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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Crashing when orcas are near the top?
  2. If there's a will, there's a hacky implementation way
  3. @kbls https://www.megapath.com/speedtestplus/ check jitter. Server FPS comes before all else. If the server's performance is not at full, then the game will look like that. The game could look laggy, but your ping is fine. This upcoming patch includes plenty of performance fixes that should at least partially relieve these issues. (The game should be limited to 40 players, it's not designed with that many or higher players in mind.)
  4. Wrong on so many levels. If anyone is actually aimbotting in this game, there is only MAYBE like 2 of them. Asking people not to complain about hackers in game is like telling a child not to cry to everyone that their leg hurts. Telling the doctor would be like telling a moderator/admin, like you're supposed to do. That specific rule is in place to reduce toxicity in-game. I have been accused of aimbot many times, and I am not even that good at the game. It's funny the first 100 times, then it just gets annoying. One person bitching leads to more, and it just degenerates into shitty name calling and people being dumb. There's a time and place, and that is in PMs with a moderator or on this forum. And if you have a problem with a specific server's rules, try talking to their staff. What kind of ping do you get? I live a continent away (over 5000 miles) and the game looks fine to me. I usually get 140-160 ping to FairPlay.
  5. It's not the same. These are just particle systems, as far as I know. The particle systems don't interact with anything in the game besides themselves.
  6. Not a me thing, sorry. I don't think yosh messes around with the launcher either.
  7. NodSaibot

    Quo Vadis

    Doesn't really matter when there's only like 10 NA players and 1 NA server only
  8. NodSaibot

    Quo Vadis

    To extend off of what I said earlier, since I was writing on the phone while riding in the car... I have already created the code necessary to send half of a server to our second server. The process of doing this is quite simple actually. However, the only thing I am concerned about is the possible reactions of the players. While I am all for player's choice, I think having two 32 player count servers being played simultaneously could potentially benefit the game more than one 64 player count server. My concerns: Players leaving the second server to join the first, or just quitting the game for the day entirely. This would result in less players playing for that specific time. Players getting mad about being forced to a different server (mostly don't care, but I don't like having people raging in chat) I am almost never online when the server is full, due to work, so I would never be able to split the servers myself. I don't want the server doing it automatically either. I would need trusted individuals to split manually. The map voted for at the end of the match (when the server would split) would not be on the second server, so half the people would not be playing the map they voted for. (this could be averted by using a server to server connection, but I haven't tested this yet) Unbalancing the servers Some people do like high player counts, so if 10 of the 32 leave, then it's a 11v11 match. Some people may leave just because of that. The only way to resolve some of these concerns is to test live I suppose.
  9. Well if no one ever replies, a seeming lack of interest from the community definitely doesn't boost the morale of a mapper ^^
  10. Did you ever reply to iri about it at all?
  11. @DarkSn4ke @limsup Someone want to test this map out? looks at limsup intensely
  12. I have created a Discord server with the sole purpose of being a platform for learning, sharing ideas and collaborating. Mappers, artists and programmers (or none of the above) are all welcome to join. Feel free to ask questions about any of the 3 topics. Hopefully, this will allow aspiring creators to be able to grow and turn their dreams and ideas into a reality for other players! This server is not sponsored or affiliated with Totem Arts/Renegade X in any official capacity. If you have any questions, feel free to jump in and @mention me, or write a response here. Join here: https://discord.gg/xErqGpN
  13. NodSaibot

    Quo Vadis

    As I have mentioned time and time again, I'm all for trying splitting servers when they reach 64, just need more help planning it and executing it.
  14. NodSaibot

    Quo Vadis

    There was definitely hate between TmX and EKT. I don't know how much of that was changed, since it's basically evolved into CT and FPI. There may not be feelings of love, but freak and I chat every once and a while and ask questions or get help with something. While I can't speak for him or any other FPI administrator, at least the "hate or toxicity" is less vocal if it does exist. I do know for a fact that there are some hard feelings between specific dev team members (not me) and specific people in FPI, (not me) but that doesn't really matter. It will pass with time. I just personally don't agree with the way CT is run, specifically with rules, enforcing those rules and bans. There is a big difference of rule interpretation between their admin team. But that's just me. Edit: I think that we do share the main goal of keeping RenX alive though, so we will see how that works out. At least we have 1 thing in common.
  15. The (mod)erators are a select few veteran players who we trust to give us their insight and opinions on the state of the game, and where they think we should go. And if you're referencing the developer team, which I am sure you are; you need to be invited by a current member and approved by the others to be added.
  16. NodSaibot

    Quo Vadis

    Going to quote the same post I did for your thread. Suggestions and opinions are one thing, but saying we should look back to Renegade and mold the game after that just simply isn't what RenegadeX wasn't meant to be.
  17. Creating a complete standalone game for just a few people would be a waste I think. Our goal is to grow and reach more players. The current state of RenX is slow and tedious, as there's not many active developers left. We do have a "roadmap" that's slowly being worked on, and we are progressing at our own pace.
  18. I think that kind of describes a bit of where it went wrong. But it's really hard to pin it to specific issues
  19. I agree that this sort of stuff is fun, but all I'm saying is is that there's not many, if any at all, that are into this sort of stuff.
  20. Happens when there's a limited resource.
  21. While it wouldn't be hard to create, I don't know if anyone would use it. I think the game is a little small, and not many are interested in clan wars now. However, if you really want it or think there's a reason for it now, I wouldn't mind finishing out the required functions for it.
  22. There actually is SOME stuff that was partially done for clan stuff. I don't think it ever got finished though. Would need more details of what you'd want to confirm if we have it done or not.
  23. The current website we use that Tom was talking about is this. It just shows the current map (slideshow of a few images of that map) being played with player count. I could easily change it to something else with a few small changes. Could even just use videos for the backgrounds of some cool moments and good rushes etc.
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