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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. Well, I think newcomers rather think that mines should be used in field and so they are using them like that- they are overmining and pissin whole team. So you want to show them where exactly mines should be used on. I actually like it (actually I more like bro's suggestion in 5th post) -but only becouse I already got used to how mining works here. With laser in doors nobody needs to care about overmining. There will be completely clear how building protection works. Unlike you, I think it's very simple and clear. I'd like to repeat once again that we all got used to how to use mines so it's not problem for us. But newcomers have no a idea that mines are supposed to be placed in and only doors and there is very strict unwritten rule for mines also very limited with mine limit. They see mines: oh cool, I can mine field or entrance now They see lasers in doors and scanner: oh cool we got a door protection. It's very intuitive Instead of: whole team: "OH YOU MOTHERF* U PLACED 3 MINES IN TUNNEL I WILL MURDER YOUR FACE OFF!!. and then *vote to ban from mining* or *vote to kick* and then he will just QQ quit.
  2. I remember this "blast doors". I was suggesting it by myself time back. But there was many problems what would come with this.
  3. I am a big opponent of this way of mines usage since my very begining when I started to play RenX. This is nice short-term solution but I think we should completely get rid of this idea of using mines to protect building doors becouse it doesn't feel much serious to me... This is my idea (please ignore my skills in microsoft painting software ) -mines can be damaged with weapons (direct hits only)[/u] -mines can't be place on/in the building (also not sure with this) What do you think about this? And yes, I don't like this mines usage that much. I know we all got used to it so it doesn't feel strange but dude... using indestructible mines to protect doors is strange as hell.
  4. This is a nice short-term solution to this mining problem. I know we all get used to mine doors and random entrances, but I was and I am still standing by my opinion that this is simply not serious game solution how to protect buildings from infiltration.
  5. 5-10% if you shoot directly under legs. Explosion radius is ridiculous.. It's funny to imagine situation in which would grenadier hit at least 2 targets in 1 shot.
  6. I belive you that grenadier can do nice damage to the building but this ability is hardly used in practice if there is playing more ppl on the server. Grenadier can do some damage if he hits somebody directly which is almost impossible. Explosion damage and radius is just a joke.-I am also asking for removing explosion on contact with vehc or player in secondary fire in my suggestion. He would have to use different tactics in fights. I know this is just a free infantry but he deserves some care too.
  7. Ye, I hope we don't get nerfed flame soldier now instead. +1 Henk about sound effect.
  8. This character seriously needs some kind of buff. There is nothing he is really good at. He is weak againts any infantry, he is weak againts vehicles. Explosion radius and damage is very low. The only thing he is really good at is damaging buildings. I suggest increase explosion radius 2.5x and increase base damage juuuuuust a little bit. Primary and secondary fire also could have different effects: Primary fire: explosion on contact, low explosion radius (as it is now) but good againts vehicles Secondary fire: delayed explosion, 2.5x bigger explosion radius, more damage againts infantry but very low againts vehicles (becouse it's shooting splinter grenades and it's not very good vs vehicles or something like that..) +decrease rate of fire up to 1.5s This changes would make from him very specialised unit for different opportunities. Any different thoughts?
  9. This is absolutely ridiculous. You want to add code that supports provocation/trolling in the game. I admit that this may be added for fun from server side but not as an official thing from devs. As I said.. you can't switch to overpopulated faction. Ppl are ragequitting and raging for many reasons and it's only their matter, not yours. If I join server and it's 19 vs 19 and somebody joins my team so I can switch to other team.. and it's does not matter if its 19 vs 20 or 20 vs 19 or if they are playing map for 5 or 15 minutes. You got it? lol If there was some kind of player profile which you can level up in with your score from game-yes, punish would matter here (like.. if they leave before end of round, their score won't count). *veteran system* (?) It would open so much possibilities if we could create our profile and there could be ranked or regular server also which depends on count of players on server.. (just idea while typing)
  10. Maybe you don't care for which faction you play, but I do. I am Nod player. I like Nod's strategies. So I change team from GDI to Nod whenever I can and YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO PLAY FOR FACTION THAT I DON'T WANT TO. The game rule is that you are not able to join faction that has same or +1 member amount and this should be enought for you, and it's also enought for me and I respect it -in the name of fair play. This suggestions above me brings only more problems.
