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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. Original SMG is not enough to selfdefence. It's worse than silenced pistol, so I made these small changes for SMG, If you want, I can release mutator about Advanced engineers only so this mutated SMG could be tested in action.
  2. Left Handed DOWNLOAD: LeftHanded.u This mutator combines several ideas that I personaly liked. Timed c4's removed from most of the units (SBH, and Patch still has 1x c4) Havoc, and Sakura got 2x timed c4, and 2x remote c4. Advanced Enginners got 1x timed c4 ***The damage of some weapons againts buildings, MCT, and vehicles been slightly increased to compensate timed c4 removal*** ***Also grenades, and smoke grenades been added instead of timed c4 (Mobius, and Mendoza has Tiberium Grenades || Officer's got grenade, and smoke grenade*** Advanced Engineers got mutated SMG's instead of Heavy Pistols. Hotwire got Silenced SMG. Sniper Rifles including Ramjet Rifles now got slight spread while hip-firing. Makes them still effective in close range combat, but for medium/long range they need to use Carbine's, or scope for 100% accuracy. Carbine magazine size increased to 50 SMG magazine size increased to 40 || base damage slightly increased || headshot multiplier is 2x now. All this done to make SMG > silenced pistol, but < Heavy Pistol. Shotgun range is 3x bigger than original. Why does it need such a short range anyway? Grenade Launcher explosion radius been slightly increased, making them.. not useless agains infantry Personal Ion Cannon, and Railgun: Headshot multiplier is 1x now. I will appreciate any feedbacks about gameplay. I hope that this mutator will break routine gameplay, and will brighten up the gameplay at least for a while.
  3. What about giving them SMG instead of heavy pistol or silenced pistol? Or do you think that SMG is more powerful than heavy pistol?
  4. Since you get familiarized with the program tools and get a little practice, it's easy to model 3d stuff. I can see that you used some tools to smooth edges of the bases and for geometry on pillar. You'll be great modeller if I could do freestyle sc2 marine, snake-woman, and assault rifle, you can do it better Btw those are some sexy pillars.
  5. Radio or radio spam is kind of communication too. Radio spam often means something important with high priority. If you think that your written message has high priority, just spam too.. on your own constience, and respinsibility.. same as radio or radio spam.
  6. I think that this privilege to destroy the building should be able for commando unit only - Havoc, Sakura. Just becouse they have ramjet rifles doesnt mean that they are pure snipers. They have high armor, carbine, they are icons of Renegade. But they cant do this raw damage to a building or a tanks as mobi/doza or rave/sydney can. They deserve more than just being OP sniper characters. I think commando role suits Havoc and Sakura very well. Give em 2 timed's and 2 remotes. And take 1 timed from adv. engi. The only thing I worry about is that Havoc and Sakura will be mkre popular character to choose.. becouse everybody hates to be one shotted with this op super accurate rifle.
  7. @yosh56 but it was my childhood ;_; ! Remember when you accidently shot enemys harvester or building, and enemy ai sent all it's units on you to defend? This is what i want to archieve
  8. I'll take a look at it when my new computer arrives, but I'll be more sober-minded about replacements for c4. No free airstrikes. But also modify DMG types a lil bit to compensate this c4 take away.. increasing damage multiplier againts vehicles and building. Also be trying to make some big gamechanging things if you dont mind.. makin it more like original c&c strategy game on ps1, hehe -_• Have you even tried to realize your idea @Madkill40?
  9. ^ Hopefuly not anymore in the future. Depends on if devs didnt changed their minds. I would agree with making Havoc/Sakura commando class. Give em 2 timed c4 and 2 remotes, while making adv. engi hold max. 1 timed c4. I think it would be the simpliest solution.
  10. Axesor


    Thats why you shouldnt be allowed to play sniper! Try Super Hexagon if you are bored. Its similar to your game type. I survived for over 6m starting from lvl1. Try to beat me!
  11. Why would anyone give a fuck. There were ppl protesting againts every new elected president. Even here, in Czech Republic, some groups of ppl are protesting againts Trump.. why would anyone give a single shit about them? Nothing new. What i think about some of this protesters is, that they are bunch of loud hypocrites full of words that are not even related to Trump, not in a single way. Empty words.
  12. ^ I just quote this to remind you. We have weekly PUG video content. I think it's enough promotion for now. Expecting that bigger things are going to change, I dont think that advanced tutorial is worth of making. But whatever.. if you have enough time for that, do it ^^ After 1.0 release we can then use base clickbait tactics like "3 reasons why to play Renegade X" or "what happens if you cut RenX with 1000°C knife || gone wrong || gone sexual" just throwing some ideas. I believe that ReX is going to be big in the future.
