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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. Also this isn't even an official RenX thing, post it on Jupiter's GitHub, forum post, or to the server owners directly.
  2. To watch a demo-record file, first you must get the file from the server owner, or someone who could provide that demo. If you're ingame and see DemoRecSpectator on the bottom of the player list, that means a demo is currently being recorded. I know that Both CT and FPI record every match -- I can not speak for any other server. If you do not see the DemoRecSpectator on the player list, you need to open your console ("~" or F5) and type "DemoRecord", or ask an admin to start an AdminDemoRecord, as the normal DemoRecord only lasts 5 minutes. Once you have received the .DEMO file, navigate to your Renegade X installation directory. (Normally "C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X"). Go to the UDKGame folder, once in there, you need to create a folder called "Demos". Place your newly received .DEMO file in there. I would suggest naming it something easy to remember, as you have to type it in in-game. I advise that you download this handy tool for watching demos. I think it was supposed to be shipped with the game, but I am not sure. To install this tool, download the zip, and place RenX_RCam_StandAlone.u in your Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\ folder. Next, you need to go to Renegade X\UDKGame\Config\ and find UDKGame.ini. (Not DefaultUDKGame.ini! If you can not find UDKGame.ini, run your game then close it.) Use CTRL+F to search for "DecalManagerClassPath=". Replace "Engine.DecalManager" with "RenX_RCam_StandAlone.RCamDecalManager". Your line should end up looking exactly like this. Next, launch your game. Remember that demo file name? Open your console once again ("~" or F5) and type "DemoPlay DemoName". Since I have a file called Islands.demo, I would type "DemoPlay Islands". You may be met with an error like this: This would be a missing mutator or UPK package. Obviously, the game can't function without the mutators or packages the servers and clients used. Unfortunately, the demoplayer is not that smart, and won't use the files that you already have. If the demo was very recent, it is possible you have the same version of the mutators/packages it wants. (Keep in mind that you CAN NOT play a demo from a different version of the game.) Let's go to Renegade X\UDKGame\Cache\ to try and find the package the demo player wants. You may have a lot of files in there, or you may have a small amount of them. Open up Cache.ini. It should look like this: You'll need to find the latest version (or the corresponding version for that time) of the file it wants. In this specific case, it will want both FPI and CPRenXHud. We will need to copy both 8C3D42E54237033CFC2E658F314BA581.uxx and 5F1F729342DA52472AAB048993C05A79.uxx. Once you have copied them, you'll want to rename 8C3D42E54237033CFC2E658F314BA581.uxx (copied) to FPI.u and 5F1F729342DA52472AAB048993C05A79.uxx (copied) to CPRenXHud.upk. Place both of these in Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\. Restart your game, and the demo should start without any messages. The tool you downloaded also contains a .html that will give you the commands and hotkeys it uses. As always, if you found anything confusing or have any questions, feel free to comment or message me on Discord.
  3. I know, I added that feature. I changed it a bit and tested it last night and I think it's fixed.
  4. Seeing as recs don't actually do anything besides being there, I don't really know how it makes a difference.
  5. I've been looking at this, just noticed it myself a few minutes ago. It doesn't happen every time though. I have an idea why it happens, and should be easy to fix. (temp fix, just dont stand super close, lol)
  6. Crashing happens to everyone. There's some issue where it looks for *.uc to try and compile, but obviously it doesn't work. I don't know why that happens. Not really a bug, just annoying.
  7. Well it's not really about the ice, it's about the static mesh assets
  8. I have the materials, but making the shapes is the hard part. I'm not gonna waste hours on end using BSP to carve little path ways and such
  9. The pathways, archs, the side walk ways in the bases
  10. Requires too many custom assets for me to do.
  11. Does this happen every time you exit the game, or only sometimes?
  12. Look in the Binaries directory for UnrealEdCSharp.dll, right click, go to properties. Click unblock on the menu that comes up. This may solve your problem, as I've had a similar issue in the past.
