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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. So can we agree to let this old post die?
  2. And obviously if they play for kills they wouldn't get as many points as those who play for objectives and tanking. Score has nothing to do with headshot ratios, so comparing to top of 10 players is irrelevant.
  3. @Renardin It shows headshot kill ratio on their page. jpj's is .28... less than 1/3rd
  4. NodSaibot


    Well, a lot of people who create the hacks do it to practice or show coding skill. On the other hand, people who use them do it for fun, or to see people complain in game about it. Trolls love loud people and those who complain. Another reason is to get back at people who have higher skills than them. Most of the top snipers get quite mad when their KDs are messed up, and get frustrated easily. When they complain it most likely brings satisfaction to the hacker. Basically, complaining enables them. If you have a serious concern about the legitimacy about specific players, feel free to PM @Fffreak9999, @CampinJeff or any CT staff member. (Use !staff or !modrequest if none are in game at the time.) A better way to contact us is through discord, whether the CT community server, discord.tyrant.gg, or the official RenX server, https://www.renegade-x.com/discord However, do not go on the public channels complaining and accusing specific players. Please PM a staff member.
  5. NodSaibot


    Thanks for playing
  6. Pressing ALT+Number also activates the respective viewmode that corresponds with the number.
  7. We record every game and I personally review every legitimate accusation that is reported to me. While other staff members probably receive the same complaints, I only speak for myself. This past week I have reviewed 3 recordings also. And the "aimbot detected" is based on a system that checks for headshot ratio to kills. The ratio is configurable by the admins of each server. It is possible it was set low or he was just having a good game. I wasn't there but that's just my opinion. And if they joined the room, they obviously wanted to clear up a mistake if it happened or talk to him about the auto ban. So if you want to try and catch these "aimbotters" using a super old engine that provides really bad methods for anti cheat and cheat detection, be my guest!
  8. I mean you said "If you're so good at making maps you'd know you can do f5 show volumes" Sounds a bit aggressive to me. And if I really believed what I said you wouldn't have finished that match
  9. I check score and credit counts for players on my team every game and PM check for Afkers. Not sure about other mods.
  10. Or says that because there's no blocking volume it's not considered out of map while insulting my map making on the basis of an ingame command.
  11. You're free to share your opinion. But what I think he's saying is more like, RenX is a different beast; trying to compare an apple to an orange. They're both fruits, but different still.
  12. Should have been closed after page 1.
  13. OOOoooooh, definitely gonna check this one out
  14. NodSaibot

    C&C3 units

    Do you have Skype or Discord?
  15. NodSaibot

    C&C3 units

    Holy shit those are cool. Would you mind sending those to me in PM? Save them in a package. I wanna mess around with them
  16. No, not really. They all suck
  17. HWID is terrible. Some people don't have one and a lot of people's match and change. On CT, you are kicked from 5 minutes of inactivity.
  18. NodSaibot

    C&C3 units

    Go ahead and get started then
  19. NodSaibot

    C&C3 units

    Would be interesting to make a War Factory similar to Crash Site where you could purchase these vehicles on my map, or change the vehicles to only these vehicles on my map. They'd have to be rigged, wouldn't they?
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