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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Additional changes as of April 10 2017 FIXED STUPID GDI HARVESTER Added PreviewVid v1.0.0.2
  2. Additional changes as of April 10 2017: Fix-Fixed GDI Harvester Clean up left over meshes Removed Moon Sounds fixed Prefabs un-prefabbed Pathnodes cleaned Optimized Fixed collision of a certain 'tree'
  3. Then what's that whole 'Directory' shindig we have to use with the .bat file? I thought that's what does the in-game downloader? Or was that for the launcher downloads and is now useless?
  4. So how does the navmesh work in regards to map making? Volumes over the terrain? Some crazy cool numbers game?
  5. @ShrewdTactician Will Harvester pathfinding also be improved?
  6. If the other three maps DL fine but WoodsV2, Forest and UphillRedux do not then you'll have to see what fffreak can do about it. Perhaps the server was just slow at that point? Headlands and CoastalSmall are back in rotation (for whatever reason that would be for)
  7. V1 is here. Changes as of April 10 2017: Environment decorated Collisions fixed Walls fixed Sounds fixed GDI Harvester fixed Comm Center will no longer detect players inside their own base Hello Frostbite V1.0.0.0 New Gallery
  8. Greetings! Fallen, Forest, Frostbite, Dust, TrainingYard, UphillRedux & WoodsV2 are currently the only maps in the Test servers' map cycle. The latest versions of these maps are presently on the CT Test server and running right now. No other maps should pop, making testing for these specific maps much easier with less waiting around for an Admin/Moderator. Enjoy.
  9. Frostbite-Redux - Release State - V.99 : "Finally, back to this point again" Changes as of April 07 2017: Moon is in place and has been fixed. [At. Long. Last.] Terrain has been smoothed out. Terrain in the GDI base has been leveled. [Less dips] Additional blind-spots added to prevent Obelisk WTFRange. Added a lookout point to further disadvantage the Nod PP from MRLS' Culled a few static meshes. Overridden and lowered over 1000 StaticMesh's LOD's. [24 - 28] Moved Nod watchtower to overlook the Ice-cave entrance/exit. Nod Tiberium Refinery and Nod Airstrip have been moved slightly further apart to avoid BDD. [Beacon Double-Destruction] Resolved some collision issues such as hiding within meshes and being able to get stuck. Replaced all Nod walls with non-fractured versions. Added emitters for the Refinery's and the Power Plant's Set the vehicle limit to '11' as originally intended. Increased airstrike timer from 30 - 42. [Mountainous area, airstrikes take that little bit longer] Increased width at the front Nod-base entrance. [Path which leads directly to the Obelisk] Misc changes. To Do: Decorate environment some more. Create a Loading Screen. Fix future reported issues. [Forever existing]
  10. It'll be a while before there are over 50 maps to choose from. (OGRen had way over 200, was ridiculous)
  11. Maybe Ukill can make a mutator specifically for this map to use?
  12. There is a cluster of untextured tib crystals on top of the rock at the nose of the c130, spotted by Try-Out. Also, I recommend placing a damage_volume at the fire burst of the pipe, it is a part of the pipe which goes above and over the river/stream a part which infantry can walk along.
  13. You won't even have to rebuild the lights. https://1drv.ms/u/s!AlgMgOyuk9pRyFCftBsRVCTRRyil
  14. After you added it to your package did you then drag the one from your package and apply it to your sky?
  15. It is not as long as before... Although in the server log... "for platform PC-D3D-SM3," I may want to just delete the old landscape materials from the RX package but other than that, I'm not sure what is causing this. Not sure why my 'MOON1' has such an issue. Frostbite will need optimization. Help plz.
  16. To test whether or not it was possible?
  17. Were you originally trying to glitch the beacon?
  18. We have reached the point of done. Any further amendments made can be done when there is time to do so but as it stands (minus the loading screen) Frostbite is much ready to go in a patch. Changes as of April 05 2017: Modified Fog Improved Weather Cleaned up pathnodes Cleaned map of untextured meshes Fixed EndGame Cam Fixed moon [Potentially] Fixed reported issues Modified collisions in some areas Minimap redone and sorted Weather has been set Created a few blindspots for the Obelisk To Do: Decorate environment a little more Create Loading Screen Fix moon if it is not fixed (bastard moon) Fix future reported issues Note: When playing on Frostbite, avoid the middle of the map if you're in a vehicle.
  19. I wasn't talking about integrating Svn into the launcher, oh lawdy hell no. I just meant a separate entity, specifically for custom maps, unofficially. [I should probably have created a separate thread, apologies for the confuzzling.]
  20. I unticked 'Enabled' for the 'Prefab' Sequences which came with the Prefab Gates/Guard Towers, it would seem that if you 'Convert' prefabs with kismet you make it impossible to delete their kismet sub-sequences, deleting the kismet within those sub-sequences is doable just not the actual sub-sequence itself. If I want kismet gates/towers in my map I will have to make the kismet myself. So I've just done away with the kismet gates instead. Short Answer: Viewpoint is fine now that the 'Prefabs' sequence in kismet has been disabled.
  21. It may have something to do with being unable to completely delete broken kismet sequences due to the prefabs in Frostbite.
  22. And it's going in the right direction... Fatal error! Address = 0xd6bf4be5 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd654c16f (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd65571c7 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6836ad9 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6a3bbc0 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c2f463 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c30b66 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c30c06 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c30c06 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6a955b8 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd75c60e1 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd770697a (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd7ac8ca0 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd7ac9739 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0x2f9533e (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_core_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0x2ed413e (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_core_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0x346dc23 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0x2fa6cc4 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_core_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0xd7acdf9b (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd7ace05a (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0x8e47bc11 (filename not found) Address = 0x8e47bc11 (filename not found)
  23. So no Svn just for custom maps? Why? Why do you hate me so much Agent? YOU'RE NOT MY FRIEND :((((((
  24. The map will load through the game, just not the editor. Fatal error! Address = 0xd6bf4be5 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd654c16f (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd65571c7 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6836ad9 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6a3bbc0 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c2f463 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c30b66 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c30c06 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6c30c06 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd6a955b8 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd75c60e1 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd770697a (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd7ac8ca0 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd7ac9739 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0x257533e (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_core_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0x24b413e (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_core_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0x2a6dc23 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0x2586cc4 (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\wxmsw28u_core_vc_custom_64.dll] Address = 0xd7acdf9b (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0xd7ace05a (filename not found) [in A:\Dev\RenegadeX SDK 03-03-2017\Binaries\Win64\UDK.exe] Address = 0x8e4abc11 (filename not found) Address = 0x8e4abc11 (filename not found)
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