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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Mystic~

  1. I would rename Field 'Disappointment' and the other one I'd rename 'Under-whelming.'
  2. I would call it something like 'Horseshoe Ridge' or 'Horseshoe Valley'. If they ever update the map they need to put an extra infantry cave in that big mountain and give each side a basic manual base defence like Tomb or Whiteout. I think I can see where the X comes from, it's where the wooden bridge joins one tank path with the infantry path, although everybody recognises the name of the map already as X-Mountain.
  3. There are several servers for different regions, but depending what day of the week it is and during peak times it can sometimes be hard to join a populated game, but there are sometimes overflow servers where you can still get an enjoyable 20 v 20, this is what the limit used to be in the original game anyway before the limit was raised.
  4. Very minor request, can the large central box displaying the map overlay by holding the M key be made opaque and not transparent because sometimes things from the environment underneath cloud the image and it makes things a bit more difficult and distracting than it needs to be.
  5. I've liked for a long while the idea of seeing a large floating wrench above a building that needs repairs which is Q spotted. I also like the ideas put forward so far regarding the beam effects and sounds to make things more obvious, maybe there could be something to indicate there's a credit bonus for repairing.
  6. Okay thanks, I usually end up mashing a bunch of F keys trying to find the right one and end up minimising the window usually, I checked for that particular folder and don't have one, so either I haven't taken any or maybe its not bound properly or something.
  7. I ran into a stuck spot the other day, it's the large fallen wooden beam nearest to the GDI Barracks in the cave, it left me floating in mid air and unable to move, sorry did not have Steam open for screenshot.
  8. I think a defending player should be able to deploy a coloured smoke or flare once they Q spot a beacon for a second or two so the rest of the team can find it. Needs to be a visual thing you can look for instead of having to read the team feed.
  9. I think it's a basic class like the cost of McFarland or Chem that both sides need to shell the rock camp spots like Islands. Would not mind if Gunner could fire 3 rocks at a time as a burst but with much longer re-load, might have been a UT thing.
  10. I just tried to rejoin today's PUG server after getting the sound bug and it immediately put me into Observer mode with white text saying "Gameplay Tip Reference" - I can't re-join the game and I don't know how to fix this, does anyone have a solution? Restarting my computer and net connection didn't help, must I do game integrity again? I can't speak on Discord as I lost the channel through restarting.
  11. One of the community members has recently put a character guide together if this helps, there may be some other threads on this forum with game play tips, if I can find any I'll update here. This Guide may be a little out dated in a few areas as there are regular patches and updates that change the game. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ubwvHJbaDQVG5fQjIwYzE2S2s/view There's also information on the official Wiki for Renegade-X. https://wiki.renegade-x.com/wiki/Superweapon_Beacon
  12. It talks a little about Renegade-X Firestorm expansion and Earth Breakers, but I think the Firestorm expansion is going to be better and more popular and ready first.
  13. Mortas might be the perfect way to pick off repairs on tanks.
  14. So when is Dev Talk #2 due for recording?
  15. I tried to suggest something similar to this in the past, because MRLS can't shoot anything particularly close to themselves and artillery only tend to hit things it can get a direct line on at full force, which over shoots a lot of things at close to mid-range. A left click for a powerful shot and a right click for a low power shot I would have thought would have worked really well, but presently the MRLS uses the right click for no-lock dumb-fire mode.
  16. I suggested on the 'Servers' board that maybe we should setup a server with an obvious name like "Beginners Server" and then we could jump in from time to time and see if the new people have devised new tactics or strategies we've all over looked and never seen, and then from time to time maybe we could also give out some invaluable tips disguised as verbal abuse, or however it normally works.
  17. lol, thank you, I knew this movie clip was going to find a relevant place eventually.
  18. This is the best game I've seen played in this game to date, worth sharing.
  19. I think a shared money crate was actually a good idea, if everyone gets $300 credits at least everyone can then afford a rocket solider or maybe an advanced engineer. How about teleport your character to a random location on the map crate? This could open up some interesting plays potentially. I'm struggling to see how a pacifist crate adds anything to the game, even as a booby crate it just feels like crate-choice clutter that waters down the chances of getting something interesting.
  20. I think Fffreak already created a 'certain death' crate you can't escape with a much quicker timer that's more powerful than just a timed C4, I agree with you that it could be removed, but I'd go further and say remove these irritating crates entirely, nothing like losing your special character to a crate during a tight low credit game. If we keep nuke crates, I think someone should actually get to put it down with some sort of radar/GPS gun and it only damages tanks and infantry.
  21. The game seems to be getting popular again recently due to the expansion and the teaser trailers/discussions and often servers are full again during the week. I'm wondering if it's worth there being a server setup exclusively for beginners to learn the game before graduating or becoming more confident to join pro public level games. It would prevent experienced players from becoming frustrated due to too many unseeded players and silly things like mines, and could prevent new or amateur players becoming frustrated at becoming fodder for pro-snipers and maybe more spaces remain available in the main/big games for those who want the challenge.
  22. Infinite infantry heals from an engineer, hotwire or technician is a very op and broken game mechanic that breaks infantry combat and should be disallowed. I think the solution is something like to allow 100% of armour to be repaired but only up to a maximum of 50% health by a single team mate, once and then it goes onto some sort of 2-3 minute cool down. The scenario I was just in was a havoc being repaired by a hotwire from behind a rock constantly whilst trying to defend with marksmen rifles, now I suppose some will argue you needed a sniper head shot to be competitive, but that's not always realistic or feasible, yet this sniper could carry on almost until running out of bullets with infinite repairs no matter how many headshot or body shots I landed to sustain damage to this player.
  23. I think there was a tank stealth generators in the Firestorm expansion pack, so it would be a valid unit for this also, it's in the 'here' video I linked above as one of the old FMV cut scenes. It might enable some interesting cloaking strategies or tactics, particularly if the skies are full or orcas and orca-bombers or the ground is saturated by juggernaut spam.
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