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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. I don't mind if there would be 2 human faction, but let's not just resign from aliens. They would be humanoids + few creatures (or without them), and so reskin is needed anyway. They could be also androids, vampires, trump clones or whatever you want. Near future means something like c&c timeline. And also fictional world. If you come up with 2 human factions and good story, me and everyone else will be absolutely ok with it But please.. for the love of God.. no China, Russia, muslim terrorists, USA or any things like this keep it as fictional as c&c is.
  2. "Brain sh*t storm" from Axe 2 factions: Terrans and Aliens Story: Aliens invaded the earth to extract it's resources. They realeased toxic gas that forces all mineral sources to merge into small crystals. On the most affected areas grows big *** colored crystals from the ground. This crystals are simply called Minerals, that are harvested not only by alliens by also by terrans becouse of it's high value. Terran's army is forced to use gas masks and advanced environment suits and armor to fight back becouse otherwise crystals would grow on their skins, it would cut their organs and then would come death. Aliens counts on their advanced technology, energy weapons and infinite numbers of domesticated trained agressive creatures carried from their universe (which can be played by player like 3 at once.. player plays 1 and 2 folows and actively fight with it's claws, jaws and acid). Terrans bets on their raw power, explosions, heavy machines and fire. Fights doesn't take place only among the mountains and deserts, but also in the ruins of the cities Citizens were forced to move into "vaults" to save themselfs. Timeline: Near future Pls don't eat me... You can post your own idea
  3. After that is completed, we can begin fully seperating the mod from the original, into a final standalone game What does it means? What should be done to call that the new project is not RenX mod, if we want to keep the same gameplay?
  4. Comunity is always willing to help IF devs ask for it. Thats why we are still here. All we can do now is advertising which althrough attacts many peeps, but to keep them playing is dev's part... People won't stay just becouse pewdiepie and markiplier played it.
  5. ^ Right. But this project that may take months would be too much dependent on devs, whose willingness and motivation is too unstable, so it's not worth risking for the game n.2 that I won't be able even to enjoy, becouse my PC sucks soo much that I can't even enjoy RenX since 5.14. I just wanted to help when I noticed something about reskining of RenX . I better put that time into my own project and wish you good luck, open mind and strong will, while solving RenX problems and mistakes inherited from c&c ren.
  6. I am actually ok with what redline wrote. Advisor could come handy. I just want to say 1 important thing: I personally haven't expect any heavy contribution from your (devs) side. We just want to make sure that our work won't be in vain. We want to know that you (devs) won't step back from us (community) after we have done our part of job - since we are not any proffesionals to put it all together by ourself. I can create several threads about project game 2 and "to do list" that anybody can join into to speed up the progress. 1st we need is your agreement. 2nd is our part of work.. it may take many months.. Until we have done, you don't have to do anything. If we fail, nothing will happens. And even after all of that we don't want you to invest all your time to put it all together. Just take it slowly and at ease. We don't need at first to form "active team" to start. I think RypeL just threw himself into bad mood I'm sorry that I nudged you before Let's just think about why RenX is not that popular if compare to other games. I personally really miss more dynamic gameplay (which is not given by TTK!!) and too much annoying things surrounds the player so it turns into boring frustrating routine... nobody want's to feel like consumable stuff, ant, soldier of USSR army, whose progress depends on players aiming skill and luck.. this game puts player into that role. (It's one of many things) No matter how much cool content you will add, no matter how much we will promote the game.. if you keep this nonsences and annoying things, RenX will never succeed. As much as I appreciate what you did so far, I also very sensitively perceive that negative aspects while playing throught RenX changes. Oh now I look like that kind of person aren't I?
  7. There was literaly ten's of full server back in days. Devs are not enought motivated or are not willing to change any of unfamous things of RenX that was adapted from c&c renegade, or add things. Aaaand we are back in this pointless discussions again becouse nothing revolutionary will ever happen to this game with this approach. Youtube and propagation is just short term solution. And the most active developer is Yosh atm, which is stubborn at many points and is hibernating somewhere atm. That's why I believe in project game n.2. It's a new light at the end of the tunnel. Many mistakes from c&c renegade and RenX can be fixed there just for a simple reason- that we can't simply copy all the stuffs.
