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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. Insta kill with this mechanic is cancer of this game.
  2. It's small arena kind map which fits in the actual game mechanic. Simple, linear and when u get hurt, you simply run back to the base and refil/repair in no time.
  3. Boink should be defenitely optionable just like gore is. But more than boink sound annoys me big ass HUD, mainly name on the body that has too big contrast (sorry if I used a wrong terminology) that distracts too much from actual character. It's even worse if there is a bigger concentration of the enemys. I am sure that everybody knows what I am talking about so I don't need to post any screenshots. It just forces eyes to look at the name. What if there was no name, no box around the target? maybe make health a little bit smaller..? Don't know if it just a me but I simply can't ignore that.
  4. I think you should focus on game review channels such as MMOBomb, Gamespot, Lazy Game Reviews, FreeMMOStation.com etc., rather than lets play channels. Many let's players simply don't have enought time and will to learn such a game like RenX is.. they may even decrease it's reputation due to their not understanding this style. I can imagine pewdiepie come too early saying "...oh.. nobody is playing this game *smile*"
  5. So that's... why terrorists wants to destroy the West, and are so into cacrificing their lifes for it. Shouldn't this be in OT section?
  6. @HaTe: if you ever played any FPS game with the familiarization with the FPS game (wasd, jump, sprint, crouch), you may know how annoying it is. I suggest to split that in 2 parts: 1st familiarization with the first person shooter and 2nd: familiarization with the RenX. When the player launch the RenX for the first time, there would appear message "Begin first person shooter tutorial?" (or something like that) and after that appears message "Begin Renegade X tutorial?" both with a check box "Do not show this message next time" In the main menu would be added Tutorial option next to the Skirmish with these both FPS and RenX tutorials. I believe that scenario was already written on the 1st page and imo it was very good: I've edited that a little bit
  7. 0:50 - Reminded me the Cluster Trucks game. 20 soldiers jumping on top of the roofs of the busses throught a several joined maps, lowered gravity, jumping boost and Free For All mod on
  8. ^ You are my guy, Agent! They've been stoning me when I wrote that second part lol.
  9. Don't know I am stuck. And the same files from previous SDK are not compatible with the newer game versions anymore. I only remember that it worked before 5.14. Maybe it has something to do with the: and It used to work before the patch, but now when I am trying compile the same file, it asks me to not specify the the class (error).
  10. Cool! I think more developers from any other game should be that open like you are! Nice move from you ^^
  11. Hello, there it is: CompiledMutator.zip
  12. Axesor


    I feel like you catch every my word. Ofc it's more complicated than that. It was just a metaphore I do include sydney and rave in sniper characters that needs to be fixed. If you are interested in PIC, Rail change, please help. We may also discuss this: I already did some changes to this PIC, Rail so it's dealing 170 dmg with 1.25 headshot multiplier (213 dmg+bleeding), so it is able to kill any free character with 1hs, and marksman and engi with 1 body shot, and also deals slightly more damage to the vehicles (1-2% more damage), so it's not that universal character. If anybody is interested, please help viewtopic.php?f=136&p=161799#p161799
  13. Hello guys, I know I climb on your nerves sometimes, but I really need some help/advice from you with solving this problem. I am currentlly trying to make random sniper changes (mutator) and now I am stuck with this problem over 2 days: Even throught I don't change anything in Rx_weapon_SniperRifle or Rx_weapon_RamjetRifle, then I simply rename it for mutator purpose, compiled it (0 errors, 0 warning), but then when I launched the game and bought a Ramjet/sniper, He simply won't scope in... It makes scope sounds only. There is only one chance to scope in, and it's like 0.2s when I change my weapons, but then I am unable to scope out. I really did not changed anything in the code!! Please help Thank you
  14. Axesor


    ^ What's the 1st priority then? Snipers: I didn't noticed any nerf. You don't know what I do. Even throught I complain a lot and cant play, I do advertise and am trying to do mutators as a complete newb to the programming so that's just very slow and frustrating process, but that's not just that visible stuff so it's not counting as an relevant argument, right?? @HaTe sure they serve their purpose. They do even more than what supposed to be their purpose. Every character is very limited to fit in rock-paper-scissors (strong RTS element) style. The problem is that if sniper was a scissor, he beats both scissor and paper and that just makes him CoD character that doesnt fit in RTS FPS game. (sniper character's includes Sydney and Rave too) Notice me senpai!! viewtopic.php?f=136&p=161799#p161799
  15. Damn that Lambda Wars looks cool. I see they have mixed half life 2 with company of heroes. I just wonder how did they get it on steam. Maybe Valve aren't that big assholes as EA is and so they've allowed them to move it on steam as a free game. Must agree with every single word you wrote, Testman. Simple reskining would not help to get project game 2 into the steam. We may keep similar gameplay, FPS style with strong RTS elements, but that must be complete unique game and I ve already outlined that in what I wrote before.
  16. Axesor


    Tutorial, noob-friendly change.. basically anything that would help regarding to snipers: gameplay is made in rock-paper-scissors style and you must admit that sniper is damn big fiery rock in the hands of skilled player. Argument about that snipers are limited to be op only againts infantry is sheer mockery.
  17. Axesor


