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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Please remove walls snowing, it is waaaay too bright and the 'snow' still looks like sand. Its just White sand Walls. Lovely Xmas map but c'mon, 3 versions of the same map is not variety or interesting. Remove Walls Snowing? Saves double/triple Walls conundrum.
  2. Unless it is an AOW map and its just up to Nod to out last the timer as GDI send attack after attack after attack... Or Nod Nuke the carrier via Pedestal? (which actually just has Barracks and Ref MCTs below it out of sight but within range of nuke.)
  3. This poi and boi bandwagon needs to frikken stop. Blaming a player or two is NOT the reason you're an upset little wanker brat that needs an extra type of vehicle to stop you from being sniped because you think standing clear as day in the field will keep you safe. A repair vehicle would need to be able to be two-shotted by a Sydney/Raveshaw, making it just a clunky useless heap of a vehicle clogging up the vehicle count. Take cover behind the vehicles where you most likely expect a sniper to be shooting from, is the sniper shooting from behind your teams' lines? Alert your team and go after the bastard! But as you are only repairing vehicles it shouldn't be difficult to ponder where snipers are going to shoot you from, situational awareness is pretty important so keep ducking, sprinting, strafing and covering your ass to keep out of their sights. "But I do do that and I still get shot and boo to the hoo..." Clearly not doing it right. If for the third time you get sniped, stop doing repairs (after the third time you should know their whereabouts) and hunt the snipers down because hunting down those snipers is clearly going to be more beneficial to your team than repairing vehicles. I'll make this point again, blaming other players is not a valid defense or feasible in a discussion to get anything added/changed.
  4. Use Patch and Gunner, I wouldn't mind voicing Patch and Gunner is a cockney geezer anyway.
  5. Isn't this already a thing? Hence less maps to vote for when the server reaches max population? Or was there some other reason we could only vote for 3 maps instead of 4 maps at 55+ players?
  6. CTPS - Community Team Play Sunday, those who join TS on a Sunday to play RenX should use the Team 1 and Team 2 channels but stack both teams on a public game, to give the general playerbase a better idea of how to play RenX. If the server is full then tough shit fill an empty server.
  7. uninstall both pieces of shit and get Spybot Search & Destroy and use adblock on Chrome. Game performance ++++ (not actual advice, the second line may not have been a clear enough indication of me being non-serious)
  8. You can't profit from them and would need permissions from both parties and it is unlikely to get it from the devs if EA do not permit extended usage. What would be the point of making a separate modded RenX when you could just release the mod as a server-side addition to RenX?
  9. Sniper servers are fun lil'servers, just why have a specific sniper type server when a deathmatch server could have sniper DM maps as well as DM maps?
  10. In all honesty I don't think playing defensively works if the player limit is 34 instead of 40. Why an odd number? The odd person makes for a right man in the wrong place which can make all the difffff-fer'rence... in the world game. At what point did people just decide that they couldn't get better at a game? Being killed a lot in an infantry-only map is a weak defense. For one thing, some of those players won't be there all the time and I wouldn't snuff an Infantry-only server so quickly just because of the assumption that some players will kill you. Every player is going to get to kill you at some point. Failure is one of the ways to learning how to succeed. (Non-uniform ZigZagging is very effective to dodging bullets) "sniper server" is just Deathmatch but with a weapon restriction. It ain't missing, it's just not worthy to have its own place unless you're saying we should have a lazer server, machine-gun server, rockets server (etc.) which can all just be set in a map and put on a 'Deathmatch server'... So... Yeah...
  11. You extract the entire download, into a folder. Once extracted you then run the launcher.
  12. Poll is multiple choice, pick any or all which interest you. All-Out-War (AOW) - Normal Renegade X as you know it with a time limit. Marathon - Normal Renegade X as you know it but endless until base destruction. Infantry Only (IO) - No vehicles and just infantry, time limit debatable, base destruction enabled. (There are at least 3 other infantry only maps with the exception of Valley which have never been played, please do not base your interest solely on the experience of CNC-Valley.) Sandbox- building damage locked, you can spawn anything you want using a simple console command and go nuts on any map you wish to play, a variety of different mutators can be enabled. Custom Map Game (CMG) - A place to test upcoming maps which are currently between works in progress and to be released as well as playing standard Renegade X games whilst discovering any issues in the maps before they are released 'officially'. Deathmatch - Non-standard Rengade X game, no base, no purchase, just spawn as a unit from either GDI or Nod and kill one another. I am very interested to see what the playerbase is interested in. Personally I think the current amount of maps open a few doors for server variety. With a bit of server owner cohesion and shared interest a bit of variety in the server lists could be possible. (Wishful thinking)
  13. A vote went up to enable sandbox during a game on Lakeside which I thought was a joke at first as we went through the game with things being normal, until shortly before we won on Lakeside a Hovercraft spawned and died. Then when it changed to Islands vehicles were being spawned in as per sandbox 'rules', hovercrafts, TS units, all the things as decided by a majority vote. Then when it changed over to Canyon it stopped, after that game I was done and also thought the sandbox had stopped as well. All in all, bring back sandbox server and keep it off normal server.
  14. My dream of flying mammoth tanks is nearly coming true.
  15. But then it'll be difficult to place C4s on yerr butt ):
  16. A Previous time being Mother's day or another before when people knew Jeff/Ukill weren't there to run the SunPUG. Let's see how this upcoming Sunday goes.
  17. I ate the last baguette.
  18. Keep up the great dedication Anubis! I will slay many slaves for your wellbeing.
  19. The vehicle camo is a 'World Properties' setting. @Ruud033 do you know much about map mutators like the one in Fort which makes vehicles drop from a high above?
  20. Raining now and then was a nice touch, the top of the hill being suitable snd fair for both teams is already a nice touch, if the flooding is just visual is it necessary? Teleporter lacking noise isn't so bad. Suppose you'll spot more issues in the behind the scenes than anybody else.
  21. Sometimes I leave my allies' base when it is under attack knowing full well that if I leave my team will lose. Sometimes I don't use Stealth tanks just for Stealthing and staying in stealth-mode, but for attacking GDI vehicles and decimating them when they think they're hot-shit.
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