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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. *barren. Yes. Apologies.
  2. RenX could have the best team balancing in the world but if people swap teams upon joining a game before everybody in the previous game has joined then efforts of auto-balancing made by the game will be undermined. The difference between two players can change a game massively depending on their role, if a team is left without people to communicate on that teams' behalf then that team will suffer. Commander mod enabling in-game voice chat for the three assigned roles would be a bit of a game-changer. I.e. unless a player already has Discord or TS they don't care.
  3. Being able to hear that one is quite important, but that is map specific. (Right? @Ruud033 The volume of that can be modified via the map with the UDK?)
  4. The quick Remote C4 detonation upon toss was once a tactic used by drunks and hookers to blow you at the first sign of trouble when dressed as an engineer, this made their enemies fall to their knees too easily and was deemed unfair so a delay was added to nerf their effectiveness.
  5. Go to where the bastards congregate and you will find their beacon. (which is quite obvious if the beacon is on the landing strip) Maybe the blinky light needs to be brighter, the light itself always being visible through foliage? (grass & leaves)
  6. All of these plz. In fact, updating the scoreboard to have Repair Points, Offensive Points and Defensive Points to replace Kills, Deaths and K/D would be useful in encouraging the gameplay RenX expects from the teams playing. RP, OP, DP could then be based accordingly; Repair Points: Repairing Infantry/Vehicles/Buildings. Offensive Points: Any points achieved on the enemy teams side of the map. Defensive Points: Any points achieved on your teams side of the map. Or however the game dictates who gets into those 'MVP' slots at the endgame. All three combined add to your overall score. Team Swapping should be enabled 10 minutes into a game imo. (Basically when a team is allowed to surrender) The Commander mod had two other unassigned slots, @yosh56 Any chance of adding "Tank Commander" [Blue?] and "Base Commander" [Orange?] into those unassigned slots as additional roles whenever you get round to fixin'up the Commander Mod? I miss the additional interface stuff such as player-set objectives and the upto-5 targets so gosh darn much.
  7. The EMP was not firing, for it had fired earlier and was currently recharging. Although it could very well be linked to the kismet, either that or there is some other element in the map causing a mass-crash...
  8. The map crashed, 60 of us were playing and evryone was forced into a team building exercise as we synchronised the experience of a crash. Apparently its the map, the game could possibly have been fed up of people team swapping from losers to winners. We changed map. Blankets were given to those suffering from withdrawal.
  9. They say he who uses the shaft gun will find themselves filled with precious shaft juices 7 days later.
  10. TeamSpeak has been pretty baron lately and this make me a cry.
  11. If death is by suicide then allies shouldn't be hurt, if that is at all possible. In this case the only way a suicide can occur with explosive death is if a unit with remote C4s self-destructs or if a player is standing next to their own timed c4 for long enough. Seems unlikely.
  12. That's really cool and I now better understand the shape and order of the sub-level rooms. Nice one dude! I love the accuracy, you're on the right path of constructing the best recreation of the Temple of Nod to date.
  13. I've had this idea to have the bases spread out, but spawning is then an issue... Alternatively the idea of a map where one team just has to defend and the other team is free to attack... but this idea also seemed impractical... CNC-Valkyrie is going to have 'drop spots' and other neat terrain-specific features for different tactics, but its a WIP that's not going to be done until Frostbite gets sorted.
  14. The ability to swap team should be disabled when either team is able to surrender. So the first 10 minutes of a game should be the only time you can swap teams. Maybe try disabling team swapping until 10 minutes into the game so its really only used to practice and not whilst eveyone is trying to join the game as this clearly affects the games autobalance. Other than that, wasn't there some team balancing voodoo being worked on based on global game rankings or something?
