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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. I would recommend completely deleting your Renegade X directory (as well as deleting from the apps/programs control panel) and doing a clean install.
  2. What's your launcher version (top left corner of launcher) and when's the last time you updated?
  3. I don't really think this is true... they just don't think the game is ready for 'release' yet. The more players you have doesn't change anything related to work load at all. I would want as many people as possible to enjoy the game as I do.
  4. In my opinion, I don't think it's really possible to pin the issue on 1 or 2 things. I think it being in beta for so long certainly hasn't helped it at all, as I know there are some people who just won't play betas. Along with this, there has been a lack of advertising as, I think, they want to get out of beta before they do anything in terms of advertising/publicizing. I think being on Steam would help a lot, but keep in mind a complete asset recreation is a big under taking. While you could probably get away with not redoing the medium tank, since it's based off a real life tank, the others would probably all need to be done, and the team lacks 3D artists. I've proposed changes such as splitting servers at 60 players, which is entirely possible and tested, but no big server seems to want to take the risk for the benefit for the community, which I completely understand. I don't know how the players would react either, some like 60 players, but a lot of them don't. So it's entirely possible that 10 of the 30 would just leave, which would probably result in everyone else going as well.
  5. You are right, they are no where near comparable
  6. I recently heard about his terminal cancer diagnoses, and I was sad to hear about it. A great guy and a great content producer. He will be missed by the Internet and Youtube/Twitch communities.
  7. Sending people to other servers via a function is certainly doable, and I've used it in commands before. I only see a few problems with this that would need to be resolved. 1. Communication between normal & queue server: I don't know how the normal server would tell the queue server know when to send someone over. (Though I suppose you could try and use some sort of webserver and have the normal server post to a json via DLLBind with info for the queue server to read via DLLBind. I have yet to see the DLLBind write to a webserver though. However, there would always be a delay between posting and reading, since there's no way for the queue server to know when the json is updated) 2. Someone could connect while someone is travelling between servers, thus disconnecting the travelling player. 3. If someone is sent while the map is changing, they will get disconnected or crash. I think it is worth one or more of the current communities time to try and put this system into a trial.
  8. I think the map just has a unique taste. I do think that if the tank accessible areas were restricted a bit, it would be a lot less stank favored. In terms of map size... you have to trade off time-to-action with recommended player count. Seeing as basically all servers use 64 max players (even though have 60+ players doesn't happen the majority of the time)... It's not an easy thing to balance. Adding chinooks changes a lot about the map, so it's not really an option, in my opinion. If GDI can hold both sides of Nod's base, the stanks really have nowhere to go. You can even just spawn kill their vehs pretty easily at that. The map kind of forces good teamplay, which is good, but a problem in of itself. If neither team wants to cooperate, you just have to wait forever until you can finally get a rush going. Or, the teams recognize it and are motivated to play together. Although, to be fair, I think I've only played this map from beginning to end about twice.
  9. Because I don't want to overwrite the whole purchase system and go through the trouble of implementing it just so I can change 1 price lol. or what freak said. And I'm pretty sure you get near 200 creds at the beginning anyway. I honestly don't care if free inf have repair tools at minute 0.
  10. Not really a bug. Just look at the ammo amount bar.
  11. !rank ingame Will eventually get a leaderboard webpage
  12. Nah. If the players vote it, they have to live with their decisions.
  13. Or not. Simply answering a question. Having redundant suggestions bogs down the topic, don't you think?
  14. Nah, you can rec people, at the end of matches, best kd, most kills and vehicle kills get recs automatically. Could add more as well, but that would require me to edit jupiter and add stuff into the game as well.
  15. Look at Outposts. Stanks are too OP on big maps, among other issues already brought up.
  16. - Less complaints ingame (about cheaters, etc) - No overminers - No one modrequesting for no reason - No teamhampering - A video tutorial series - Less people calling new players 'fucking noobs' - Nod to win every game (Praise be unto Kane)
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