  13. So if you want to start with the first things that were stated in that post... 1. It's always been a goal of the dev team, I think. Whether it's lack of interest, low priority, complication or just being too busy, it has never been done. (This does not mean we are doing it now) 2. You can't balance matches with this small of a player base. 3. I wouldn't mind doing that for FPI. 4. The CPU FPI uses is one of the top rated single threaded performing CPUs on the market, it does not get better than this without spending huge amounts of money. I play from the US, and literally every server has 140+ ping, so I would just be happy you're in Europe, and not over here or on any other continent. 5. Every game has this. I do my fair share of moderating, but it's up to each individual server owner to partake in the moderating process, and report their bans w/ evidence to other server owners. When I have clear evidence of hacking, such as this speedhack that was reported to me a few weeks ago, I report it to the correct people and ensure that they have a fair punishment. What people provide in these posts are problems, not solutions. I know that it's easy to complain, and easy to point out flaws. And I don't know if I can overstate this, but there really are not enough programmers to work through every bug. And even so, some bugs are not even fixable. We do not have access to native code (Unreal Engine itself) so we can't fix everything, but we do our best. We care about the community, we care about C&C. Some of us have been around longer than others, but it's generally the same for all of us. I would love to dedicate more time to RenX, but I have other priorities, like finding a job. I've been playing RenegadeX for a few years, and I love it. I want to provide the best gaming experience for EVERYONE. That includes poi, that includes newbies, that includes people who've been around for years, or people who are just joining. While it is easy to point fingers, in the past I think the dev team has simply done what they think is best for the game, or the vision and plan they had before hand. While I cannot speak for the dev team, and certainly not for RenegadeX itself, the game really isn't that bad, is it? God knows the game isn't perfect, as we all do, but I like to focus on positive things. However, don't take this as a deterrent to posting ideas or suggesting change, as I encourage that. If you'd like to start learning mutators, or learning UnrealScript in general, I would love to answer any questions you guys have. As you probably know, I wrote the code for the FPI mutator suite, which changes a few things about the game. We love to hear back from the players, and I make necessary changes or implement new features upon a loud enough response from the community. But being accused of having "stale taste" is very disheartening. I often stay up countless hours to work on FPI mutators, update the server or work on the official game, all for you guys. If we want to go over some more topics, we can do that. 1. Mostly on Unreal Engine, but you can't really fix everything. 2. Small playerbase = imba games. While it can be managed better, it will never be perfect or even above average. 3. Can't really fix this? 4. Same as 3 5. Get a sniper? Or delete anti-tank inf? lol 6. I can't control the community. As stated before, I do my moderation part when it goes too far. People will say what they will say. 7. Veterancy has improved this. It's really up to the players defending or attacking. 8. Not sure what that means. 9. Need specifics. 10. I am attempting to remedy this now. A big goal of FPI is to listen to the community, and make appropriate change. We do not want to be the monolithic RX gods, we want to be people you can talk to and suggest ideas to. I always welcome input from the community. Once again, this post is entirely my opinion, and shouldn't reflect any other organizations standpoint/views. While I can't say I love everyone in this community, I respect everyone's opinion, as long as they do the same for others.
  14. This happened after you clicked exit on the pause menu?
  15. Do explain. As a dev, server owner, beta tester, but most importantly, a player, I would like to know more. What could we do better? What changes do you want to see?
  16. Not sure why that happened... it showed for me correctly on the editor before I pushed it. Reimported anyway, so hopefully that fixes it.
  17. Slight bump, but just to let whoever was interested know, this patch adds this.
  18. Any logs you can provide would be appreciated. C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\Logs\ Launch.log is always the latest.
  19. It's not related to the patches themselves. We started looking into it deeper yesterday.
  20. No. That was an incorrect statement by TomUjain. We keep Alltime, yearly and monthly leaderboards. The !rank and !ladder commands use the monthly. The recs are just bugged.
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