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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. Demonstrating solo nuke was the best part, and the end sounds just like the lady from my local Turkish takeaway, "err, cheese burger..."
  2. Yes, chew the flesh and the heart and reclaim the bullets that were put there. The icon can be a human heart with a chain of bullets wrapped around it and half covered in armoured plate.
  3. I don't see why there needs to be 3 separate pickups for health, ammo and armour; so could you please combine these things all into one item? And pick an appropriate graphic asset to represent them. When you've just been in a one versus one fight and say you've just won, but you only have 20% health left and no armour, and you know there's a 80% chance you're going to run into someone else and this next person is going to almost instantly kill you because you can't heal is majorly frustrating. The current pickups from dead players provides a 1 in 3 chance of getting something useful that you need, but can we not be so stingy and put all three into one pickup so it boosts health, ammo and armour by say 25% - 40%. It would also be nice if we gave every infantry unit a single med-kit by default that can be used to restore 50% health to oneself, it would prevent the need for buying rep tools for personal healing and it will also reduce the number of times everybody goes running off to purchase terminals for purchasing refills.
  4. Red Sun, Tiberian Alert - I would consider playing these again... but Kane's Wrath and Red Alert 3 already did what looks like quite a good job on new graphics.
  5. I loved the originals, but I'm not sure I can be bothered to play them all again, but they do look good, maybe if I ever have a son I'd buy them for him. I'm hoping Westwood employees, whom have seemingly run out of new ideas, will also re-create Nox. But maybe we can have the next instalment of Renegade which isn't Earth Breakers as cell shading looks stupid in a game like that, or a Red Alert 2 world FPS would also be nice.
  6. I had this issue yesterday, we all did, playing the map Desolation also. Infantry were not affected, just shaking/vibrating tanks. I'm guessing it could be a map problem as I've not had it on any other large maps.
  7. Can we please then have a max limit of 3 beacons for the ped? There are already 3 light place-holders to suggest this. I think its unfair to allow that many (unlimited) base destroying end game beacons to all be allowed on the ped as there's no realistic chance of disarming them all. It's still somewhat rare that this happens, but it is much more common now on certain maps like Steppe and Gold Rush for example. I don't like beacon spam, but to say its possible to allow 2-3 beacons at every building (x4/x5) is far too much imo.
  8. Well I signed up with the Rosetta@Home so I hope it works, haven't participated in anything like this before. I think viruses exist for spiritual reasons, similar to many diseases, I believe it forces people to change something that just isn't compatible with living here.
  9. If someone could confirm there's already an upper limit in place of beacons that can trigger the global base strike that would be really beneficial to know. I'd be less concerned if there were only 3 lit up spots on the pedestal for planting beacons; but if it turns out you really can fit and mad spam 8-10 beacon on it and it only takes one of these to end the game, then my original point is still valid and it's too much to keep and next to impossible to defuse. The map in question, without any Tech's (hon already destroyed) there were no mines to lay, without any high tier infantry to purchase it's almost impossible to stop a team all with high tier infantry (Mendoza) the building was defended by a destructible guard tower (already gone) and no manual defences re-spawn like certain other maps such as Whiteout and Tomb. Some of this is down to map design and maybe it needs looking at? Some of it is also down to what the game may presently be allowing. When it was GDI versus Nod, someone can circle missiles to the area to fire-wall it but it's much more difficult for an artillery to protect this and there are vehicle blockers in the way to prevent getting close. Precisely the same thing can happen on Gold Rush and I'd be just as concerned about this many beacon's and how easy it is for an enemy rushing team to defend once they are established and inside against low tier infantry. The problem with de-teching a team when a building goes down is that you lose the mining ability... this class almost seems like it's so important that it needs to remain purchasable or allow players to purchase sets of mines with any character. p.s. Capture flag really is a separate game mode which could be, but it would be cool if weapon's were laser rifles only and there was some sort of pre-fabricated platform asset with a flag to be taken from in each base - maybe just certain maps like Walls, Tomb, Volcano etc.
  10. Can you confirm that this doesn't come with government/private spy-ware?
  11. Could the PED be moved into a new spot in the centre of the base? Although much harder to defend. I always feel the ped spot should be something like capture the flag for end game, maybe on a lower level of the barracks underground that must be defended. Or, capture the flag becomes a new game mode and all weapons become lasers of sorts.
  12. I enjoyed this pug and agree there should be more like this, but maybe not every week. I'd like to see some changes introduced that create at least some difference between Elite Black Hand and cherry Nod other than just their colours, for variety, maybe by way of a new or different infantry unit or different tank. Maybe someone could hack, steal or capture a tank even with someone inside it for example. A new laser tank rather than the LCG and so on... just ideas. I'm not sure how many nukes ended the game on Steppe with the last rush for the PED, but I've proposed in another thread there should be a max beacon limit in place to ensure there's still a chance of disarming it - considering it destroys the whole base and ends the game.
  13. Does anyone have a recording of inside our hon, planting?
  14. The map was Steppe, once the single rear guard tower is destroyed there is no active base defences covering that area and the Hand of Nod was already destroyed by a previous rush. With no techs, no more mines, with no high tier infantry no way of really stopping a full team rush with high tier infantry with a defensive bonus shield - with both a functioning refinery and a silo the money is easy to achieve. Precisely the same thing could happen on a map like Goldrush as similar splitting of large bases and potentially something like Lakeside. Anyway, the proposition is sound, maybe it needs some refining or editing... but I am against invincible or unstoppable tactics like this. 10 over kill beacons should not required to encourage team play and not required to finish a game by way of a ped beacon - but being given the chance to defuse just the one or maybe even two beacons if there were spot highlighting placeholders even whilst it is being defended by the opposing team seems more fair. Additionally being able to spam C4 all over them is also a really messy and obstructing tactic. Yes, I agree, better defence was needed and there wasn't much there initially, neither was any sort of scout or early warning, there was eventually a team wide response but not capable of stopping that much momentum, fire power and multiple beacons against all their Mendoza defenders and 8 beacon's on the ped alone? There were probably far more planted in total just listening to the audio, however after losing just one building + this rush ended the game. I'm not complaining that we lost or that they pulled of a well timed/planned ped beacon - only the manner in which they can spam the game. I think some in this community needs to better appreciate what Over Powered and Invincible options do to damage game mechanics and gameplay. I keep saying this, but a professional team of developers with user testers would learn and discover most of these stupidly retarded over powered options and implement solutions to make it balanced/fair and not be afraid to do things.
  15. Please limit simultaneously deployed beacons to maximum of 5 at any one time. Enough for 1 per building or several at one building. Please limit the PED to a maximum of 1 deployed beacon that needs to be defended. In today's Nod versus Nod Black Hand PUG the opposing team managed to plant between 8-10 beacons all on the pedestal and it was mayhem to the point of being nearly impossible to defuse them all in time. Likewise, the upper suggested limit (5) would prevent having 10 beacons all deployed from people in APCs or a nearby tunnel exit, which are all planted external to a building. These are in my opinion dirty tactics with little or no chance of surviving or disarming them in time. I'd also like something that prevents C4 from preventing a beacon from being disarmed due to blocking or obscuring the beam by placing it on top or over it, also something that prevents cluttering the pedestal area. It was a somewhat amusing ending to the game, but I'm sure we should fairly have had plenty more fight left in us with just this building gone and not been subject to a near invincible attack. If you have any other related sensible suggestions, amendments, ideas or opposing feedback please add to the discussion, thanks.
  16. Mystic~


