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Everything posted by TK0104

  1. I think I can model a cargo truck
  2. I can take a look at the paths tomorrow if you want to
  3. To prevent Harverster bugs: make sure you got lot of white lines
  4. Don't know how to make a SSM launcher a good unit. Maybe a vehicle like the UT3's SPMA. When you shoot a missile you can "deploy" it in the air and hit people from that point
  5. What is this?! Never ever! I don't want to see this EVER in RenX
  6. Nice! Love the sound of new functions! Got some questions that came up in me (Pls don't freak out because so many questions are getting asked) - M2 Bradley Light Tank? Is it something like a neutreal vehicle (So no GDI/Nod logo is shown on it)? - New Laser RIfle? More looking like the one from original Renegade? - When you say "repositioned Airtower", you moved it to the original spot in the current version? Or are you guys going to use an older version of Complex (so all buildings are back on it's original location / not moved and not rotated slightly)? - Are we going to see new maps in this patch? I thought Havoc said there was going to be a road map in an upcoming patch.... - Could we have some sexy screens or pics of the new content? Looking forward on the release! Also love to see some more loading screens for the previously added maps (Tunnels, Reservoir etc.) @Glacious
  7. Did anybody say Yosh quotes?...
  8. Version 1.4.0 is Released! Check it Out! I've included a complete changelist from V1.1 to 1.4 for the people who wanted it. I'll be updating that one from now one if a new version is released
  9. Will make one from now on. I'll see if I can make one for 1.2 to 1.3
  10. Version 1.3.0 is Released! Check it out!
  11. Version 1.2.0 is Released! Check it out!
  12. Rendering V1.2 at the moment! Expect a release tomorrow! EDIT: Map is going to be postponed to December 27th. Found some bugs that needs to be fixed.
  13. Nice and all y'all test it but not going to fix that. I think nobody will climb a barn in the middle of a match and that spot must be there in regular Field too because I never edited that part.
  14. No, this one comes straightly from the UT3 RenX Field. There are no other urban assets made
  15. Version 1.1.0 is Released! Check it Out!
  16. New Update Tomorrow! The update will fix this annoying issue and replaces the Silo with this:
  17. View File CNC-Field Snowing Winter has swept through Field. Enter the cold period of the year, fight against your enemy and get rewarded by Santa! Unique in Field Snowing! - The Outer Route has been blocked off. (Special for the people that don't like the new Field) - No Communications Center - No Silo, but a Barn - River accessable for small vehicles Submitter TK0104 Submitted 12/10/2017 Category Levels
  18. From what I know there is a huge update in the workings, bigger than beta 5 release. Idk bigger than beta 4, but huge. No idea what's the status of this update and it's release date but we'll see....
  19. Include the package and .u file with your map. Doesn't affect other maps.
  20. View File [Building] Repair Facility Team Repair Facility from the Classic Renegade. Original Model and Kismet by Henk, customized for building destruction by me. Submitter TK0104 Submitted 11/29/2017 Category Modifications
  21. Both GDI and Nod Tunnels done! Now I'll be working on other suggestions and fixing bugs.
  22. 5-Screenshot Album of the GDI Tunnels! They look so beautiful when the lights are builded! Now, the Nod Tunnels!
  23. That's up to the Devs to decide. From what I know some maps might have a big chance to be in an update Furthermore about Mesa and Canyon: I think the Nod advantage starts when they got the Artillery. I think we need to expirement with the price of the Arty on certain maps like Canyon and Mesa to see what's a good price for an arty on those maps. It will give GDI a bigger chance of getting stocked with meds (Usually the awnser of GDI when Nod got Artys)
  24. TK0104

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