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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. The rockets also barely target unlike the TS attack bike... So hitting things with the Rx recon bike is actually kind of difficult when moving at high speeds.
  2. Neither an easy win or an utter annihilation is any fun >>
  3. I guess it's all in my head then.
  4. It seems like LCG take more damage from tank shells splash dmg now, which I like =D
  5. Another bug: As commander, it seems we can direct the harvester waypoint to be almost anywhere (if not an error message pops up, "Harvester cannot reach that point"). if the harvester waypoint is somewhere the harvester can't drive, the harvester will get as close as possible. Currently, when setting the waypoint to seemingly okay spots, the harvester will stop, but when trying to start it again, the same error message "Harvester cannot reach that point" comes up, and only solution is to self-destruct harvester and remove waypoint or start harvester. observed on multiple maps, under, field X, goldrush - im sure all of them D=
  6. I'd probably boat myself let's be honest.
  7. Okay! Thanks for taking time to explain! Good luck
  8. Oh god it's like Gobi all over again XD
  9. The other problem being, things are usually so chaotic that we have to rely on text almost entirely, because the radio chatter and such can be hard to tell where it's even coming from sometimes.
  10. Makes sense, it is Alaska after all.
  11. in 3 years you've built a wall?? LOL =D
  12. if I remember in Original C&C, the recon bikes became vulnerable not only because they had low armor, but they usually only seemed to fire when stopped. Maybe that's a crazy horrible idea =D only allow rockets when stationary
  13. The voice command is the "Follow me" voice. Sometimes people understand that, other times not so much.
  14. I understand the need for such commands too. Would be great, when you Q spot a occupied vehicle it would say something like "I need a ride!" Or "wait for me!"
  15. yes! we need new bots names. Many of the bot names are inside jokes from like 10+ years ago lol
  16. Yay I think this patch actually fixed more bugs than it made =D Outposts: Harvester pathing apparently broken on GDI (only observed Outpost, didn't test other maps). - Character model not interacting with air tower elevator properly (I think Reservoir had this feature built in previously? maybe look to that map for correcting if issues on other maps) ...that's all for now... UDK (Unreal Development Kit) based games 10.11.2019 -
  17. I have some ideas that would make it better for RenX gameplay
  18. I'll start looking into it then.
  19. What KIND of upgrade? lol! Someday Hourglass will return to us What I'd really like to see is the return of Fort... Maybe i'll consider learning map making just for that. Or is there complicated code with that map that make it unplayable? I forget the situation.
  20. Like the producer said in the video (i didn't watch the whole thing), they recognize that the Tiberium crystal concept is really unique. It's a valuable resource like gold, but its equally toxic like Uranium. Heck even RenX could do with a few maps that focus more on Tiberium. It's a hazard yes but very easily avoidable.
  21. That's what I thought for a long time too, because when I had video cards overheat in the past, I had screen similar to that. But this is one of the fun problems that seems unique to RenX D=
  22. Another unpopular opinion but I think was a great idea and implimented for awhile on CT: Remove voting and simply cycle through maps. Remove Field and Under for the month of November =|
  23. So I'm just curious if anyone else has ever experienced this bug. See pic. Basically triangles show up on the screen (usually all black) and problem can only be fixed by closing game and restarting. It's rare, I've maybe only seen it a handful of times playing over the years. I originally thought it was simply artifacting from my video card going bad or simply overheating, but I've noticed this issue on my GTX 770, GTX 1080 and GTX 1080TI. This screenshot I took this time, I let the artifacting run for about 10-15mins (usually I would just close out right away). I noticed additional blue lines and the black triangles became partially white. first time seeing that. For awhile the entire issue even stopped but came back. Very odd.
  24. I remember when this was announced and I remember when this was cancelled... I was just skimming through that video.. and the part about the audio director and interviewer says "so you've been working on this for 2 and half years?" That's gotta suck. The one idea I remember that I thought could be interesting, is the one gun, but it's chamber could be interchanged with a rocket launcher or a machine gun or a grenade launcher... more realistic than a Havoc carrying around 30 guns LOL.
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