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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. Why? It's not possible to spam surrender vote one after another, or is it? Not sure, I havent played for a while.. It's everybodys right to call a surrender vote tho.
  2. Axesor

    Trump Won

    Fuck elections. Glenn is dead
  3. U'r right. Its infinitely^infinite times better.
  4. I'll just throw some old ideas: Snipers - big spread while hip-fire, full accuracy while scoped. PIC, RAW - no headshot multiplier so they dont necessary need to scope, but they won't be able to kill any full healed character in 1 hit (exept for an engineer and a marksman - as I still remember, these 2 have low overal health), so they can switch to pistol after hitting someone, or wait for recharge. Or: simply remove headshot multiplier for all of these above... (I'd removed headshot multiplier from this game entirely tho I had much fun with my mutator that removed multiplier and decreased ttk to around 0,6s - 1,2s and 2-2,5s for snipers, depending on weapon. Offtopic)
  5. I may stop you there yosh will never let you to nerf sniper characters
  6. Axesor

    Trump Won

    ∆ exactly. All this rioting ppl in US shouting all the night about he is dividing the ppl and that trump supporters are too negative and trump is too negative... Shouting it while burning a cars, and while they are ones who devide and riot, lolololo. Talking about love, but spreading hate. Pure hypocritisism. If anything, there will be more safe America and no more war in the world... No more childish provoking Russia, no more destabilization in middle east.. or.. we will see. Now it's his turn to prove himself. I can finally take a break arguing with Trump haters over the internet and life. I dont need to care anymore. Feels so great and warm. Mmm ^^
  7. Axesor

    Trump Won

    I have a great respect for this man. He beat the whole mainstream Hillary propaganda by flying all around the country and telling people the truth about his plans. Iam glad that people are still believing in change.
  8. It's better prevention againts stalemates so after a big attacks, the building cant be repaired back to full health. Tell us why you dont like it.
  9. Thats great. Would like to know @Agent's view on this. After all it's devs matter. Also depends on if there could be done more progress with it, like sending stats after each round to the webside, so all the archievements and stats would be archived on the webside. But it's not important to do now.
  10. I'd like to ask something. At 1st keep in mind that Iam not much educated in programming. Is it possible to make a simple window with a request for a nickname and password? so after pressing login button, it will check the RenX webside database if there is such an account or not and then it opens the game launcher. +Registration button that will open the webside after pressing it. +Remember the password check box option. The nickname written down in the text block in login window would be fixed and unable to change. Just to claim the name.. first steps u know, without archievements and such yet. Is it difficult or even possible to make something like that? Is using the steam really the best and easier option? I've been looking through some tutorials in c++ so Iam asking. I did not find the checking web databaze part.
  11. Axesor


    Winning commander is basically the most valuable player. I think it's stupid to choice 1 most valuable 'regular' player since this is team based game. If I remember good, there is such a chat command called !rec, that should be the thing used for 'regular' players to show them your appreciation. MVP shouldnt have any benefits in form of credits or such. This may go by side with game accout when/if it will be introduced, to get MVP archievements for getting titles. 1x MVP would open title "commander", 5x MVP general, 10x MVP Leader ...or whatever, name it urself. This would appear at the name in Tab or on the right side when press K, visible for all the people. BUT the question is... Why? You see there is only few people working in their spare time. Or just put it by side with recs when person join the game. For example: "Player yosh has joined the game. Recommendation's 103, MVP 3." Getting MVP for winning only as commander choosen by team. I think it makes sence.
  12. @Gliven Laser wall is an awesome flawless thingie that will solve the mines problem for ever. Limit 3mines for tech/hott player will mostly prevent from placing mines indoor. If not, mines can be destroyed with a few direct shots. Nobody could explain why is this such a horrible idea yet. @poi there is a poll. Laser wall is also well described in that thread. https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/75038-mining/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKsYBew_D5I&t=1m45s 1:45 Does not matter if it will be laser wall or beams. If there is more questions about a laser wall, pls discuss it in the thread posted above
  13. Not voting yes, neither no. You just gotta make a mutator. I think everybody will be happy to test it for at least 1 day. Such little event ..sadly i cant play. Maybe ppl will be happy and it stays. @poi I'd like to calm you, that laser wall is like mines.. it's replacement of mines for door defence doing exactly the same thing as mines do, having the same damage and can be hacked with rep gun, but cant be trolled or griefed, so there is nothing to worry about. It's full possitive change with no cons. Mines will stay but they will be vulnerable.
  14. Big? Migrate RenX into the UE4
  15. Not knowing how to deal with placed remote c4 is just sad, if it isnt sticked right on your face. +Flak armor. +Rep tool. Speaking of defending, anti-infiltration, they would be super op. There is no doubt about that. Maybe let the EMP affect remotes somehow, not disarming, but defenitely do not make it affect timed c4 in any way. This is just no go. So what? O_o This is thread abou an EMP isnt it? lol
  16. Welp, thats interesting. We need to get the laser door first, it would be defenitely more compatible with it, as @YagiHige mentioned. Then try to make a mutator so it could be tested. Infantry vs vehicles battles would be defenitely interesting as there will be no more annoying c4 free infantry suicide runs. Iam just a bit worried about the buildings. It's something that cant be accurately predicted what will happen if there was such a thing. Again, its something that you need to work on, otherwise nobody will.
  17. Buy repair tool. Solved. Everybody is able to buy rep tool and defend. Patroling LCG with rep tool is already strong as fuck.
  18. Nah, I dont think that anything about an EMP needs to change. You do? It's pretty good as it is. Also any unit is able to carry repair tool, so.. EMP spam dealing with any c4 rush is pretty op.
  19. Haha awesome. Congrats Henk!
  20. They've started to work on it quietly. You see, nobody knew it until now. RenX devs are fans of c&c universe who decided to rework the old c&c renegede, so they are all basicaly volunteers who knows and learns to do their part of the job. So I guess, there is not much devs who knows how to do better than Agent regarding to work on name registration. Everybody who can contribute somehow can be a developer. Or am I wrong?
  21. It may not be ever official but I think it would be great if there was a way of making a name registration so everybody playing would know if the owner of the nickname is the real one or not, making an game account.. open archievements, making some kind of personal progress, collecting stats.. it would open the whole new possibilities three if there was a game account. And log in via launcher. People like to make/see progress. It's very important for any new online game for getting and keeping players.
  22. That's an awesome progress Henk! Windows dont need panels so it should be only matter of making the same laser wall with decreased amount of damage that equals 2 mines. Lasers for windows should be done then. I keep my fingers crossed for you.
  23. Love this one too I hope it won't turn into a political discussion. Non of those 2 videos matter.
  24. Rocket soldier. Buff rocket soldier. Solved.
  25. I know its hard to imagine how lasers would work. There it is for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKsYBew_D5I&t=1m45s 1:45 I still disagee that players should place any mines/laser mines in doors. This procedure should be fully automatic and lasers should recharge itself every XX seconds after use. The only time when players need to care of lasers is when door defence panel is hacked by repair gun, so it needs to be claimed back.
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