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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. The map feels a bit like Islands with the split vehicle path and like Tomb or Training Yard with the back entrance to the base, but nothing wrong with this as I like both these maps. I really like the map lighting, environment and how it looks, especially the blue tiberium field. I would like more freedom to be able to jump across and explore the rocks in the central tiberium mountain and maybe this becomes a harder path or a place to snipe from. I would need to get a feel for how the map plays with tank warfare as there are a lot of trees and there's not much space in the base to position tanks as it immediately overlooks the Airstrip on the Nod side. I didn't see any automated guard towers on either team, so I'm wondering how much of an advantage Nod SBH might be at infiltrating or placing hard to find tree beacons etc. I couldn't find much height on this map for snipers, although that might be a good thing, but it could be very difficult for Nod to stop a GDI mammy rush if everything has to expose itself in order to shoot back. It will be good if we get to play test it during a Sunday PUG.
  2. I've finally realised after a tank exchange the other day, that an enemy tank can basically just sit and fire from the repair pad and as long as it moves back and fourth a bit it can receive near instantaneous full repairs; this seems a really unfair defenders advantage in my opinion. One idea I had was to move the pad off to the back of the base or maybe near the side entrance or even outside the base walls. Another idea was to bring a single neutral repair pad tech building into the field that can be captured and placed on the top tank path near the destroyed vehicles. The other issue is potentially the speed at which a tank can be repaired using a pad, even in the RTS world it took several cycles before a tank would return to full health, but this is more of a general point only and not map specific. I'd honestly do similar things on Outposts and maybe even Daybreak though so they become alternative key capture points to control a map and win the game.
  3. I was asked what leadership experience I had for a job interview at a public college and I couldn't say anything other than... "A cog in the machine" maybe being on the basketball team at Junior school was valid, I've not commanded yet, but no plans or intentions of doing so for a while.
  4. Mystic~


    It would be fun to know what happens when you turn mammoth tank guns into flame throwers and the flamethrower arm prongs into cannons.
  5. I've seen someone using the name Vertiso back again recently.
  6. I'm sure the world will develop AI androids capable of serving coffee in our lifetime, so maybe you're helping them prepare for the worst. I bet Eva's voice would be delightful though, apparently they found the same voice actor for the C&C remastering.
  7. Mystic~

    Fact or fiction

    Newbies have a hard time with a new game, well aren't you an oracle of state the obvious... and last I checked in you are part of the herd. Let new players learn how to play the game, become better and then with more experience become better players. Everyone gets vp for the same things and everyone benefits according to their level. We're not supposed to be trying to make it so everyone must always be on the same level, that defeats skills and doesn't reward anyone for becoming better at the game. And because you're clearly so up your own... this feedback doesn't matter, but let others speak anyway.
  8. I literally am not prepared to spend anymore time reasoning or explaining. Please lock the thread. @Fffreak9999
  9. Yes, and Gunners... I think I argued for 'heavy' armour over LCG-flak which bullets turn into Swiss cheese and since SBH have unique armour that deviates from either flak and kevlar I don't see why something like that was not possible. I don't really like snipers in this game, but it's so frustrating to lose an expensive character so quickly and easily to a ranged attack when they basically run around the battlefield in slow motion. ...but seriously, you need to read the entire thread else you're really going to wind me up as it answers many of your concerns or questions already. I don't favour the silenced UZI, these units already self-regenerate once you reach Elite, I have no problem with re-addressing or balancing things like weapons and it was not determined what sort of level of re gen might be suitable, but I would have anticipated something slow over time and not instantaneous. I argued because it spends so much time behind enemy lines as a commando and because they get so much random fire due to persistent scanning, random base mines that this would be a small useful feature... and of course, the cool armour name is "Lazarus" which means healing/Resurrection, myself and Rowboat thought this was a cool idea to explore at the time, but many people seem to have voted without giving feedback or it seems just think SBH are already too powerful and won't entertain the idea. Things like this can be trailed and tested before becoming a permanent part of the game and if it was really so terrible it could always be dropped again. Like so many of my ideas or suggestions I already sense a really hostile and biased backlash for unknown reasons. I thought x2 applications of an offensive power was simply too much, but apparently most don't agree with this either. If something doesn't get the Yosh Seal of Approval on the forums it seems like nothing goes anywhere. Nobody seems to care how unstoppable a GDI tank column is with heavy armour once they have the economic advantage and I don't get why small improvements or suggestions to infantry can't be discussed or explored.
