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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. If I press F9 I start recording a video lol
  2. This isn't possible for us. All buildings are Static Meshes, which means they can't move or animate. We need to convert it to a skeletal mesh first of all, animate it. 1st problem is that there is no actual inside of the exterior so you can see through the mesh in other words. We would have to re-model all of our buildings. And then the second problem, we don't have the original assets anymore. They were on Havoc89's HDD, but sadly that one died.... So this is just not possible for us
  3. All of them are linked to UnSetup.exe in your game folder. You can uninstall one in Windows Uninstaller, but the rest not. I suggest Revo Uninstaller, what can remove everything of Renegade X and UDK on your PC so you can do a clean reinstallation. Look for "My Game Long Name" and "Renegade X". If you have the SDK, it will appear as "Unreal Development Kit 2015-01"
  4. I would say add rep pad too
  5. We got a small campaign yes. Just head to the download section and install "Renegade X: Black Dawn".
  6. TK0104

    Quo Vadis

    Player count has been the same over the past years. In the beginning every Renegade fan was hype: "Damn Renegade coming back! Gotta play it!" So yeah then there were 3-4 servers. But that happens to most games. They die slowly. From Beta 1 to Beta 5 there were not that big changes to me. Some new maps were added some new weapons and some balancing but that was it during that time. It was most of the time 1 full server as far as I can remember. And thats still this day, after huge changes and additions. Yes, Renegade X has a complete different game mode than other modern games like Battlefield, Call of Duty etc. Renegade X' game mode: C&C Mode is based on C&C Mode from Renegade, which is now 16 years old. We want to keep C&C Mode C&C Mode. The veteran system is actually something helpful to have an advantage for you and your team. Back in the day before the system, it felt too balanced. Soldier vs Soldier was the entire game the same. With this system you can have a small advantage later in the game. Giving more damage to the enemy / building etc. Look at CoD. You can customize your weapon to get an advantage which is pretty nice. In RenX its not the same but I hope I can make my point out of this. Having 64 player limits are actually a huge improvent. Before 5.3, we had only servers with a limit of 40 players. I can remember I've been sitting hours and hours in the server browser and waiting till I could join. And even more people were waiting too. I don't have to worry about that anymore. I can join now whenever I want! Now I have to agree with you on this one: Some maps are not made for 64 players. But some maps are really big like Outposts, Tunnels, Beach Head (although that one is not in the game) that allows server owners to increase the limit to 64. Commander system is helpful! Organising rushes was kinda hard in team chat cause of random bulls*** was typed in there too. The powers are quite helpful too. I love the offensive and defensive buff. For example in Field: the chance of being locked in base is big. But with using the defensive buff you can push your team out of base and have chance to turn the roles. EMP airstrike can stop the team for a short amount of time. Allowing to control the dumb harverster is the best feature ever! Nobody likes harversters giving no shit and pushing u outside base while the whole opposite team is out there! Maps like Field & Under could still last more than an hour! But people will get bored after an hour locked in base and the opposite team that can't end it cause of 10 people sitting at the MCT repairing 24/7. Apparently the players like marathon more than AOW (Timed match) It was popular back in the day but hey times are changing. So all is this is my opinion how I see the features. So these are no facts only opinions And yes people are on holiday and it's summer so people go outside to have a drink somewhere or go to a festival. I expect the player base will increase somewhere during autumn and have a bunch of players during the winter. The highest PUG playercount is in January so that proofs most of it I guess Playercount first PUG this year: Playercount last PUG: Difference of 13 players. Thats a lot for RenX
  7. UDK is standalone Engine from UE3 Download this one that contains all of our assets:
  8. You can create a custom material that doesnt scale when u scale a mesh. Pretty helpful
  9. Well if it's an open map with no cover then it will be a GDI map. Outposts has a bunch of cover and bases that are far apart from each other that makes a Nod map.
  10. So I might've forgot to release V1.1.0 someday, but here it is! Version 1.1.0 is Released!
  11. Make sure all the lines that lead from the Ref to the Tib are white. Fix that by making enough space between the pathnode and the mesh. As for the endgame camera, follow this tutorial and check out the endgame camera mattinee in other maps.
  12. I mean if someone wants to model a Recon Bike....
  13. A server owner can add every map he wants. Clients will download the map if its required
  14. Don't know if Glacier is ever going to be a thing in RenX. Haven't heard anything of it yet
  15. I noticed that the the grassy areas are grass only. There must be heavy fighting going on so I would say create a dirt layer and make some "roads". It's too grassy atm for a battlefield. Maybe the landscape material wasnt finished yet but its a suggestion
  16. Oh yeah as for the team silo. Place a silo tech building and replace the building actor with the gdi and nod one
  17. Find RX_BU_Prefabs, click on it and make sure your search bar is empty. If they dont appear, right click on package in content browser and click "Fully load" and then they should appear
  18. Can see you used the buildings from Actor classes, not the prefabs. Use the prefabs, because they have everything set up for you (spawn points, path nodes etc.)
  19. Click on the arrow next to the "P" button and then show ---> and see volumes are visible
  20. Glasses was kind of inbalanced. GDI could position theirself very easily in the tib field and hit the obby unharmed, while Nod had to find cover or they would get ripped apart by the AGT. Also there were reports of crashes during a match, just like in Eyes
  21. I was going nuts after 1 hour of Under so I can't stand 5 hours!....
  22. We are still working on an official remake of City
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