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Everything posted by roweboat

  1. roweboat


    Does he just keep expanding? My god...๐Ÿคจ
  2. Honestly I think full voice integration wouldn't be a bad idea if possible. Some might think it would become too "annoying"... but with the size of our community and moderation... just like any other issue, if someone is bringing the game experience down, they can be muted or kicked. Yes discord is currently available and used for PUGs, but I believe it's a far cry from what the average player wants to go through the hassle of setting up and coordinating for a quick gaming session. But then again, I'm also not for it... 'cuz nothing quite like leading a team to victory through text against a voice-chat coordinated team ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿคฃ
  3. Hell yeah always great to see that kind of team work =D I almost feel bad for GDI =\
  4. First off, thanks for bring this ambitious project to fruition. I'm sure it's been a fare amount of work and it's coming along nicely!~ OPINION: So today after a 1hr30min match of Nod vs Black Hand on Lakeside, with two teams of moderate skill level and well match... it honestly became very tedious and a bit frustrating. The map isn't built properly for obelisks. Consider removing them or decreasing their range. "Nod" tanks have a harder time against the obelisk vs GDI tanks... so being all "Nod" tanks, increases the number of units needed for attacking and makes rushes more difficult than normal. The blue color for Black Hand is cool in concept, but in practice it becomes a bit difficult to use. Units on the field are difficult to see. Chat text is difficult to read (also gets confused with PM text) and good luck seeing allies on mini map cuz they basically blend in with the background ๐Ÿ˜† Overall the mode is coming together nicely and look forward to more matches of it =D
  5. So I was on Reservoir, walking from Hand of Nod to the Dam, when this happened: Others claimed it looked like I was just standing there.. I was unable to move. I could pan the camera around me, but it was locked to my center position. As you can see the ground is blurring as if moving quickly. I didn't think to get a video. Only way out was suicide D= Really trippy, but kind of funny lol.
  6. You have achieved God-Tier healer.
  7. Yes but the rocket basically has unlimited range, unlike any other weapon.
  8. Or perhaps rockets simply should be able to reach that far.
  9. Some purists saying OG Ren is better ๐Ÿคฃ
  11. I agree. an option to limit which commander powers can be used based on team sizes would be great. Honestly sometimes I just want commander so I can control harvester. Or if only 1 team has a commander power, limit which powers can be used.
  12. So the solution to no beacons is no players ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜
  13. If only i could have an army of bots follow my every whim... oh the destruction we would cause =D
  14. yeah you see the nuke right in front of your face, but then poof, gone =D
  15. I think another suggestion made at the time was to increase the countdown time based on player count
  16. Gotta fight the system, can't let the DDoSer win, man.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  17. personally I think the rep gun is weak enough that it isnt a significant problem if the other team makes it priority to capture the building.
  18. Back in the day when more than 1 Renx Server could be filled on a given day
  19. EVA (Global): "Attention, a Commander has entered the battlefield!" and/or Havoc: "Time to Rock 'n Roll!"
  20. So a few months back this was implimented in a patch... except the code got messed up and beacons were disabled completely. To be honest... in most cases I think it made the game better.
  21. I feel claustrophobic being stuck in the AGT or Obelisk D=
  22. of course with Cerulean , I'll simply think of our bae:
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