  10. Has Belgium contacted you yet? Their refitted APCs are all too small for them being 6 foot tall!
  11. I wouldn't want to see the SBH be replaced or for the LCG to get a Gunner style rocket launcher, as they'd be too similar, but I do like the heavy marines featured in the Expanse, either their arm guns or rocket launchers could fit well into the C&C Universe, Starship Troopers is also sort of compatible.
  12. Well I was playing Crash Site yesterday and you managed to snipe my expensive Ravshaw twice in a row from two different places using a Dead-eye, so it's not only newbs this happens to. If I'm in a good mood and I see someone doing something wrong like mining the sandbags on Walls or spot something obvious tactically they messed up on I'll quickly type in a few letters of their name and try to give them some feedback using the user ping system rather than a public chastising. I don't really like snipers in this game and wish there were really only one class of this character, although it's not unique to sniping as you can kill someone with skill using almost any character. I reckon in the past I mentioned something about having a tick box option in the settings for newbie handicap settings - maybe their default characters come with more health and armour for example, something that could maybe be facilitated by a mod. If it were a more populated game there would be average and elite servers to separate players. If you shoot someone over and over again, you may end up with watery eyes, which is meant to be emotional intelligence or internal feedback to say, it's too unkind or brutal for the situation for example. But with this said, if you don't kill them some of the time they'll not learn or understand and appreciate the possible expected standards of some players and you'll be toying with them like a cat with a mouse. I rarely snipe anymore, so I don't think I get this same level of closeness or psychological perspective when using a tank etc. I'll share some really esoteric stuff here, maybe some will get it, maybe some won't, but in higher dimensions of our reality, basically souls/consciousness are more evolved and aware, 'we' still play the same games often, a lot of stuff is judged and decided through dreams and behaviour and choices get refined to make a better gaming experience based on the concept of good and evil, which is not the same as the fictional type you see in movies. For example, I came across a fight on Canyon in the tunnels of 1 v 1, something like a solider versus a flamethrower and I ran in from behind thinking I was supporting my team mate (even if not a fair fight) and started shooting the opponent quickly turning it into a 2 v 1 - the guy who I eventually managed to kill became really pissed off and due to how psychic/mind interaction takes place I then had to endure some shity mood and depressed forehead for a while thereafter. In fact if you have a bad gaming attitude you'll soon get a bipolar style depression making things emotionally and energetically not so enjoyable. I basically took away from this that you can refine, develop and improve how you respond and play in a game. Quick tip, in lower and middle reality (like here) so many people either suffer from addiction or don't work hard enough during their working week prior to properly enjoy playing a game. Even gamers go through evolution, but this includes both the learned and the learning.
  13. Because firing whilst cloaked is too powerful, or, maybe the batteries can't power both. A stealth knife might be cooler than the silenced uzi pistol, for anyone standing at an MCT during infiltration or campy enough to stand in the same spot for too long.
  14. Silo on Canyon needs moving out of the field so it can't be used to snowball the enemy team with an economic advantage, if someone could build a metal platform or balcony in the sky near the alcoves, it would solve this so a team has to split its forces if it wants to hold it. I agree about wanting a fun GDI unit - I once spoke about turning Havoc into a proper commando like the RTS with extra C4 "I've got a present for ya" and either a powerful silenced one-shot type weapon "that was left handed" or a much better assault rifle or something like Tanya dual pistols. He has to fight his way in basically, but not such a vulnerable sniper anymore. Other ideas were stolen from Kane's Wrath - paratrooper or gliders over the enemy base. I think some new command powers could be discussed, with both a healing ability and a stealth sweep being some of them.