  11. I am not happy with 50% of this... Mainly I would like to mention about rep tool that is nerfed too much.
  12. I am not a big fan of steam. But at least something.
  13. Henk: Right. I absolutely forgot about tiberium damage.
  14. Ryz I get it. But this all could be in one value. Its like.. you lost 250 flak armor and now you will die superfast. It could be for example 300 Hp with flak which reduces explosion dmg and thats it. It would have same effect. I see this has only psychological effect on ppl so they won't go back to base until they lost all the armor becouse they see "there is also 100 health so I don't have nothing to worry about". But when they lose all the armor, it's too late because health drops very fast. It's not important, but it gives no sence to me. Everything is working now so it's fine.
  15. Can we get an option to register our names through the webside or directly in launcher? I would feel much better if I know that nobody could use and abuse my ingame name. RenX is slowly getting it's popularity back again and I think that registration is big part of multiplayer games. Oh ye and again... one question: Why are health and armor separated values anyway? It doesn't make sence to me.
  16. Adding heavy pistol to hott/tech sounds great! But hell, Minji, you are making me nervous with your 2nd and 3rd suggestions. I like that I don't need to go back to base too frequently thx to rep tool healing ability and it's ablility to recharge, but even though are engis and techs very useful! The only problem with rep tool is mine disarming time so please let's stick to this problem.. About Nod's win rate.. give it a few weeks and u will see playing GDI correctly. Everybody is testing infantry now, but GDI's strategies are based on tanks. GDI tank pushes are very scarry tho.
  17. RypeL's solution is soo cheap... Just make repair tool able to disarm only 1 mine when it's full charged so SBH infiltration will be as same effective as it was before the patch. This patch needs a small tweaks, not restrictions.
  18. Gunner needs more armor. Like 250 or 300... LCG is just fine. Nod have to combine infantry with tanks to be effective and LCG is one of the mains dps and healing supports in field. GDI has different strategies mainly based on tanks but everybody is testing infantry now. Give it a few weeks and GDI will play correctly again Nod can win without airstrip, and GDI can win without barracks. Everything is soo perfect
  19. First bug: I am sure many players know this bug. If you use sprint while scoping so you can freely run and jump without speed reduction. Second bug: When I am reloading while scoping with sniper rifle I can't get off the scoping mode. This bugs are related to both rifles-sniper rifle and ramjet.
  20. I am taking back what I said about armor regeneration. I tested it out now and with repair tool is everything perfect! But my question is still there: why are health and armor separated values? Doesn't make sence to me. Btw patch is great!!!
  21. I like the way it's going-more RTS elements, just like even more specialised units. But still, there is a thing I don't understand: Why are health and armor separated values? Is it here for making it simple for you (devs) to calculate TTK? Or is it here for adding features maybe in near future in another patch? I apologize if I just didn't get it. I think you should consider adding one element from FPS games and it is regenerateable armor (or health) which would make the game a soo much more dynamic (if you play Robocraft you would know how this fature from new patch improved dynamic of gameplay). Second, I would appreciate if you stop rely on logic whenever it's comes handy like "recharge bateries" for energy using characters. But what about grenades? Why do all weapons do not have infinite ammo yet? Anyway, I think this update is going right way. Good job! I can't wait to try it out.
  22. Weak. I was there when ppl was stacking mammys and flamers up to 4+ vehicles. I don't know if it's still working.
  23. About building armor: HP is not repairable, AR do. I will always stand behind my view that infantry fights are very punishable and limiting. There is no infinite ammo, health/armor is not regenerateable (vehicled do have infinite ammo but infantry do not? why ). I "fixed" this in my incompleted infantry-only mutator and it's very nice feature! I also balanced snipers. Why just not try it? (not my mutator. I mean armor regen and infinite ammo feature?) Engi and sniper problems are generaly known and I didn't get why these units are not balanced yet. It's not too hard to edit. Since there is autoupdater, there is room for many small updates and experiments. I think that only 1000c chars should be able to carry 2x remotes and 1 c4. There should't be any character who can destroy building all alone since there is buiding armor feature (very nice feature ) I can write whole book about balancing all characters but I see no point in that.
  24. It would be a great map if you remove snipers from this. Also this invisible walls at forest near tiberium field doesn't make a good impression. I can't even go near wooden fence lol. It would feels much better if you replace this invisible walls with wooden fence or something else. Oh yeah and.. I don't know if it's just me, becouse I played it with my mutator, but officer's chain gun seems a bit broken in some locations of this map. Edit: Oh or just add button at that campfire with comman "kill all snipers"
  25. Update: basic pistol should work now.
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