    Yeah, don't under estimate morale in the team.
  17. Mystic~

    THE renX-FILES

    Scrin abduction
  18. Forest went from a daytime map to a night time map between the first testing and the map released with the patch.
  19. So are these models part of what Havoc89 is teasing about in the other thread? By the way, I'm not bitching about Beach Head, but it was put on a demo server for people to test it, so I thought at the time that it may reasonably have expected it to end up as playable map, I don't build maps, so I never watched your YouTube series.
  20. Ah, thanks, yes that's it, I thought it was quite good map really, but I still I don't understand why so many maps get pulled before they've been properly tried out. Training Yard was quite a nice map, renamed to something else but eventually disappeared, the one with the huge infantry only hill in the middle and I bet there's lots more I can't remember now. Some people had been producing a super sized map with models of a mig-fighter and the GDI fixed wing fighter that functionally work, but I think there's some problems to resolve before allowing it to be tested with a full server of people and I imagine it must be so resource intensive it would break on many people's machines. I wouldn't mind some of this new stuff being introduced onto some of these newer maps just like it has been done on Crash Site which I think is the working benchmark for introducing none standard vehicles. Although I can see someone producing a 'fun' version of Field with just tib vehicles, because this map won't ever die. Even if they produce a new FPS C&C game, it will have Field in it.
  21. The mobile sensor array, devil's tongue, hover MRLS all look very good - but is anyone willing to code and implement them into the game with all the necessary animations? I wanted a stealth sweep ability as a commander power, but maybe a vehicle would be better, you could set it for a periodic sweep so it's not too powerful, define a fair range of base coverage and cool down and give it appropriate health. As GDI you would have to watch your rear flank unless all your repairs get incinerated. I don't like the stealth tank of the remodelled Apache, but the banshee looks good so far, but would only accept it if GDI also got the Orca bomber or carry-all. Some of the newer maps are much larger like Outposts, Steppe, Eyes; map makers are now making larger maps with the 60 player limit. Could implement new air vehicles with a helipad, which existed in one of Ken'z maps (C&C Beachhead tutorial map) that was pulled for some reason, or put them in crates (mark vehicle crates with a different colour). You could for example make the devil's tongue warn people first by making the ground shake and rumble before exiting, so they know something is coming, albeit not precisely where, and dig duration animation would be crucial to balance, so it's not like being shot by an SBH by surprise but not so slow it's just useless. Just because it can appear somewhere, doesn't mean it has massive health or armour, even in Tib-Sun they needed to be in numbers to work effectively and there are counters to them, vulnerable to EMP and sensors. All this aside though, there's already a full Tiberian Sun game made like original Renegade. Fun to think about and I like seeing the extent to which someone has made these model assets viable for the game.
  22. Some of the TIberian Sun vehicles are built into custom maps like Desolation, Toxic and Crash Site; and they should also be added to Steppe in my opinion. More people need to vote for more of these maps and less Field and Under.
  23. Nothing to do with anything I've made, but if GDI did the Hand of Nod, it might look something like this sculpture, entrances behind the head and tail feathers. https://abandonedspaces.co/it-took-10-years-to-create-the-tallest-bird-sculpture-in-the-world-200ft/?fbclid=IwAR1eCXlq_gGHJBftVYlQILig89BawuLEmlHrW5g-ef2-bMGqo5ll95GR_CE
  24. I'm liking my Ctrl+2 now (Affirmative/thanks), much nicer than taking my hand off the mouse.
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