioned, I made that change on a server a while back, since i’m not a fan of how Nod use SBH at the moment (too passive, very little gets done, unless co-ordinated). So I replaced the SBH with a unit called “Hand of Kane”. SBH were only found as spies, but all spy crates were SBHs. Allowing Stealth to be the critical infiltration method, made them far more useful, and more active.
DenWellingston Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 Guys, can someone explain where April 1 is, and where is the "real" update?
Fffreak9999 Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 We will not indicate what is, and is not real. We will keep you in suspense until these features (if any) are ready for release. So until such time, assume that all of the above patch notes were a troll for April Fools. However curious minded people may be able to identify what is and is not real by looking at what has been posted in the past on any source and make an educated guess as to what is real or not. 2 2
DenWellingston Posted April 4, 2019 Posted April 4, 2019 15 minutes ago, Fffreak9999 said: Мы не будем указывать, что есть, а что нет. Мы будем держать вас в ожидании, пока эти функции (если таковые имеются) будут готовы к выпуску. Well, then we will wait. I hope that destructible bridges will add, which stand on the example of Field, Field X on the river. More tactics on the map/
SvN91 Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 On 4/3/2019 at 7:13 PM, Sarah. said: The patch was a joke, you can not install it Seriously? what a dumb joke, and here I thought it was time to come back playing this game 3
Moat Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 also kinda relieved, because battle royal would not fit in in Renx
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted April 5, 2019 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 5, 2019 Haha sorry guys, was an April Fool! 1
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted April 5, 2019 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 5, 2019 6 hours ago, SvN91 said: Seriously? what a dumb joke, and here I thought it was time to come back playing this game Do you also say that to everyone else who does April Fools? 4
Guest once upon the time Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 It's interesting to see how different people take April fools. It also shows (positive) that the Ren X community is very special. Sometimes it can also have negative effects.Do not fret, take it with humor.
Xtractor Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 (edited) really lame not funny at all,was tinking to take break ,now im just not thinking Edited April 5, 2019 by Xtractor 2 1 1
Totem Arts Staff SonnyX Posted April 5, 2019 Totem Arts Staff Posted April 5, 2019 19 minutes ago, Xtractor said: really lame not funny at all,was tinking to take break ,now im just not thinking Some of the stuff is coming, however if you got real excited about specific things mentioned in t he patch post let us know, we may consider them.
Guest once upon the time Posted April 5, 2019 Posted April 5, 2019 @SonnyX I think ,I am not sure but some ppl didn't like this April fool, because they mentioned a lot of things in some Topics (like battlefield royale). So Devs make a April fool mixed out of wishes of some ppl and stuff whats really under work. In my case i am not angry it was to much changes from the patch before to the April fool. just my 5cent.
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