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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. This has to be in the next Ren-X compilation video trailer.
  2. A developer of the game saying they knew already, that they 'don't really care' in a bug report topic about a patch that just unintentionally broke a really useful feature of the game despite knowing about it looks like a really sloppy developer process, which I'm calling out as bad attitude. If they didn't know about this beforehand it would have had a different tone. Your team needs to be prepared to take fair criticism when it angers or annoys people who play the game and I don't buy your disproportionate and silly use of 'toxic environment' and 'workplace abuse'.
  3. What I think of when I hear this name.
  4. The exaggerated curving was really frustrating to deal with when base locked - Under, Field and where else. I don't mind the bit of curve that remains, but I admit I don't know how to lock the turret or side curve them so never managed to do it, only the natural drop at the end they have now. I dislike how artillery shells can land near point blank and kill people around them, but the MRLS can only shoot long range accurately and flaps about when under close pressure from anything, but their rockets are so slow head to head that only some of them hit compared to the burst hit of a shell landing on its target.
  5. I like to be able to see and move around the map from above at the start of the game, especially if it's a new map or unfamiliar, got to say, your attitude absolutely stinks on this one.
  6. Lock in... my early game camera browsing at least.
  7. We could just lock purchase terminals until a designated time, it would sort of simulate having a tech-tree to upgrade similar to the strategy games which means you have more time using the basic things like the free infantry, Humvee, bike, buggy etc - lvl 1, lvl 2, lvl 3 etc. Or instead of making it time dependent, ask that a certain score be reached before the next level opens. This would mean we wouldn't immediately see things like Stanks or Mammoth tanks in the early game play.
  8. Just a thought, in the past I proposed the idea of slightly boosted handicap stats for "newbie" players on health and armour, it would use some sort of trust system so veteran players don't abuse it, and then maybe their names appear in a new colour with a (n) for new on their name or something. But it might then be possible to ensure both teams have equal new players by splitting by number and then disable it for that player after 90 days.
  9. It would be super cool if at the end of each game there was a quick compilation replay of each building kill with a camera view and something to detect if it was destroyed internally or externally so we get the right view. Int or ext is something useful that could maybe also go in brackets when it says "The Hand of Nod was destroyed (internally)".
  10. I certainly didn't enjoy the Field ob rush - so please feel free to support my thread on Alt Fire Obelisk changes versus infantry and maybe Rype L will one day return to his role. On Walls I tried in vain twice to plant a beacon on the top of the Black Hand Power Plant, worked a treat on the last one as Nod just don't expect this and it probably feels a bit weird, and of course it wouldn't place this time round (bug?), so one ended up going down on the airstrip instead, which was no where near as helpful. The Nod 'heavy' Light tank and Bradley 'pea-shooter' were not comparable and left one side without a viable tank unit. I don't mind the idea of slight differences to the infantry units between Black Hand and Nod as long as it's not seriously going to break anything. For example, give Black Hand a blue flame thrower, make it strong versus one kind of character but weaker against a different kind, give vanilla Nod a different range for theirs. Give one side slightly better infantry and the other slightly better tanks in terms of stats. Maybe the shimmer camouflage for Black Hand could be green rather than blue so they're easier to distinguish and you can tell one another apart when bumping into one another whilst stealth hidden. I thought Steppe was quite a good game despite a few people not being able to load the map for some reason and the fact it was also over quite quickly. Red Nod probably struggled again due to lack of a proper tank, although I thought I saw one crate light tank for them.
  11. No, I agree with this, I hate seeing snipers able to run, jump, run and shoot all at the same time... I'd like them either resting on the ground or forced into a fixed cover position on a rock, crate or a stable standing position.
  12. Maybe it would be possible to place an icon of a players veternacy rank above their character or near their name similar to how helmets used to be marked with rank. I'm not sure whether the game really needs a new criteria in addition to veternacy. So for example, in a fire fight between opposing groups perhaps the veteran icon or elite icon would be noticed first and people would appreciate this player is more dangerous then the others or more of a threat etc.
  13. That's some quite useful information to know, so thanks for sharing, I didn't know the ob targeting gave priority to weakened units. I have come up with some suggestions, and so have a few other people, like the idea of area damage or a sweeping strike, or my own first suggestion which was a shorter charge time for an infantry unit. You're right, I don't know who could code or programme the Oberlisk now, we never really got a detailed reason why you threw in the towel, although I know you weren't happy about something, but I'll respect your decision to take leave or walk away or whatever you had in mind. I thought being able to apply maximum damage might be more useful for a team and best value for each shot fired, although maybe not always, however when I think about how I play tactically against other tanks, I most often will try and pick off the one with the least health also so the opposition team loses the ability to maximise its own fire power in any given moment. It was playing Field-X and Field that made me think that the ob sometimes striking infantry players first was really unhelpful when there's a whole column of tanks that need taking down first. With many damaged tanks, it's often easier for mixed infantry or tanks to finish them off than for another ob strike on the same vehicle than to take a full health tank that's closed the distance and out of firing range. I don't programme, so I have no idea how to apply such logic, I don't remember or know how the old ob worked either. Another point was that infantry can stream into a Nod base with or without smoke, but Nod can't do the same to GDI easily due to the several different responsive mounted cannons and so the proposed idea was infantry get shot with a quicker charge and less power behind the shot - which is surely overkill for killing one infantry... a sweeping shot could also damage or wound multiple infantry in one shot, but I appreciate it's a lot of work for someone and challenging to create. I'm very happy you saw the thread and responded tho, didn't realise it was your job before.
  14. Mystic~