    ^ well it's just how you want to feel it. That apology absolutely wasn't laced with insult ^ And this was just an allusion to the double standard General discussion-not wrong section. Disscussion is about why we didnt get this generally necessary things yet. Maybe I should think more about thread name a bit I wansn't able to answer in your thread becouse of OT so I created another one which goes it's own way that started in response to bananas reaction on me.
  18. Please accept my apologise in form of few peoples added into the list
  19. Axesor


    viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76261&start=15 @Bananas: I get it I get it This was rather a call for activity from devs side than being all negative. I rly didn't want to look like someone who is trying to thwart your effors and I am sorry for that. Please accept my apologise in form of few peoples added into the list The most passionate discussed feedbacks with the most possitive replys wasn't listened: still no ingame log-in/registration screen so we could registrate our names. Still no any noob-friendly changes for mine usage so we dont need remine or ban ppl from mining. Still no changes about a sniper characters (their ttk is still 0s) -I feel very embarrassed when I have to meantion snipers again. And vehicles still act like a magnets to each other. There is no need to create more threads about it. -hey you basically forced me to write this since it is forbiden to discuss in discussion thread about walls, trumps and AGTs shooting ion cannons https://goo.gl/ucMGLw Yes, this is a discussion. asf8 sfa86sf4as8 f48a 4f5as4f15asf45asf redline need's to get spanked (☉д⊙) 5saf4as6 45as 4d65as4 5as45da 45ad4s54asda s56d4as 45asd as das54asd6 5 f456 sad5a 4sd a5s4 das das45as 4d464 a5 4sada sda sda45s das 5sa46 das das d5as d 8sf45a6s 46548as
  20. @rocky44r: You have to make a mutator for RenX, that may be sometimes too complex, even if you want to make small changes (or I simply didn't get how to simplify it ) Download the SDK. Open the SDK folder-developement-scr-RenX_game- and there... search for promixy mines. I don't know if I haven't removed that files by mistake, becouse I can't find it.. maybe they have changed it. Btw anybody knows whats wrong, if I try to compile my mutator so compiling stopps working with an error message "built with udk has stopped working" right before 1% it's finished? It says that "Scripts successfully compiled - saving package c: ...." after this COMMANDLET 'UDK.exe make' FAILED and I can't find that compiled file in the destination folder. Just to mention: there is 0 errors that needs to be fixed.
  21. @Cudaker: wow, I didnt know that something similar to what I've came up with already exists @Nielsen Oh men, God know's I would love to play Starcraft X! I even tried to build it all by myself in UE 4
  22. Ofc I can come up with detailed background story but I dont think that it's necessity atm Scenario is simple: description of the world after hostile invasion, and description of that big and clear contrast between 2 factions that is very important for RTS.for example starcraft or c&c generals, tiberium wars. TAnd so I've came up with heavy machines, explosions, raw power vs technology and big amount of domesticated creatures.. Our task is not come up with detailed story with all political relations and behaviors, but coming up with unique, interesting and quality content.. Your detailed background description ofc wins, and so I believe in you that you can do better than inventing theories about what may happen in near future with a little addidion of new kind of fuel. I think we should solve this in PM becouse it seems like minunderstunding from one of us.
  23. There was so many suggestions regarding to mines that was even more complex than this over the years old. Developers are simply not going to change current mines not just becouse both- yours idea and current mines have it's pros and cons are equal 1:1, they are simply not willing to fix mines issue generally. You have to do it by yourself.-download SDK if you dare.
  24. I just read Battlefield scenario for WW3 and I would defenitely play it, if it was Battlefield or CoD, but I can't imagine this as RTS FPS game with similar gameplay to RenX, with lasers, energy weapons and random technology that in reality wouldnt be used. Could you? I am absolutely ok with humans vs humans, but let me just defend scenario with aliens. They would be humanoids and their technology would be similar to Nod's technology from newer c&c games. Gameplay would defenitely wouldn't change at all. I do not understand your heavy aversion to the fictional things that are far away from current reality. Not sayin that I em ENTIRELY againts your idea, but it need some changes. What's the difference between these 2 factions? each of them must be unique with no visible similarities like "these are muslims, Russians, Chinese, Americans, Africans" or did you get inspired from c&c generals? What weapons and vehicles do they use? I just want to make sure that you wrote this with RTS elements in your mind.
  25. ^ I think there needs to be some deeper reason why they are hostile to each other and what makes them so different. Now it's a little bit dry if you know what I mean. Maybe something like rebels vs totalism- rebels needs money for building their army of mercenaries and totalism needs that energy source for reinforcing their power. Let's take example from Nod vs GDI=technology vs tanks tanks tanks!, "terrorists" vs "savior of the world". or humans vs (humanoid) aliens= well, there is a pretty clear reson why it's very simple. Ones wants to suck all earth resources and others must fight back for their lives and they are using this minerals as recource for money so they can build an army. So no back story is required.
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