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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. When people get on the server, they are automatically downloaded. Technically, they could be added to other servers, but at the moment I think we want to keep them private. I could be wrong, maybe @AlienXAXS can tell you
  2. I would agree that that type of post is stupid, but hey, I didn't start it. Check your dumb ass first.
  3. It seems as though the majority of the sounds are from the original game.
  4. New update in the works... will add better pictures soon as well.
  5. What in the world does the EU have anything to do with it? I use Steam, actually. This is about the fact that it is stupid to force Steam on everyone, when it's clearly not needed. Half of the player base uses Steam. I am sure if they wanted stats, they would use Steam. The bottom line is, you don't know how forcing Steam globally would affect the player base; I don't think now is the time for taking risks that may adversely affect the amount of players. Honestly, I don't give 2 flying fucks about the NEC server, as there's hardly any players there most of the time. Let him run his server how he wants.
  6. If it's recompiling shaders im pretty sure it would be doing the whole map over again, not just the repair pads if anything. And it's nothing in aware of that we added that would cause that. What day was it so I can see the log?
  7. I would say highly unlikely, as the repair pad isn't spawned until after the map loads, and it uses dynamic lighting.
  8. I'm pretty sure it's from original renegade. If no dev can confirm this, I will gladly post the audio files here if you'd like.
  9. 50% of players don't use it, so why make it more difficult for people to get in game? If anything, it would dissuade people from playing.
  10. We didn't change the map, that would require us to upload a new Lakeside and you to download it. Unless you downloaded a new one?
  11. It does harm people. Why force people to download another program just do you can get a rec? If they want it, they'll download steam themselves.
  12. People shouldn't have to? What's the point honestly. There's literally 0 need to make things more complicated.
  13. Is the exact message if you guys were wondering.
  14. A mod no longer, fortunately.
  15. It's offline at the moment, we are moving hosts.
  16. That's true, but extremely ineffective at best
  17. When we get to 24/7 active players, let me know
  18. Not sure why anyone would want that, though.
  19. You don't have to use Steam, unless that's some setting with Jupiter that I've never heard of. If you're on Discord, Cronambs is the owner and you can mention him or PM him through there.
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