  13. Little addition to this weapon replacement mutator example(?): If you want to edit the values of the weapon, just: open any weapon file. For example Rx_Weapon_Shotgun then edit anything you'd like to (damage, spread, range, ammo, dmg_type, or even model and sound etc.) Save this file as Rx_Weapon_Shotgun_edited (...or anyhow you want). Move this file in the same folder as main mutator is (Rx_Mutator_AllSoldiers_Shotgun). Open the main mutator (Rx_Mutator_AllSoldiers_Shotgun) and change this part of code: Rx_InventoryManager(Other).SecondaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_Shotgun' Into this: Rx_InventoryManager(Other).SecondaryWeapons[0] = class'Rx_Weapon_Shotgun_edited' If you want to play more with the damage of the weapon (edit damage done to the buildings, heavy armor, flak armor etc.), you gotta follow the similar steps as before: Find the original dmg_type of the weapon in the game folder (Rx_dmgtype_shotgun ...iam not sure if its correct) Open it, and edit any values you want Save it and rename it Move this file in the same folder as main mutator is. Find the dmg_type part of the code in the mutated weapon (..._shotgun_edited), and write the name that you gave to your mutated dmgtype in there. Enjoy your mutated weapon.
  14. Both torrent, and .msi file itself should be availabe on this webside as an official download options. Iam shocked its not an option yet, becouse many people got problems with launcher downloader. I wouldnt be affraid to say that every second potential player has a problems with the downloading, installation, and connecting to the game, and they just give up without saying something. We are lucky that we can play, very lucky.
  15. I like the idea. Combines something like "flag mode" with collecting resources, while you need to keep your harvester alive and destroy enemys one. But it's true that it would fragment the playerbase, but I defenitely would like to play it when the right time comes.. it means that there needs to play more players in general and waiting room with at least 6 players per team is absolutely must for this game mode. Maybe it would be played on PUGs first for a few rounds per game, before full release on public servers. Yet harvester is not so tanky actually, he would need to get small HP boost for this game mode specifically I guess, or he will be absolutely shread by 1 or 2 flame tanks/apaches/orcas, no matter how much hotties will be running around.
  16. The best would be if it would consume certain amount of stamina for sprint-jump only, or even for jumps in general, but it means more coding I guess...
  17. Well, if there is some kind of prevention already, then it's not working as intended, and values should be edited then. It's nothing gamebreaking or annoying tho, but also is not hard to fix. As you said, increase the consumption upon activation sprint, and also increase stamina to compensate the loss.
  18. It's a wide used exploit, where you can save your stamina while jumping and releasing a sprint button. The question is: should the stamina saving exploit be prevented somehow? I do it myself, but it still counts as an exploit and exploits should be fixed imo... I have an idea how to prevent this. I don't know how much an energy do every character has, but there is one visual thing that is common to every character and it's cut in several bars as you can see. What if everytime the sprint is thrusted, it will instantly consume certain amount of energy that is equal to 1 bar?
  19. ✧ °•:*✧ °•:* THIS SATURDAY *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ in a world of Renegade X forum One man will teach another man How STRONK the Hypocriticism really is
  20. There dont need to be a decent reason. It's just made this way, and it does not cause any unbalance. McFarland is as valuable to me as chem trooper.. I rly dont see any problem with him. Patch is just sad character that is not being played much often.. he is not OP at all. Mobi may be real pain in the ass with his alt. fire but I'd say that its on same level of pain as Havoc/Sakura is. It does not mean that its good. Doza vs Mobi is 1:1 imo. Grenadier is not even an issue.. such a poor character so I want to give him a hug.
  21. This original question was like ..rly dumb so I had a seriouse twitching to make another video about it. Why should it matter? Then it turned into balance issue. Balance ≠ same amount of characters with alt. fire in each faction. It's not like GDI needs those, but why is that a problem? Me for example disagree with 1shot kill in such a game in regarding to infantry balance. Balancing characters is really like based on frequent experimenting, so expect that there will be another unbalance in the next update, since balance updates are not frequent. You can try to balance urself with a mutator. Actually its not that difficult. If I can do it so everyone can.
  22. @IllumZar Hey thanks Thats 1st video i've ever made. I used Renegade X trailer as the biggest part of the video youtube.com/watch?v=QE6e9deyu1s
  23. I'am sorry... (wait for 0:30) I dont even know why I did that...
  24. @Norc IRC je more or less just a chat room. Ofc you can wait in it too, and it is the begining.. to see how many players are interested in playing, and Waiting room is something similar, but it will automatically join all the waiting players at "required number of players"=waiting+playing, and this required number would be for example 20 by default, but may be set up to 35 or less than 20. ...or, well, its just my idea about how it may work.
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