  15. Engineers repair tanks only and medics would replace repairing both armour and health, but only on infantry, a medic can't do anything to a tank (unless it has a weapon)... it's a maybe idea. iSupreme's idea is for different repair guns, but I think this is too confusing or convoluted, personally.
  16. I didn't say everyone was stupid, I mentioned names of people that gave what I thought was good feedback, even if it isn't exactly what I wanted to hear as well as alluding to several people who gave utterly tosh answers or arguments and one direct call out with Sythan's rant. I've accepted peoples answers saying "it's too powerful" as an answer, but it's not a good break down if they can't articulate why. Your first answer to this thread ex_member was: Short answer: No! Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! You then gave a comparison of Stealth Mammoth tanks, it's hard to take you seriously after that, so perhaps you are the one being so ridiculous.
  17. I keep forgetting this one, mentioned before, but a Healing Commander Power (Ctrl+C menu) that turns tanks and infantry emerald green in its radius and slowly repairs armour and health back to full stats over the same 15 second period - it couldn't be an instantaneous fix all as else it would be too powerful, but maybe a small boost at the start that tapers off. I'm still liking the idea of a dedicated medic class that could heal characters or maybe revive fallen (dead) characters if you reach them in a certain time before being forced to re-spawn. I wouldn't want to see more than one or two of this type in a game tho; special unit and killing one would come at a high price/loss. I'd also want to see the existing engineer guns stop working to heal infantry if this were the case; not sure about the rep tool, still needs to be able to disarm/regenerate-armour, but maybe not health. The medic existed in both Red Alert Universe and later on in Tib-Sun. I think separate combat engineers and medics would make things easier to understand and more intuitive than it is presently, standing in front of a beam 'gun' doesn't seem or feel the most intuitive way of healing a character.
  18. "And the Stealth Soldier is not big and slow and they don't get shot by everything." - you completely missed the point I was making about this being a completely dud comparison to make. I'm not getting that you understand testing, refining and developing a game to improve its experience. I'm seeing loaded and biased terms such as 'cowardly' or pre-judging based on the idea that a player will be 'passive' as it sits invisible and does nothing all game, which is down to how an individual player uses one and I'm sure there are all sorts of time wasting activities a player can do on either team with or without becoming invisible. "Shooting randomly everywhere is what people do to catch a stealth guy, what's wrong with that?" - it feels acceptable up to a point, maybe you get a gut feeling or a particular hunch, but when everybody suddenly starts shooting everywhere all of the time it becomes near impossible to get through and it breaks the stealth infiltration ability for Nod and on top of this it just looks ridiculous to be shooting your own base all the time - maybe friendly-damage should be enabled or tank ammo limited to get this point across. It's a bit like giving Nod spades and just saying dig trenches, their tanks can't get over them. "SBH damaged to red doesn't need auto healing." - Well clearly there are some situations where there's an argument for them needing this as there are no other options, I could guess that the probability is something like 90% of all SBH that get into the red won't survive to the point that they're able to be healed by another team member; without stealth they are sitting ducks. "you replied it's wasting time and not productive. " - No I didn't, I said that this ability would actually make them more likely to risk making more attacks, being more useful and be less passive out of fear of dying too easily, but we won't know unless this is tested. I did say people were mostly (and still are) making some really poor/weak arguments against and as far as debates go there's not yet been a strong reason against it other than to interpret it as "meeeehhh, it's a bit too much for an sbh this early on" or whatever other long and meaningless rambling Sytharn gave, despite it's benefits or advantages and I was prepared for someone to actually pick out a serious reason that breaks the game or character or something, but I've not seen one yet and the fact that they can heal like this later into the game anyway seems to already prove this point that there isn't one. Anyway, basically Yosh and Handepsilon are the main influential people that have commented and they're not interested in it, so yes the idea probably is dead at this point.