  8. Let me remind you case EA vs Zynga. If you just reskin it without any slight change in mechanics, they will bring suit against the game. It would be just a graphical modification.. nothing more. And we would have to put aside tiberium world that is BIG reason why ppl play this game. I am sure that there defenitely is a lot to learn from Renegade X and c&c renegade "mistakes". "Renegade X 2" have to be slightly different from originals - not just in graphical way. Just to remind that nobody would givin up on RenX with this project. The Game 2 could also promote Renegade X in it's ingame movies when it's done.
  9. Also we can't simply reskin every single model that reminds c&c and put it all in the same suit. Game mechanic should be slightly different from RenX so it can break away from EA. Still haven't seen no kind of agreement yet, like "ok, but we would need this, this and that". No sign of willingness to do something even passive. We are still discussing about devs, about "RenX 2", but without devs, lol. We are looking for directors, some kind of authority in them, while they don't feel like it, and also we don't want to be responsible that funny ^ In response to this I'd just like to mention that this project would be non-committal for both: volunteers from comunity and developers. Dude, they also ... gave us SDK with whole RenX content... maybe we should stop rely on official RenX devs? Even if it's a little bit sad But I am not orienting in UE3 and C++... I can slowly model and animate. Anybody's in?
  10. I feel like we are forcing devs into something that WE want about devs, without devs Haven't seen no agreement yet, but also no disagreement. It also looks like givin up on RenX which is not true! Not finished yet, and I am not expecting this to be used anywhere (c-14 gauss rifle from starcraft 2). Just to show you I mean this seriously.
  11. That's what I've meant by writing that there will be one clear concept which would be discussed with established criterias that we (volunteers from comunity) will follow. There would be a person who would say "this is ok, this fits fine, no this need a little change there and there, this has too much vertexes, no this is not warhammer 40000 we don't want huge shoulders and massive breast" -this should determine official Renegade X developers. Perhaps I imagine it very easily, but I do not think that we must first gather enough people before the project begins. Let's just slowly start with something. Give us your agreement. We will show our progress continuously and maybe more volunteers will come then. The longer we wait, the longer it will take. Project don't need to 100% succeed, it may take months->years, but we want to do it becouse we like it, right?
  12. 1) No, we don't need any official signatures of valunteers or something like that. Let's just start with something.. more action and less crap around. Now it's only about making first step which should be done by developers. We need to see their official agreement that they are willing to put it all together when it's done. 2) Nobody cares about a small similarity beween 2 games unless it ouright hit the eyes. Making renegade x was basicaly "stealing" from c&c franchise, more accuratelly C&C:Renegade. 3) Moving to UE4 would mean more coding, and learning.. a lot of learning, moving things from ue3 to ue4. Why would devs have to do things all over again if half of the work is already done in UE3?
  13. Unnadog: Developers developed this game becouse they love tiberium world and they did it even throught they knew that they will never get paid for it AND the developement still continues! They do what they like and we are honored that we can play it. What I am trying to say is: it's not about us. We can only wish them more people on the servers. Now we are talking about the game number 2 which would be similar to Renegade X with slightly different game mechanics and world, and completely different models. Cudaker: Thats exactly what I was trying to say! We need one clear concept and criteria that we all would follow and list of things that should be done. I belive in myself that I can model characters, weapons and animate for a game SO for example I would take assault rifle on my head with clear sketch, finish it, and let somebody else to make a textures for it. Then continue with other thing from the list. We need just 1 clear answer to know if devs are willing to put it all together. Yes or No?
  14. ^ Do we rly need something like officital time when the developing started (since you get enought volunteers etc) or can we actually slowly get into it? You know.. just to do something and less crap around? Concept, sketches... It would be project from both -devs and comunity side. Nothing happens if it won't be succesful. The only thing we need to see is Yes or No from devs side to start. + answer if you want to keep RenX in C&C world as we all know it and by side create another game similar to RenX? Just.. you know.. it would be a bit shame and it would be a big shock for many of us if RenX get rid of c&c world. Nostalgia is a bitch men.
