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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Play of the game ^
  2. Map updated to v0.8, unless more blocking volume work needs doing, I won't make another release until a substantial change to the map (i.e. Completed ToDo list) @Fffreak9999 feel free to put the latest and most playable version onto the Test server. (i.e. v0.8)
  3. Updated v0.8 Changes: Converted Tib Damage volumes into Blocking volumes which should reduce the amount of loose chems. Also removed the very minor tib damage volumes towards the back of the Team Silos, as Chems could just camp those parts with no issue. (seeing as how a certain checkbox in Tib_Dmg volumes did not cause damage to chems and I don't want to have to kismet chems to die from tiberium exposure in specific areas) Blocking volumes added to areas reported where a person should not be. Removed Team_Silo files as they are not needed to be included. (derp) Added new atmospheric sound Added Endgame Cam [Will need to redo this as the first sequence is wonky for some stupid shitty s#@1!] Added Map Preview Image Changed Vehicle camo to 'Urban' ToDo: Flesh-out bases with decorations I will move the WF a little closer to the Barracks and this should put the Harvesters in line with each other as well as Likewise I will move the HoN a little bit closer to the Strip More decorations will be added Additional background landscapes (North (GDI Base), West (Harvester Zone) & South (Nod Base)) Do something with the edge of the map. (East) Lower the boxes to the actual floor of the Harvester zone bridge. 'Thicken' the bridge CannotDo: Change the name of the GDI Gun Turret (labelled: Guard Tower) to 'Turret'
  4. Defending. I was defending against their attacks on the HoN. The amount of Gunners and Mobius I encountered, kept to using free infantry (flamer)
  5. A damage volume to hurt even the Chem troopers as well would probably be a good idea, the Nod and GDI blue tib-fields also don't cause harm to chems?
  6. Nah, that idea was mine. Forgot about APCs. Flamethrower rush on Weps worked though.
  7. @Schmitzenbergh Sorry dude, should have joined you for an SBH and we could have taken their Barracks. (NO MINES ) "Someone get an SBH... JUST ONE PERSON... But someone get an SBH... To Scout ahead..." Meanwhile, half the team has gathered and now 3 of them have switched to an SBH. "NO ONLYO NE OMG NOBODY LISTENS" Guess who this was?
  8. The map is 70% there, further decoration is needed but the map as for gameplay needs some testing. Harvesters have been checked and they work accordingly and are only around 6 seconds apart on the dumping time. (Nod Harvester is faster) However enabling bots may hinder the Harvesters ability to follow pathnodes properly. Minimap has been included. Full credits for others mappers' items used will be made upon map finish. 4 Gun Turrets per team, 3 Guard Towers per team. About 3m 45s Nod Harvester dump. About 3m 51s GDI Harvester dump. The silos will get you to 1000 credits before first Harvester dump. This map is tiberium rich so expect to be rich quickly in this toxic land.
  9. View File CNC-Toxicity Toxicity 2 Map specifications: -Non-flying -Few Guard Towers -Several Gun Turrets -A Toxic map (Red Zone) HOW TO INSTALL: Default directory location: ' C:/Program Files (x86)/Renegade X/ ' Extract the zip file into your Renegade X directory. Files have now been installed. Enjoy! Submitter Madkill40 Submitted 07/11/2017 Category Levels  
  10. Version 2


    Toxicity 2 Map specifications: -Non-flying -Few Guard Towers -Several Gun Turrets -A Toxic map (Red Zone) HOW TO INSTALL: Default directory location: ' C:/Program Files (x86)/Renegade X/ ' Extract the zip file into your Renegade X directory. Files have now been installed. Enjoy!
  11. I will just aim to paint each bit of the landscape very carefully. P.S. This is why there is no 'short route' to the silos.
  12. It would probably be easier to have a mutator which enables building health to be locked for the first 4 minutes of a game, text with a countdown timer necessary for all players to see. To include the mutator being able to disable itself and unlock building health if there are more than 28 active players on the server, might be more difficult and complex to do. Limiting purchases doesn't really seem to do much for a smaller game and seems very unfair to limit what players can use because there aren't enough players in the game.
  13. This game needs more taco.
  14. It will make more sense when the map gets fully decorated, the bridge does not take vehicles.
  15. Do you have more than one dominant light by accident?
  16. @Ruud033 is there some specific way to undo/remove the grass and lighter dirt of your Crashsite materials after the landscape has been painted? (If Ctrl+Z is not an option) Or should I have looked for a materials package which didn't have the word 'Test' in it?
  17. I think I've actually got something better in mind... hehe hehe hehe...
  18. I'd figure most distances for times and such are close to CNC-Tunnels proportions in regards to Harvester dump time ( @TK0104 ) as well as how long it takes to get to one base from another base. ( @Henk ) Depending on the route you take, the WF and HoN should be equally exposed but defendable by vehicles to some extent, but infiltrated by infantry. The basic idea to this map is keeping everything close, but forcing both teams to be evenly spread. I need help with the GDI Gun Turret Voodoo which was done on Woods, thankfully CNC-Tunnels had a simpler CnP process for the Guard Towers. (: Progress is coming along nicely and I was thinking of having it rain however I dislike the animation style for the rain in the UDK, I'd rather ... well, I'm really not... at liberty to say...
  19. 1st_MadKiller/Madkill40 There is usually one server active from mid/late-afternoon into the late evening, European time.
  20. Fleshed out the infantry areas, having tunnels everywhere was scrapped, open air routes now exist as well as a few tunnels.
  21. Before doing interior work, remember to scale this building appropriately. A version without an interior and a version with an interior would also be really awesome. I do love that the Tech Center is your second choice of structure to create. Nicely done so far.
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