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Everything posted by NodSaibot

  1. https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/76285-optimal-max-player-count/?do=findComment&comment=171192
  2. Welcome back! See you in-game soldier! If you don't mind, where did you find the game from?
  3. Proficiency or knowledge in C# https://github.com/TotemArts/Rx_Launcher
  4. https://discord.gg/cXF3Uq2 -- FPI https://discord.gg/renegadex -- RenX
  5. Nope. The original launcher had an IRC client in it. It's quite simple I think, but I don't do C#, so I am of no use to our launcher. (BTW we are looking for a launcher dev)
  6. If you can't afford to run Discord, your PC probably won't run RenX
  7. I will put forth energy to seed a second server. But it's kinda unfair for the 40 players to have their game ruined by the other 24, if you want a 64 limit. (64 players fundamentally breaks the game, not to mention the huge ping increase of 50+ for some people, and insane FPS drops).
  8. FPI will be 40 players tomorrow, let's see how it goes.
  9. There is a team cooldown for airstrikes already. The cooldown can be increased on the map if it's a problem
  10. class FPI_ServerTravelMutator extends Rx_Mutator config(FPI); var config string ServerDestination; var config bool bAutomaticallySplitServer; var config int PlayerAmountSplit; function InitThisMutator() { `log("################################"); `log("[Server Travel Mutator] Successfully inited!"); `log("################################"); } function FPIServerTravel() { local string NextMap; local Guid NextMapGuid; local PlayerController c; local int i; local int PlayerCount; PlayerCount = `WorldInfoObject.Game.NumPlayers-1; NextMap = string(WorldInfo.GetPackageName()); NextMapGuid = GetPackageGuid(name(NextMap)); if(bAutomaticallySplitServer == true) { if(PlayerCount > PlayerAmountSplit || PlayerCount == PlayerAmountSplit) { foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'PlayerController', c) { if(Rx_Controller(c) != none && i == 0) { C.ClientTravel(ServerDestination, TRAVEL_Relative, false, NextMapGuid); i++; `log("[FPI Server Travel] Sending someone to other server. Int: " $ i); } else if (Rx_Controller(c) != none && i > 0) { i--; `log("[FPI Server Travel] Not sending someone to other server. Int: " $ i); return; } } } } } FPI has had the functionality for sending people to other servers for quite some time. It would be extremely easy, with some coordination, to move any specific amount of people to wherever we need. The code is pretty rough, since it's old, but the main thing to look at is where ClientTravel is called.
  11. You would need to create or use mutators to change stuff like this. It is pretty simple to create them once you learn how to do it. A lot of this stuff is also doable via commands (give yourself VP or instant veteran promotions)
  12. Open the Apps & features page of your PC, and see which versions of VCRedist you have.
  13. 64 bit on launcher used to be a thing, but we were planning to drop support for the 64bit client, so we just removed it from the launcher.
  14. Currently there’s no way to make the launcher use 64-bit binaries. We are aware of the issues with the improper shut downs, thank you for letting us know you also have that issue. I’ve seen it a few times for myself, but it’s not consistent for me.
  15. Ouch. You could suggest changes to maps if you don’t like them
  16. Personally I use OBS, but the built in recorders for GPUs aren't terrible. (Shadowplay and whatever Radeon's version is)
  17. Well, about Paradise, I don't think it's really designed or optimized to be a regular playable map, so there's that. About Field, it's better for smaller player counts, which are more common recently actually. I was going to get around to making a mutator that allowed maps to be removed from voting rotation after the server reached a specific player count, but I never got around to it. I think it would help stop 64 players on Field.
  18. If you're talking about the T.O. >>>Custom Maps<<< server, you can find all the downloads here. Basically just put the map files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\Maps\RenX and all the env/packages for the maps in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC\RenX\Environments If it's a .u/code package it goes in C:\Program Files (x86)\Renegade X\UDKGame\CookedPC After that, launch your game. From the front screen you can type f5 "open CNC-Whatever" and it will open the map (Note that it will take a while to open, as it needs to build shaders).
  19. The only thing I can think of is try looking at the log of the launcher. Search in Windows: %appdata%. Find Renegade-X Launcher and look at the logs there.
  20. DigitalOcean's CDN is specifically designed for file storage and downloading. It will distribute it through their network. You're free to maintain your mirrors though
  21. Can you show some screenshots? What stage are you at?
  22. If you guys wanted, I could just host the download on my server and you guys could use that, lol. Would really decrease the download time. I have 1 in New York, one in Amsterdam and one in London
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