  15. Well, the main thing we should know is, if we go into it or if devs want to keep it the way it is. It's all what matters. It's very difficult decition.. they went into it becouse they are big fans of C&C and now they have to change the C&C world they like so much into something else..? I don't think this will ever happen
  16. Lets get straight to the point. We need concept and I am sure that many volunteers will involve. Me personally can dust off my 3d modeling and animation experiences to recreate some characters. Just tell us criteria that we should keep in mind while modeling, discuss the concept and tell us what you need so we can begin. Well, assuming that you (developers) do really want any change and want help from comunity.
  17. Damn it Bro! Can we keep it as non discussion thread? I swear I will report forum mod just for lolololol Also Q No.4 edited
  18. Cudaker: This should be done before full release imo. Either way this is off-topic already. I do not want to discuss random ideas here so it stays clear. If you want to discuss something that may appeare here, please create your own thread.
  19. Thank you both for your respond. It's ok RypeL, nobody's pressuring. Also I have not asked for RenX development but thx for explanation on how it works in your team . I just would like to know your personal thoughts, your personal vision like 1. What do you think about current state of the game and the way it's going? 2. What would you personally like to change, do better, add, edit...? 3. Same as 2 but without any barriers. Just open your fantasy and forget about all that work what it costs. It's literally only what I've asked in the first post. Don't need no explanations... so, Would you like to do RenX for a living as full-time job or would it drive you crazy?
  20. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and info. 3: I am sure everybody would be happy for high servers population, either way that's not exactly what I wanted to know. I am interested in your personal thoughts. Break any barriers and set limits aside. Are you really that happy with the current state of the game (if you set aside all that small polishing what game needs)? If you was something like dirrector, what would you change or add? Don't worry, noone will judge you or criticize for your opinion here No new maps, now new features? Oh come on I am just curious 4: I'm familiar with it already. Just asking if devs would like to do Renegade X for a living as their "full-time" job and additionally if there is any possible option how to break away from EA.
  21. God damn I wanted to create it in off-topic
  22. Hello, I'd like to ask some qestions mainly aimed to current developers of this game regarding to their future vision of this game etc but I will be happy to see answers from players too. I'd like to see your confession and personal thoughts and opinions of each developer separately. I think I am not the only who is interested to see your answers 1.What do you think about current state of this game? Do you think the development of the game goes the right way, or would you have done some things completely different? What things makes you mad and what are you proud of? 2. What's your future realistic vision of this game and your ambitions regarding to ingame and outgame things? Do you want to keep the game look like this, are you happy with it, or do you plan to extend RenX with many other features?.. I mean like... exping, upgrades.. any possible ingame progress for player or anything what you have on your mind. 3. This qestion is similar to the qestion number 2, so read it once again BUT this time break all borders and your limitations. Forget that you have to invest many hours spend on programming, learning, restrictions from EA. Imagine you don't have to do nothing for it. Tell us your dream vision of Renegade X. 4. Would you like to do RenX for a living, and is there any possible option how could you do it for a living? If so, tell us about it and share with us your personal ideas and toughts about how would YOU like to do it (pls forget about the time that it would cost) PLEASE,KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS IS NOT DISCUSSION THREAD and nobody is allowed to comment and discuss about random thoghts, ideas and statements that may appear here. Thank you very much for just reading it. I would be very happy if I/we get some answers. Thank you for your time
  23. Cool. Gonna try it our. Maybe I will return to the game again.
  24. +1 Hande Your arguments are mostly irrelevevant. I think you should play more becouse this ...is simply funny. First time I played, I remember that I was complaining about TTK too... but it's not about making BF from RenX... RenX has it's own hight TTK for reasons. I am just sad that certain characters breaks that rule. If you don't like current time to kill in this game, you should try to make your own mutator and run your own server.
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