  15. Like suiciding near allies..?
  16. Ammunitions on specific infantry explode when non-standard rounds kill them dead. The damage done is small, depending on the type of infantry you are when affected will decide the burn damage as well. (If any) Worst case scenario; if a Sydney/Raveshaw explode right next to an engineer (weakest unit regarding health and armour) then the engineer should suffer upto 85% of its health. Minimalist damage scenario;If a engineer explodes right next to a Raveshaw/Sydney then the R/S should suffer upto 10% maximum. Explosive deaths being able to domino (i.e. explosive death triggering another explosive death) is debatable. Veterency should make no difference to damage of explosive death, damage recieved is dependent on your units buff from veterency rank so a Gunner would be less affected at higher veterency by default. -Point here being veterency should not have to be modified to accomodate explosive deaths- I figured that went without saying considering if engis/techs/hottys exploded they'd damage vehicles. (Friendly ones included) The units affected the most from this would and should be light vehicles such as APCs, Buggys, Humvees. Meds and LTanks/Stanks, MRLS & Artys the same as each other. Mammys and Flames the same.
  17. Given that recoil and gun stabilisation doesn't exist in RenX, this actually seems pretty fair.
  18. If flames and chems exploded then fairly Grenadiers and McFarlands should explode, but that's how I ended up with such a list as stated in the OP. In my mind, the area of effect for the explosion would be very small, so units would have to be really close to be effected 100%. I honestly don't think players in vehicles would keep their distance, at least not all players just the really dumb ones whereas most I think would realise they need to be more aware of their repair people and keep them protected, failure to protect your teammates results in you potentially being damaged by their death. It would not be a great deal of damage. A Raveshaw/Sydney shouldn't do more damage than a Timed C4 to a vehicle, heck the most damage should only be 150-200 damage to a Mammoth tank. If somebody tried to run underneath your vehicle as a sacrifice then well done them for an expensive suicide bomber, it did very little or if you just stopped and shot them that should obviously do a lot less damage. [If it isn't any of the units listed below then no damage would be had to vehicles] As said, Gunner, LCG, Sydney, Raveshaw, Hotwire and Technician should be risky to heavy vehicles, which is more to deter the light vehicles from running down anti-tank infantry. e.g. A Humvee should lose up to 75% of its health for running down any of these infantry, just to act as a deterrent. You could quite easily minimise this effect in that pistol and machine gun rounds don't cause infantry to explode, which makes Humvees, APCs, Buggys, and a handful of low-tier infantry safe from explosion-on-death. The point of them exploding is that their weapons and ammunition are reacting to the type of damage being dealt, psychologically I think this would make players more aware of their surroundings in general and bring about better team work by proxy.
  19. Engineers, Grenediers, Gunners, Flametroopers, LCGs, Chemtroopers, McFarlands, Sydneys, Raveshaws, Hotwires, Technicians and RocketSoldiers should all explode on death. Gunner, LCG, Sydney, Raveshaw, Hotwire and Technician explosive deaths should be risky for heavy vehicles and quite volatile for any infanty within a close proximity. If any of the listed units are crushed or shot or exploded to death this should result in an explosive death. Damage upon death should be equivalent to the units' cost, damage affects all and only players. I'm curious what effect this would have on gameplay if players as infantry and players in vehicles needed to be extra cautious of the anti-tank units. Might be useful when one team blocks anoher team in their base and killing their heals literally causes a damaging blow. Even if this wasn't implemented in a patch but as a mutator. Thoughts?
  20. Don't leave your team by bringing failure to the other team? I'd say this is a pretty fair penalty for team swapping and shouldn't be 'fixed'.
  21. Was that last feature in the video a RA3 mod? LavaDragon is the only name I could pick it in the 7 seconds of RenX footage.
  22. You make a lot of sense with that idea, looking forward to seeing further progress.
  23. I am not quite sure what I am looking at but I now just think a balcony which goes above the main hall which leads to the nuke in the Temples tail would be more practical than an entire underground side... Simply because that picture looks like a balcony over a hall/bay leading to the nuke silo. I am just waffling, you're making good progress and I like the details which shape the room. (The columns especially)
  24. This goes double for people on my enemy's team.
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