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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Sometimes when I am on the CT TeamSpeak and I'm in the AFK Channel I am not actually away from keyboard... Sometimes when I play in a public game, I deliberately blow caution to the wind and run away from a building in need of repair...
  2. You've made an incredibly stunning re:rendition of Hourglass, the environment, the weather create a good feel when playing and the ceiling turrets are a nice touch. Heck! Even the bots enjoy this map. Well done, good job!
  3. Jeff's team hated our Harvester with a passion. #LeaveHarvesterAlone
  4. Still have no idea what you were trying to mean nonetheless.
  5. An actual registration of names so a name cannot be used if taken requires a database and I don't think any of the devs really want to maintain that, although it would be neat so long as its not mandatory to play the game but that would defeat the purpose I suppose. Does the Leaderboard actively change players' names? @Agent
  6. But for the Rocket Soldier they get one. Just one. No recharge. Want another? Go back to base and refill.
  7. Under the bridge portion of the wall (the main vehicle entrance) and I was on GDI and in an Orca. I did make a post about it somewhere on these forums but I'll be damned if I'm going to go back 500 posts in activity just to find it. [I could have been on Nod in an Apache] But I distinctly recall flying over a mammoth and exiting the vehicle and ending up in the wall. Exiting a vehicle at the wall entrance since to be the cause so on the rare occasion this happens, I suggest players do not exit their vehicle when under the wall entrance.
  8. Happened to me once whilst I got out of an Orca hovering above a mammy at the wall entrance. Needless to say I did the dirty in there... Good times.
  9. Change AFK kicker to 90 seconds. Add faction selection for the beginning of rounds via mutator: i.e. F1 for Nod, F2 for GDI?
  10. Okay. That is now sorted. Changes as of April 11 2017 Last minute collision/volume/pathnode tweaks Added PreviewImage Re-added PreviewVideo for Launcher Added LoadingScreen_CNC-Frostbite.bik [Map header and loading bar effects not included] I no longer have a need to touch'up or do anything else. [Honestly.] Map is done and all that jazz, I really just wanted to include a loading screen which evidently also reminded me to do the preview image. no more sudden patch updatey thingys. Frostbite. Now. Done.
  11. I should have been more specific, the video does play in the Launcher (even if the resolution is 1080p), however I am struggling to make the same video work as a Loading Screen for when the map is loading, in which case I have scaled down the PreviewVid to 320x180px but it does not show the PreviewVid 'CNC-Frostbite'. (See attached example) @TK0104 CNC-Frostbite.mp4
  12. Well then... Feel like telling me what's wrong with my PreviewVid not showing up as the Loading Screen for Frostbite? All the video settings are the same as Crashsite/Canyon's video settings: Example attached. CNC-Frostbite.mp4 Unless this is still the case?
  13. Yeah, my SMs are a lot more crisp with their snow to ice ratio. But that's okay. The load time after the first initial 'big load' has been massively reduced.
  14. What about other UT3 games using DirectX 9? Have you tried to see if any of those work? (Example: Try Rocket League)
  15. Legit. For realz. Optimized. Frostbite is as ready as any other official map could be for a proper release. @yosh56 Frostbite is definitely going to put up a fight against the 30v30 nemesis. Just needs developer review and approval from this point on before we can maybe see it in the official releases. @Ruud033 98% static meshes are set to BSP and lighting tickboxes have been unticked. Skybox ticks are unticked. Outside playing area SMs have no collisions and lighting tickboxes unticked. After following a tutorial on optimizing I don't quite know what else I can do on the optimization front. If you can find a way to delete the 'Prefab' sequence from the kismet that would be terrific.Also, @Ruud033 if you could explain what the "failed to compile material instance" d3d9 platform error, (see the log in the post above) then feel free to help me out there as well.
  16. Yeah, this. ^ Frostbite has a 75s cool down.
  17. You're right, placing over 1,000 pathnodes can be a bit of a pain especially when they go missing. I wonder if the change to a navmesh will prevent bots from suiciding as often as they currently do.
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