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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. We were talking and theorising too much about snipers already. Countless threads was created complaining about them. It takes years and there is no fix coming any soon to fix them. I see devs are worry about doing some drastical changes about sniper characters, so why don't we (players) just already try some of these ideas in practice instead of endless theorising about it? Making stats editing mutator's is very simple. Me or someone more experienced can make one and with permition of one of the server owners we could test some these ideas already. I already tested some of my ideas so I know what I am talking about and there was absolutely no problem playing as sniper even throught average TTK of other characters was a much smaller. Do you?
  2. I think I can be enought objective throught my madness to simply say that current sniper is not alright for reasons I wrote above. You just misunderstand point of topic, PIC and RAW are also "sniper characters" that we are talking about and they are not ok.
  3. ^ You shouldn't be able to 1 hit kill with that classes or if so then that class should be super speacialised, in this meaning we can now make every class what cost's 450c+ able to 1 headshot kill everybody. Get it? It would be skill rewarding so what would be problem then? Eitherway sniper is not super specialised, he is not mainly good in long range now. It's universal anti infantry unit for all ranges so there is something wrong then and it should be fixed. Only adding projectile travel time would nerf them from long range only and it doesn't make any sence to me without any other changes focused on sniper characters. I think snipers are supposed to be long range character so pls let's stick to this. What about this: Snipers-my previous suggestion about adding big spread+projectile speed PIC, RAW-no headshot multiplier so they don't necessary need to scope but won't be able to 1 shot kill full healed character. ? Yes, I know I am annoying but I hate this character since first day I started to play RenX and they make me mad every single day I play it. So that's why I am so inflame in topics about snipers. Sorry
  4. ^ sniper limit per team maybe?
  5. Becouse snipers were meant to be engis killers, and marksman's were too dangerous for snipers before patch so I guess dev's decided to nerf him...but I think he is nerfed too much now. If I could decide, I would make only 1 of made nerf's: only 175 overal hp or only adding projectile travel time. There is rly not much what can be done with snipers to make them balanced and mainly long range specialised besides: a) adding big spread while hip-fire and moving while scoping+adding projectile travel time same as marksman has. With this change they still would be able to kill in 1 hit but it won't be too easy and they will be very long range oriented. -every sniper hates this solution and arguments with that big spreads doesn't belong to this game and that it's punishing skilled snipers and blablabla b) removing headshot multiplier.
  6. Lol, true, I checked it already. That's awkward...em...I am sorry for my little mistake. Well, it would take even less work then!
  7. Adding projectile speed won't solve the main problem: they will be still OP in close-medium range, but long range nerfed? for snipers? This gives no sence to me. This is not BF where players are moving slow and even slower while shooting becouse of aiming, this is RenX where characters are fast, players are moving zig-zag and jumping side to side... Imo Instant hit's are fine. Instant kills are not, not in this game. Please, please! think about removing Headshot multipliers from sniper rifles, ramjets, ion guns. Snipers will be still deadly but won't be able to instant kill ppl with full health, and free engineers would die in 1 shot from ramjet if you increase base damage to 175. Isn't it what you/we want? 2-3 hits to kill anybody with sniper rifle 2 hits to kill anybody with ion, ramjet gun and 1 hit to kill engineers and marksmans. ^ I call this adequately rewarded skill -average TTK 3s = good for long range, worse for close range, becouse other characters can hit him easier. Player would have 3s to kill skilled sniper in close range! I hate talking about balancing OP classes that everybody complains of, becouse there is always a person who call's this "skill". Yo, you know what? Go and bury!
  8. Em... I don't think it's worh of coding. The outcome is uncertain and may even make gameplay worse. We already have tiberium vehicles=new advanced technology... Give it to us. This sounds more like pemament Tech tree for exping character... increase fire, bullet, explosion dmg by 5/10/15% or increase flak/kevlar armor by 3/6/9% etc..
  9. This thread was created before 5.14. Now It's fixed imo. Gunner got his buff, and LCG got what he needed. LCG defenitely don't need any kind of nerf. He is slow, tanky againts explosion damage, mid-hight average DPS, but he is really weak againts bullets. Patch, officer, all SNIPERS have no real problem with killing him. That's why I am always calling in GDI chat to buy a few APCs. If you catch a LCG, he can't run. And he defenitely need to be that strong as he is now becouse he is support to Nod's vehicles while GDI don't necessary need such a support. Each faction uses different tactics, same prices doesn't mean same purpose or abilities.
  10. The worst PUG I played yet. I just left annoyed in half of Xmountains playing time becouse there was real shitty leaders comunication going on in my team since the start and I couldnt stand it.
  11. I like Agent's scenario, but I think that it can be done better to include more things. 8, 9, 10) Tell the player to buy Gunner and repair tool. Silo would be captured in half-way in neutral-tell the player to capture it with repair gun. Meanwhile explain the difference between rep tool and rep gun. Stank is stolen-tell the player to use EMP to disable stank's stealth cloak and destroy stank with the flak cannon, and tell the player that they're a dumby for leaving a vehicle out in the field ...Yeee well I guess It would be too difficult for newbie.. But I think that point number 7 should be fixed instead of sayin that there is only one correct way to use mines. You know what I mean...
