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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Mutators temporarily disabled due to upcoming patch.
  2. Do you know what you're doing? All jokes aside, I would love to create actual HUD elements that would contain useful information. This of course could be toggle-able, but would be on by default. A lot of other games use helpful tip features that can be disabled. I think this would overall increase player retention (as people wouldn't be as ostracized and would at least partly know what to do) and reduce in-game toxicity. I was also thinking it may serve the community to place a tutorial button on the main screen, which would open your browser to a tutorial video, but it's something I've never discussed with anyone before.
  3. Keep in mind that any issues that arise from using the 64-bit client will not be resolved, as the 64-bit client is not supported.
  4. Camping with 1 tank usually solves that problem
  5. Orrrrr it's still not considered a cheat so we do nothing.
  6. You could also argue that a bigger circle in the middle of the crosshair was deliberately not put there, to make aiming more difficult. Also, I personally do not take action without concrete proof, so there would really be no way to tell if they were or weren't using an overlay. I really wouldn't care either way either.
  7. It does not qualify as a hack/cheat, actually. And since you're basically discussing this change because of the few who are actually good at using syd/rav as anti-inf, and I personally know that a decent percentage of them use overlays, it would have little to no effect, in my opinion.
  8. It's pretty easy to overlay a reticle, so I don't know how much this would help.
  9. No other server uses that specific setting, that's why. I will change the setting tonight when people are offline.
  10. I don't see how any server setting could cause this. I'll change the team mode anyway and see if that fixes anything.
  11. Many sniper players record and post videos on YouTube. There's really not much else you can do. If someone is convinced someone's a hacker, that's never going to change. Would love to hear suggestions, though.
  12. Very nice! I'm impressed to see such great work coming from a UDK novice.
  13. Red box = brush. F4 won't show anything for it. Do you know how to add volumes?
  14. Select the water volume, hold alt to duplicate it. If the volumes aren't showing, make sure it's ticked on to show. After duplicating, just change the volume type
  15. Some feel good positive music
  16. I don't particularly have a love for either mode, but I think the game is built around marathon, concerning veterancy and all.
  17. Jupiter has an issue where it clears the players information. It also did it to me. Not sure why it happens. It just sets it to nothing.
  18. Do you know which map? Certain maps do it more often, and it's not really avoidable as far as I know.
  19. I don't see how this would work without an in-game login feature. Additionally, I don't see how this would help prevent circumvention of bans, as it would literally take 5 seconds to make another account. Nice program though! Hope to see progress on it.
  20. Read Havoc89's comment, not the actual thread.
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