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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. And here we see the American health-care system at work, albeit a tad in the extreme.
  2. Including Yagi's idea about repair beams only repairing infantry armour and not their health points and I do like the idea of infantry not having their health-points restored *with the Engineer's and Hotwire/Technician's repair guns. Infantry would likely know first-aid and as such maybe players should be able to purchase a First-Aid kit which can be purchased from the utilities tab in the PT menu, the items go in the same inventory slot as an Airstrike and Beacon etc. Single-use First Aid Kit - 300 credits x3 First Aid Kit - 750 credits Regarding First Aid Kit; First Aid Kit and First Aid Case only restore health Does not restore armour Requires 2 seconds to activate & players must not move A kit will only restore a maximum of 175 health points [Which is full health for some infantry units but not for all units] And maybe... Single-use First Aid Case - 1100 credits Regarding First Aid case; Can heal infantry within a small radius Case will only restore a maximum of 150 health points (Or potentially up to 70% of their total health) Requires 5 seconds to activate and player with the case must not move Does not restore armour Does not heal the user User becomes more vulnerable to all attacks and takes double-damage during the 5 second activation Units recently affected by a First Aid Case cannot be affected by another case until 15 seconds have passed. First Aid Kit look: Reskin a sandbag to be white with a red cross, duplicate the mine placement animation and swap the mine out for the re-skinned sandbag. (For nod have a red bag with a white cross) First Aid Case look: Reskin a briefcase in the same way, white case red cross (GDI) and red case white cross (Nod) and duplicate the mine placement animation and swap the mine for the brief case. Regarding the animations, if it is possible to ask the RA:APB guys for some help with the anims and/or textures for the first-aid items that would be handy but anything could really just be a placeholder cos 'Beta'. As for the sound either use or remake or edit the Red Alert medic heal sound effect. (Perhaps this sound should be heard by the other team as well when first aid kits/cases are used, provided someone on the enemy team is close enough) Because it is important to monopolize healthcare, even in Ren-X.
  3. I hope your discs are re-writable, have fun!
  4. Command & Conquer: RENEGADE X GET YOUR COLLECTION OF RENEGADE X - - - TODAY!!! - - - Already gamers have multiple disc-set collections of this unique title remake!!! Act now and you could have Discs "Renegade X: Patch 5.282, 5.283, 5.284, 5.286, 5.29, 5.292 & 5.293"!!! ALL ON TWO to FOUR DISCS FOR THE AUTHENTIC OLDSCHOOL C&C STYLE!!! (Disc amounts may vary, we do not disclose hard disc copies or any such support from our website, users are to do this entirely upon themselves, terms & conditions apply.) WOW! That's a lot of Renegade-X for your optics!!! SO DON'T DELAY! BURN TODAY!
  5. Updated map has now been uploaded.
  6. Create a bsp mesh and apply a water material where you want your river to be, there are a few types of water material in the UDK so play around with them.
  7. Is it possible to kismet a harvester drop to a helipad? If it is possible that would be a great prefab for any maps in the future which do not include the WF and/or Strip
  8. The Nod base with the two strips is going to be inaccessible and just for decoration, right? Otherwise, there may be an issue. Unless this is going to be a multiplayer mission map? But that may require some kismet.
  9. Changes as of August 16th: Ice-cave monster who was eating GDI's vehicles has been put back into his pen and is being fed appropriate scraps for bad behaviour Collisions volumes have been rebuilt DominantDirectionalLight replaced with DirectionalLight Decorated map with foliage & wreckage Culling Volume added Cull distances implemented Misc adjustments and changes New Mini-map Currently building map lights...
  10. Fixed it! (yay) Much thanks folks, especially the welshian Kenz. Frostbite is quite optimized. Now it is time to foliage.
  11. Much appreciated Kenz, thank you for doing all this.
  12. It's the way he first walks in and pummels his Kommandor-Ryz with kicks. P.S. I <3 U
  13. I tried to google this but to no avail, could you please type out a quick navigation of how to view 'artifacted volumes'?
  14. @kenz3001 @Ruud033 Any idea why vehicles/harvester from the WF are spawning underground? No excess BSPs and no volumes are in the way and the WF has been replaced numerous times with geometry being rebuilt each time. Alt-Drag to select potential invisible objects but there is nothing there to interfere. (I even found these random brushes which were doing nothing but surrounded the whole map and deleted them... ) I am at a total loss as to what the heck is up with the GDI Weapons Factory vehicle spawn. There ain't a tutorial which can help me out here.
  15. I now have an subterranean Harvester...
  16. Those further-away infantry paths could be converted into a vehicle path, forcing either team to spread their defenses out at the front and allowing a building or two to be hit in the process but still allows the Obelisk and AGT to be useful. The Reborn revamp of Under with its backdoor vehicle entrance was sickening and ruined the map, however a backdoor infantry entrance with a cliff-edge to follow round the rear of the map would be an interesting addition as well.
  17. I even deleted the volumes yet NOTHING. -.-
  18. This is irritating. I have replaced and moved the WF. I have set volumes to 'no collision'. But despite all this, the Harvester STILL decides to spawn in the ground, as does any vehicle purchased. Halp me? @kenz3001
  19. The one with the green beak reminds me of @Gliven and I'm not sure why...
  20. I need to rebuild lights with just a normal directional anyway.
  21. A snipers armour is distance. Silly schrott.
  22. Got any extensions running? Adblock can sometimes cause an issue if you do not exclude the domain.
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