  19. Well I think you may be the first person intelligent enough to acknowledge this for a start, but I've basically said the same thing in almost every single post of mine from the start; it wasn't intended to be a global change when I brought this up, but from this I can discern that most people do in fact not genuinely care if Stealth Black Hands can heal or not, but do still insist on moaning about precisely this claiming it is over-powered for this class type, even if it's going to happen 40-60 minutes later into the game anyway when they hit Elite. When everybody else can also do this regardless of class, it's suddenly not over powered for an SBH class anymore to have this combination of character attributes after all, baring in mind it's still mainly used for infiltration, it's still going to be able to kill someone and heal or attempt to kill someone causing damage and heal itself. I understand everybody else would also have this ability and method to heal should they not actually die during a fight, but it doesn't change or affect the combination of stealth and passive self-healing damage at all. Yes, I was pushing to give this to the SBH either at the start of the game or maybe from the first "veteran" level so it happens sooner and as far as I can tell it really does not make that much of a massive difference to the opposition team, but testing in practice is what actually matters to see how it would influence things or change behaviours. So alas I have to try and work out why there has been so much objection from so many. What is so disastrously outrageous about letting an SBH heal early on? The subversive tactics are often solo efforts, take for example if you manage to get into the battlefield on Field from being base locked, how beneficial would it be to be able to retreat to the water and heal knowing you're not going to find an engineer, and you're not going to be able to get back to base to refill, you might have a team mate with a rep tool if you're lucky. A minor to moderate bonus for a unit that has Lazarus (healing/resurrection) in it's armour type name and because it is really weak in health/armour already and tends to get hunted down more than most other types of character because of their potential threat and that they make soft easy targets, but also because they frequently sustain damage attempting to reach behind enemy lines due to their subversive/infiltration nature I thought was a nice thing to give it anyway without having to depend on someone else having to spend an additional 200 credits. I'm not sure whether I really agree with the glass cannon analogy, it's strength is invisibility, but it's attack is weak, sure in numbers they do pose a significant threat but it's still possible to shut down these attacks down quite easily if detected whether it be nukes or internal C4. I'd probably refer to the Red Alert A-bomb trucks as a glass cannon, but I don't get how an SBH fits this description over than it's mirror ball appearance. Just because they operate like a commando doesn't meant they're meant to be one-time use suicide units. If price point, weapon/armour stats needed to be tweaked, there was nothing stopping any of this being thought about adjusted. Was there a need for this healing add-on in the first place? Does it address a problem? Yes, I think there is and it can be justified based on what they spend their time doing, usually risky things. I've seen a number of minor arguments or points for against it, but was expecting to see some sort of significant scenario or situation where it's simply too much, but I haven't' found one yet. __ Anyway, the greater take away from this discussion is perhaps, should all units have basic level healing ability from the start to recover health lost during a fight? Most modern games seem to do this now. How much more would a player be able to accomplish if players didn't need to keep running back to refill or find an advanced engineer, which could then concentrate on primarily healing tanks. The armour and health pickups seem very much down to chance if you get what you need (out of health, armour or ammo) and aren't even enough to allow a player to sustain a fight even if they manage to survive and find cover or time to 'recover'. It basically leaves you to either die, purchase another character/re-purchase the same one or hope an engineer can get to you or you can retreat under fire without being killed.
  20. I know it's possible also, but it must be one of those super-boring tasks nobody wants to do. I actually also like Islands apart from the tunnel rushing. Canyon and Tunnels can probably swap names.
  21. Bump topic. This post is still as relevant today as it was when it was made in October due to the number of evening Field play selections. What is sort of funny, but actually not, is the amount of times I'm seeing people play Field-X and then immediately voting for Field after, but for variety sake it would be good to have a solution to this to limit how often it appears or how frequently it can be played.
