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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. Curse of RenX.
  2. either enable FPS display on STEAM overlay or open the RenX console (F5) and hit: stat FPS
  3. the team silo - which you currently use - is out of date....? aynway, I think it's possible to have a night/day version in one map. think @DoctorAnubis did this on Paradise (if I remember correctly), he might help you
  4. map loaded a lot faster when launching a server (with my crap-notebook). didnt notice major FPS drops on the map. as mentioned above: ask Ruud / kenz / Henk / other dev mappers for proper culling assistance.
  5. we kindly apologize for this. we only tested it on a small server with no more then 2-4 people we did notice though that both the .udk & the .upk files are significantly larger than the old versions. Did you add an easteregg? and might this be the reason for performance drops? please ask @Ruud033 / @Henk / @kenz3001 for culling assistance would be a shame NOT to see the new version asap
  6. yeah, was a pain for users with rather short nicknames. searching for you own nick
  7. Sn4ke

    Mesa Poll

    hard to balance something like this as you have to take exp. & skill into account. any vehicle ( esp those from the opponent fraction) crate can be "the best box item". same with any spy unit (maybe apart from the marksman, as he can solo a building, except for placing a beacon).
  8. you can configure the client "timeout" in the RenegadeX.ini (I think) you're server probably has troubles to load the next map fast enough anyway: welcome to RenX, commander @Xoiron!
  9. I strictly support this
  10. @TK0104 I think @IllumZar would appreciate that. From what I remember he doesn't care to see his name as the "map creator". But he'd like to see Sands again and.... anyone has permision to use his lovely Tiberium tree
  11. what the...? finally! hopefully 15 minutes
  12. regarding the feedback I heard about Paradise it's very unlikely. (just a remark, no comment!)
  13. Sn4ke

    Mesa Poll

    whats that? something like Petrova?
  14. currently a single blast from the railgun ~40 dmg on a building per hit... + rockets + MGs...
  15. are you serious? the Mammoth crate is already OP as fuck imagine an MK II crate the enemy team could INSTA surrender. unless the driver is a noob and dies to some collision issue. + only the most huge maps can handle the MK II. it can furthermore crash the server if spawned
  16. to counter the artillery arch shooting please keep in mind: Arties max. range / max. angle height differences on the map height of the building you'd like to protect a building is "secure" from arch-artillery if: the rock is slightly higher than the building (rock close to the building) the arty is on the same level as the building Just try not to give arty drivers any possibility to get additional height by climbing a damn rock (that should be blocked off)
  17. if a map is symmetric or not isn't "the" deciding factor that a map is in favour of Geeds or the Brotherhood. Either mappers decide to give both teams equal possibilities to attack: one long range vehicle spot (MRLS / Mammoth || Arties) per team one - two rocket soldier rush spots per team balanced sniper positions balanced crate spawn locations hidden Silo no b2b etc etc there are a lot of factors to take into account. The mapper (and the PLAYERS) decide if a map is in favour of a certain fraction by simply using the terrain to their advantage e.g. Reservoir: is a Nod map IF: Nod controlls the dam (incl all inf areas) with decent snipers Arties maxed out (12/12) with field repairs. later flamer / stankz as support units is a GDI map IF: GDI controls the dam GDI gets 5-7 mammoth tanks + supporting meds / MRLS rolling out (decent field repair) Reservoir used to be a real GDI map before @Henk decided to reduce the cash per harvy dump now it takes much longer for most geeds to get an overlord Mammoth rolling. Regards, Sn4ke PS: not sure why I chose Reservoir as example... most map are balanced if the teams are balanced (and if the team knows & follows decent tactics). if if if if
  18. Sorry for being annoying but the rock at GDI barracks won't protect it from sieging arties (arch shooting).
  19. time for the LT RoF buff @Xeon Wraith thanks that you took your time to test the map & write a feedback
  20. @Gliven thx Dr. Google, but I do not trust your search results I asked my most favorite dict... and.... got engl: Berm - german: Berme no clue what a Berme is.. never heard it anywhere in Germany. Must be some nerd language
  21. wtf is a Berm Points Rock maybe? add a special Rock with a small sign (Kane statue next to it?
  22. @lupotre here you go: anyway: Welcome back, commander @lupotre!!!
  23. @[CT]Sarah as TK mentioned above: please add more cover for i) the bases ii) the tanks / infantry open bases all have the "sieging MRLS / arty problem" once one team has lost the field. and you might add a GT to Nods base defence (remove one Turret then)
  24. Sn4ke

    Mesa Poll

    the original Mesa was awesome but... maybe a compromise? Cave open for tanking action but Harvesters still go to the long route? [maybe reposition the tiberium fields to buff harvy dump times]
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