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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. For anyone downloading, please note that you will have to compile these classes, this will not work if you do not have the SDK.
  2. Check to make sure UnrealEdCSharp.dll is not blocked. It is located in your binaries folder. To unblock, right click and open properties. The bottom should have a check mark box for unblock. Click that, apply changes and try to launch again.
  3. If he's not around, you can also decompile the files, but it won't be perfect. You can message me here if you'd like some help. (Discord is preferred though)
  4. For any inquiries, feel free to DM myself or Tom with any questions you may have. (Discord preferred) You can find me on the official RenX discord easily.
  5. There is. And what's the time that the match ended? I assume it happened at the end of the match. I can just look at the demo and search from there. I guess it's the only reservoir from yesterday. http://fairplayinc.uk/demos/
  6. Did you report this to a moderator? That is clearly just team hampering. You can't really fix that.
  7. If you're simply looking to edit already existing characters and weapons, no programming experience is required. There are tons of values you can tweak at your ease and test the changes.
  8. Open the static mesh and just export I think. If not you would have to ask havoc or someone like that
  9. Can you specify which exact DLL? I would assume its VC redist or your PC is blocking a file. Would need more information to be sure.
  10. All of the vehicles are balanced to specifically play on the average renx size map. Nothing is going to be exactly like it was in whatever game it came from. And in the end I would guess it's up to server owners to implement this, so it's nothing to worry about really. I don't plan on going AGN style.
  11. You're just playing as usual and it crashes?
  12. Looks like he was just on the front end map
  13. I don't see anything out of the ordinary. You might have to try and use a debugger or just reset your game, unless someone else see's something.
  14. I also have issues with FPS. Open a map in single player, and see if you experience the same amount of frame drops. Add in bots, let them get vehicles and it should slightly simulate actual online play. Personally, when I open single player I get none of the issues that I have in multiplayer.
  15. Because actual UnrealScript is better than kismet ;O
  16. I will give the admin password to trusted users. Besides that, anyone can start the 2 votes to allow themselves to spawn stuff. I tested it this morning and I was able to spawn stuff without being logged in as admin. I am also looking into updating the mutator, but a lot has changed so I have to do a lot of changing and removing of features.
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