    or Daybreak.
  15. Area splash damage might be beneficial anyway, but the issue with only adding this, is there are times where the Obelisk will waste time shooting an irrelevant infantry character rather than focusing down the main tanks, and wasting an entire ob shot for next to nothing when Nod against an incoming tank rush is a really big issue. This was why I was thinking some sort of alt quick fire in addition to the main beam, maybe not an instant kill for a levelled infantry character, this would be sort of similar to the four AGT cannons.
  16. Mystic~

    Coop vs AI

    I would answer that, no, not really... the AI in this game isn't particularly advanced or well developed, whilst you can set it up to be 2 or more human players versus an AI army, it's typically not that enjoyable in my experience, it's very flat fleeting, robotic and the AI can eventually bug out. You would probably have more fun just joining in on a regular online game and learning at your own pace. The game doesn't have a tutorial mode, so most learning is done through trial and error, making mistakes and being shouted at (if online with others). If you're really determined to play a 90s-2000s era war game, then sure, maybe, but something like Mass Effect might be more enjoyable for co-op play.
  17. For CTF mode I really mean an object like the Tacitus or perhaps giant GDI and Nod flags that you must transport between each base, lock buildings so they can't be destroyed apart from base defence structures and probably remove AGT/Ob from included maps completely. Cap it 5 times to win the game.
  18. I'm not totally against a Battle Royal mode, sounds like a real sniper fest, so might get some of the usual snipers out of C&C mode and into a different server, which I'd like as I generally don't like snipers in games where you're constantly having to buy to upgrade a character. What I really would like more though is a Capture the Flag mode for the game, lots of different strategies then.
  19. Well I witnessed about 3 people in the open public chat calling for you to be vote kicked from this evenings' game on Islands. DS14, JoeRogan and someone else... I'm not sure why, but I am guessing that it must be related to sniping skills? You had around 10 more kills than Minji at that moment in time.
  20. These are my plans for the rest of the month. How are yours?
  21. I'm still wondering if this is possible? I don't like the look of the old objective interface box, too clunky and clumsy, but would still appreciate some place for writing mission orders onto the screen that you don't have to keep repeating using r/ or /c.
  22. Shooting in an arch or line would be good, even against tanks, the front one takes the most damage, but subsequent vehicles also take some damage, you can imagine how this would work on a map like Under being tank pushed by several mammoth tanks. If striking infantry groups, the one(s) hit directly turn into red ash if too closely grouped and maybe others take fire damage, so that it's no longer pin-point killing just one person with each long charge. One of the reasons I mentioned this topic is I often also see the Ob shoot a random infantry character like an engineer rather than focusing priority on heavy tank armour, and these lost shots are going to be what determine whether or not the attack can be successfully defended. I'm not so keen on the idea of jumping laser prism tank like effect for Tiberium Universes.
  23. This video explains many things I think about in Renegade commanding. As does this one.
  24. If you've gone to all that effort to organise a rush and get a good number of people, IF or WHEN you know you're spotted early in advance by an enemy solider when leaving the base, it's often futile to carry on to the original target knowing you're getting to be running into a suicide ambush, so either change target and divert so you mislead them or wait and pause a considerable length of time before resuming or immediately switch tactics and go to the field as a group and try and destroy as many tanks as you can, which are likely responsible for besieging your base anyway. I'm sure someone has said this strategy before, but I still see too many people in rushes being knowingly lead to their deaths and on the receiving end of an MRLS missile barrage, and they often aren't cheap in terms of lost credits and value.
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