  22. I might have said that link was a troll to a site you have editing permissions, but Google seems to already see it. Has everybody realised by now that by Elite the sbh can heal itself like I've explained anyway? Yes, I was asking it to be introduced as standard and yes it's rather cool Lazarus name was factored into reasons why, but not exclusively... I don't follow your logic here, I'm not asking for something sensational like that comparison, in fact I've already had to debate over the chorus of several weak arguments against why this can't be a small unique enhancement to the armour for the sbh. Anyway, the mammoth tank can self-heal... probably because it is so big and slow and gets shot by everything, but it's not really meant to ambush like that? Maybe GDI are so aware of sbh now that they frequently just bombard everywhere with missiles, shells and scanning infantry weapon's and likewise get shot so much, it's not such a problem on certain larger maps - but as a defensive tactic it does feel and seems quite cheap, especially on larger player servers - I did mention the idea of a periodic use of stealth sweep radar-like ability, but again the only comments I think I heard at the time were against any changes even tho that is what the mobile array was for, so we don't get lots of players randomly shooting around their own base unless really spooked. . 'Less effectively' - as in, you hope that they manage to get into an enemy base cleanly - you can still do it on Walls if you're lucky, Islands is a hard one now, Complex is relatively easy. Being able to slowly re-heal was meant to be an aid to recovering from infiltration damage, once spotted, unless they are good at evade they almost always go down easily. Sure you can hope someone is willing to heal you with a rep tool, might give away position though and it effectively makes it a 600 credit character at this point, not 400. I think several people made some good contributing points both for and against including recommendations (like BlackHand and Tytonium) but I get frustrated when I see so many naysayers with either silly arguments or people who won't explain their reasoning. The idea it will encourage even more dossers I think isn't valid and yet so many people just copy and pasted it as such. They are still invisible, they can still camp, sit be idle, they can steal heal at elite level so how is thsi such a massive over-power balance exactly? Roweboat, you may receive some sort of 'useless' award for firstly stating you liked the idea in another thread and not mentioning it here, and you're entitled to change your mind of course, but it looks like you're flip flopping on points. I have no problem with an idea being thought and fleshed out, checks and balances made so something could pass... like what it heals or repairs, how quickly it heals or repairs, how much it can heal. It would be nice if an sbh damaged into the red could slowly repair enough under cover to be able to get its stealth shield back and then escape to safety; there must be lots of small scenario's like this it would cover. And again, the main argument 'it's OP', without anybody really stating why, and that it would just doss more - which I disagree as such people (usually new players to the game by the way) will continue to do this regardless of a change like this. Maybe all purchased characters should be able to self-heal and recover at least up to 25% health/armor after having taken damage and gone into a none combat situation, but I felt this was a neat thing to add to sbh given it's weak armor, it's infiltration and evasion role and of course it's mystical Lazarus name.
  23. Hi, I'm interested in learning more about the official process for getting new ideas looked into? If someone could please share some of this with me. For example, does something require an opinion poll, or do we have to lobby developers for their time? (y'know the 'Starbucks fund'), who do you have to seduce or sleep with? Is there a list of active developers anywhere? Do the developers have some sort of list or queue that goes into a discussion during developer talks? How often are these? What sort of criteria is used to determine initially whether something could go into a "new suggestions or ideas" area or not and if something does get this far, how do you as a group decide whether or not to take it further? Do certain people have more power or more of a say over things that go into the next patch or intended final release? Who looks at ideas posted and collates ones for further internal discussion? Is there a particular format or a certain minimum information requirements that need to go into proposing an idea? Which none developer players or users are considered the most influential? i.e. server owners or moderators or players with more/better forum reputation? Quite a lot of questions, but I think this is all useful stuff to know, a lot of ideas come and go into the forums, but it's unclear how many of them are looked at, discussed or eventually get to see the light of day or if there's a way of seeing the success rate of a posted idea eventually becoming realised into the game. Thanks
  24. Did anybody record any of these games by any chance?
  25. But what has Lazarus got to do with invisibility? It's really meant to be associated with healing and resurrection. Why isn't it called the Hades shield instead, after the Greek myth on cap of invisibility. I once used to own a cool play station game called Auto Destruct, and Lazarus the main villain, was impossible to kill and would seemingly always resurrect or find a way out of the situation. In any case, the veteran system grants healing abilities anyway and the name of the suit of the armour still fits this if it were to be introduced into the armour, even if it was intended to originally denote cloaking technology.
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