  12. ^ I like this scenario. But I don't think that players should be teleported anywhere. Quests may be done "smoothly" without need to travel long distances: Defending the Base->field stuffs->sieging enemy base. There could be green marks on screen leading where to go and text telling what to do + maybe highlighted character in terminal for each quest. Player should be familiar with repairing vehicles/players/buildings with text "repar control pannel for more efficient repairing", using rep tool/airstrike/ion, with "correct" mining (until there will be more noob-friendly way) and at the end he could use ion with vehicle's cover - the end. This tutorial run may take 15-20 minutes. I think map Lake Side, on GDI side is perfect for tutorial.
  13. Why do good snipers should be super rewarded with insta kill anybody if any other char canno't be rewarded like this too? OK let's analise the issue: -They have to have more ttk than 0s -They are meant to be support class In my pure infantry mutator where average ttk is 0.5-0.7s, snipers cannot kill in 1 hit becouse I remover head shot multiplier from them AND it was working fine!! I played him myself! Most effective for long-very long range. He was still useful same way as he is right now, but he couldn't kill with 1 hit. Skill was rewarding same way as any other character but he was much more specialised this way. He could hit the target and quckly switch to the pistol and finish target off with 1-2 hits so he could defend himself even in close range but he wasn't so OP anymore. Same way it could work here with original TTK. Just remove headshot multiplier from sniper rifle, ramjets, ion gun. Sniper rifle: 2 hits to kill free infantry. 3 hits to kill T2+ characters. 100 damage Ramjet, ion gun: 1-2 hits to kill anybody. 190 damage (RIP marksman and engis...thats what he was meant to be, right? engis killer) Remember-for close range, they can hit the target and quick swithch to the pistol. -so ttk is no more 0s but more like 0.5-1s in hands of good sniper. -ALSO he can still be able to 1 hit kill BUT only with help- Target needs to be tagged. This would make from him good "finish off" character. I think this would be fair.
  14. Defenders: Part of team cares about orcas, another part cares about buildings. Can't deff? It's their problem. If you don't like to be rushed, play agressive then and organise your team. If you keep enemy team under pressure, they wouldn't have time for such a effective rushes. Orca/apache rush with passangers isn't definitely so unfair like few stanks with passangers. I definitely could be able to come up with many effective op rushes but all require more or less advanced teamplay. Teamplay is OP-nerf plz. lol
  15. Some classes are slower or faster becouse that's one of many aspects of character specialisation. Now we can't rly say what is real 100% speed, becouse everybody is different. For example shotgunner: he needs to get to his target fast so thats why he is faster than many other characters. I don't rly think that certain characters are slow, they have just different specialisation. I'd like to see even more difference between Nod and GDI: Nods sniper could have more armor but less speed while GDI could be fast as SBH but he would be weak as SBH... The game is nicelly balanced imo (i would just appreciate even more different and specialised units). The only thing that brokes balance is good sniper... becouse he is not much speacialised, he is anti-infantry character OP in any range- That's what I am f*** calling for: for more specialisated units.
  16. Orcas/apaches are loud so it's almost impossible to sneak person in it while carrying passanger in stank simply isn't fair. Imagine stealth techs without possibility that their stank will be stolen. 3 stanks, 3 tech passangers=op. Where is the problem?
  17. This is not how it's working. This game is rly too much "colorful" to be balanced all this way. I like how every class is different, and even at speed. I don't rly think they slowed down the game in any way. The reason why certain chars (tanky chars, engis, techs/hotts) were slowed down is: to be ez target for snipers etc. The biggest problem of this slow characters or any character is- SNIPERS AND RAMJETS STILL CAN INSTA KILLS IN 1 HIT -plz fix No matter how slow they are, no matter how low armor do they have, no matter u add big spead, insta kill in this hight dps game will be always big problem. Even in many low ttk games sniper rifle doesnt kill in 1 hit.
  18. So you are okay with grenadier as he is right now? You think he don't deserve any care, no bigger specialisation? Becouse in infantry fights and his antitank abilities are just joke and I never took grenadier as a serious threat or any kind of effective support.
  19. [MUTATOR] PURCHASABLE TIBERIAN VEHICLES http://www.renegade-x.com/forums//viewt ... 4&start=45 But I think he removed it. I can't see where to download it anymore.
  20. There was a cool mutator which was adding tiberium vehicles by side with old ones. I don't know why it was removed. It was super fun. It would be cool if team which owns silo could buy it.
  21. Axesor


    Lag? Do you mean internet or FPS issue? http://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75074 Read 4th post, it's from BroTranquilty. +open ingame console and type fogdensity 0 It improved my FPS a lot!
  22. It's not a buff, it's just replacement for current mines usage for reasons that TheOlsenTwins mentioned. What do you mean by writing "to end a game"? Trying to solve stalemate map problem? Give us back rep tools it's healing potential then!! It was supporting teamwork in 5.1, remove headshot multiplier from snipers (ramjet/ion gun 2hit kill anybody, sniper 2 hit kill free infantry and 3 hit kill other characters)- There is only 1 good sniper needed to ruin infantry push/rush=+1 for defenders. Favour the stronger and more agressive team. It's very clear, unless you want to change the game some radical way.
  23. Anything what is not mines and is specialised exclusively on building protection is acceptable. I am sure that devs will come up with something.
  24. How do you destroy undestructible mines? Why "E" doesn't work for capturing silo? Many people still don't know that they can disarm mines with EMP. It's same principes But they will see that there is a panel with health next to it, and also if they touch the lasers, one or more will dissapear then. I think it's very intuitive.
  25. ^ thats exactly what I've meant. Thx, I am glad that someone who write english better than me share and could demonstrate my thoughts.
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