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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Well this at least tackles the unfair use of neon skins and potato skins etc.
  2. Changes as of August 12th 2017 Terrain modification, middle of the map heightened Obelisk lowered Static meshes reduced Nod vehicle path converted into infantry path (Nod can no longer cut-midfield to their tib field from outside of their base) Nod infantry path converted into vehicle path (Nod now have an extra entrance for vehicles from base to tib-field) All volumes have been remade using 'geometry pen' Ice materials on some meshes have been modified Fixed reported issues thanks to 'Renegade X Testing' for their useful reports Widened vehicle mid-field area for better combat (near the over-snowed bunker) Increased fog
  3. Tried this with Frostbite, still working out the kinks.
  4. What if there was each a team spawn-room which had teleporters to various different locations? Also, could these teleporters have 5 spots it would teleport the player to at random?
  5. In the UDK there are global sounds and local sounds, it annoys me that some of the sound files are global-only.
  6. So different skins for characters and vehicles (etc) would need to be endorsed by the server if they are to be used/work?
  7. If there is no longer an issue or bugs with the team silo it might be an idea for the team silo files to be included in the next patch.
  8. Doesn't a med center MCT exist in the UDK Content Browser anyway? And it is just up to a mapper to create a building for it in their map?
  9. It would be nice to have bdsm technicians and naked engineers. I like the skin, very nice.
  10. They don't have scopes..? So iron-sights legitimately makes shooting more accurate in RenX? (Well dang! I gotta cease all my firing from the hip!) Add more scatter to sniper rifles when a player ain't using the scope provided then?
  11. If it was possible, increasing the scatter when no-scoping with 500c and 1000c snipers would benefit the player base trying to outflank a sniper at close-range. A sniper forced to use their pistol (some players are still lethal with their sidearm) gives the other players a better chance, at least if a sniper is forced to use their scope to fire accurately strafing when at close-range would be more effective. But adding scatter to snipers when not using their scope is not actually possible? Or is it?
  12. Also bear in mind that if a player doesn't tell his team what vehicle they lost under global-team-notification (GTN) then the team will know he's a douchebag who lets their vehicle get stolen on purpose and will scorn his whole RenX lifespan until the day his siblings (or other relatives) suffer from a horrible skin disease by which point many players will no longer care as the player in question will end up looking after their siblings (or other relatives) more than playing RenX, which means the douchebag player who gives away their vehicle to the enemy team is no longer playing RenX as much and everything will be fine and dandy because less vehicles will be stolen during a match and thus the system will work and nobody suffers. Apart from the player's siblings (or other relatives) of course, but your siblings (or other relatives) contracting a really horrific skin disease is why you should never let your vehicle get stolen by the enemy team.
  13. I have gotten this as well and I have no idea what causes it.
  14. The team knowing one of their teammates vehicles was stolen? Yes, absolutely. Knowing which specific vehicle the enemy team has taken? No, unnecessary. Heck, go the extra mile and if a player has their vehicle stolen 2 or more times in one match they should get a timed penalty placed on their next vehicle purchase.
  15. I would love to but I think I might be busy Sunday evening, so Monday might be better. Rehearsing all week for Twelfth Night and performing this Weekend so I am preoccupied.
  16. Give us a gallery, prostitute your works for free you saucy minx.
  17. Unless the Nod team plays really, really poor I rarely see GDI kill the Nod harvester on Tomb, it seems to me that in a lot of cases it is just easier for GDI to defend their harvester from destruction than it is to kill Nod's harvester. It'd be interesting to see the Med tank price reduced by 50 credits and/or Flame tanks price increased by 50 credits.
  18. Yeah if you're doing an actual course which is part of the teaching process to get you in the mind for always looking to improve your work, alternatively if you have a piece of shit asshat who couldn't do half the work the model artist does themselves who they themselves is working off a set of guidelines handed down from someone above who knows less about game design than either of the people below. But generally with artistic work the artist should always be thinking about ways they can keep improving, thinking about those little details that make each and every model created unique, the only time this is not the case is when everything needs to look the same, to look pristine. A good example of both pristine and unique models would be the work done in the Portal games, at the beginning you have brand spanking new pieces of wall, floor, doorways etc. which all look the same as is the design, but then when you escape the pristine limits of GLaDOS's rooms and you reach the older areas this is where the uniqueness meets the artistic design of the models as numerous pieces have their own degree of aging (scratches, scrapes, overgrowth etc.) which is where the observer (player) can start to feel a sense of story behind the items either individually or as a collective. All of which comes with constantly improving with the finer details which in turn make each model unique. So with Thommy's columns ideally you'd have 10 - 20 each showing their age, but the original first and most 'pristine' one would likely require chisel marks and/or indents to make the model seem more realistic before the initial texture is applied, which can only be gained with practice and going back asking yourself "What else can be done?" As for the OP, this is a very good start so nice work Thommy, I think you've got a good eye for modelling.
  19. Every map would need special attention for possible 'stuck' spots for the special kind of Jump Jet Troopers.
  20. A nice straight forward video that displays the basic usage of mines which is acceptable for any new player, good job, Thommy. Any further input regarding creative tactical mining comes with experience to be fair.
  21. Perhaps the latest versions (March?) could be uploaded to update the ones on the forum here? (As only the Feb Team Silos exist) @TK0104?
  22. I was informed the Team Silos were part of the game.
  23. But it does exist, that's how players can use the map through the Skirmish menu if they wanted to?
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